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Letter to President Bush


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Dear President Bush:

We, the undersigned members of the United States House of Representatives call on you to specifically condemn the recent attack ads and accompanying campaign which dishonor Senator John Kerry's combat record in the Vietnam War. These false charges represent the worst kind of politics, and we agree with both Senator John McCain and Senator Kerry that a firmly established service record in the United States Military is fully above reproach. As Veterans of the armed services, we ask that you recognize this blatant attempt at character assassination, and publicly condemn it.

Our outrage over these advertisements and tactics has nothing to do with the tax code or campaign finance reform efforts of this nation. Our pain from seeing these slanderous attacks stems from something much more fundamental, that if one veteran's record is called into question, the service of all American veterans is questioned. This administration must not tacitly comply with unfounded accusations which have suddenly appeared 35 years after the fact, and serve to denigrate the service of a true American patriot. The veterans serving today should never have to expect this kind of treatment, when the wars of their generation have passed into history. We brothers and sisters in arms expect our Commander-in-Chief to stand up and reject this assault upon John Kerry's honor, the honor of American veterans and that of the United States Navy.

As you yourself have said, there is nothing complicated about supporting our troops. The leaders of this nation should make it clear that the members of our military will not only be supported when they wear the uniform, but also when they return home to the land they fought to defend. Their valor, and their wounds, both physical and psychological, make them heroes for as long as they live, a status which should not and must not change simply because they seek to enter public service. We who wore the uniform, and served in different branches of the military join together today to defend a fellow veteran from attacks we know to be false, politically-motivated slander. Such attacks have no place in our democratic process.

Mr. President, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, we believe you owe a special duty to America's combat veterans when they are under false and scurrilous attacks. We hope you will recognize this duty, and speak out against this group and their efforts to smear the reputation of a man who has served this country nobly.

Call on this group to cease and desist. We can return this campaign season to a discussion of the issues on either side, and restore faith in the political system. As Americans, we should expect nothing less.


Joe Baca, CA John Conyers Jr., MI William Delahunt, MA John Dingell, MI Lane Evans, IL Maurice Hinchey, NY Gerald Kleczka, WI Jim McDermott, WA Solomon Ortiz, TX Bill Pascrell, NJ Collin Peterson, MN Silvestre Reyes, TX Bobby Scott, VA Jose Serrano, NY John Spratt, SC Pete Stark, CA Vic Synder, AR Jim Turner, TX Mike Thompson, CA

original text of letter

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Dear President Bush:

We, the undersigned members of the United States House of Representatives call on you to specifically condemn the recent attack ads and accompanying campaign which dishonor Senator John Kerry's combat record in the Vietnam War. These false charges represent the worst kind of politics, and we agree with both Senator John McCain and Senator Kerry that a firmly established service record in the United States Military is fully above reproach. As Veterans of the armed services, we ask that you recognize this blatant attempt at character assassination, and publicly condemn it.

Our outrage over these advertisements and tactics has nothing to do with the tax code or campaign finance reform efforts of this nation. Our pain from seeing these slanderous attacks stems from something much more fundamental, that if one veteran's record is called into question, the service of all American veterans is questioned. This administration must not tacitly comply with unfounded accusations which have suddenly appeared 35 years after the fact, and serve to denigrate the service of a true American patriot. The veterans serving today should never have to expect this kind of treatment, when the wars of their generation have passed into history. We brothers and sisters in arms expect our Commander-in-Chief to stand up and reject this assault upon John Kerry's honor, the honor of American veterans and that of the United States Navy.

As you yourself have said, there is nothing complicated about supporting our troops. The leaders of this nation should make it clear that the members of our military will not only be supported when they wear the uniform, but also when they return home to the land they fought to defend. Their valor, and their wounds, both physical and psychological, make them heroes for as long as they live, a status which should not and must not change simply because they seek to enter public service. We who wore the uniform, and served in different branches of the military join together today to defend a fellow veteran from attacks we know to be false, politically-motivated slander. Such attacks have no place in our democratic process.

Mr. President, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces, we believe you owe a special duty to America's combat veterans when they are under false and scurrilous attacks. We hope you will recognize this duty, and speak out against this group and their efforts to smear the reputation of a man who has served this country nobly.

Call on this group to cease and desist. We can return this campaign season to a discussion of the issues on either side, and restore faith in the political system. As Americans, we should expect nothing less.


Joe Baca, CA John Conyers Jr., MI William Delahunt, MA John Dingell, MI Lane Evans, IL Maurice Hinchey, NY Gerald Kleczka, WI Jim McDermott, WA Solomon Ortiz, TX Bill Pascrell, NJ Collin Peterson, MN Silvestre Reyes, TX Bobby Scott, VA Jose Serrano, NY John Spratt, SC Pete Stark, CA Vic Synder, AR Jim Turner, TX Mike Thompson, CA

original text of letter

Nothing in there about the Dems apologizing and condemning the 527's and their $60 million of attacks and lies against Bush?......Not even the repulsive "Bush is Hitler" campaign?.......

How about the Michael Moore pile of bullshit, that attacks a President during a time of war and is being used as a propoganda tool in foreign countries---these Dems did not have a problem about that?......They didn't want to apologize for actually promoting the pile of bullshit, and the DNC saying every American should see it, despite its bullshit?.....hmmmmm

How about an apology for the accusation about the recent NYC terror alerts, where they accused the President of politics?.........They don't want to apologize for Howard Dean and his blowhard remarks, even though Kerry and the Dem leadership in the Senate received secure briefings, and had to issue an internal statement to the party to shut the fuck up?

How about a formal apology to the American people by the DNC, led by Hillary, who pushed the "what Bush knew" about 9/11 campaign? How about Hillary gets up on the Senate floor, holds up a newspaper with the AUgust PDB, and says "It was shameful for me and my party to create the baseless and reprehensible illusion that President Bush "knew"....

I was also wondering, do these Dems realize that in their defense of Kerry, and by asking Bush to defend someone who served, they are smearing, blasting, sliming, those that served and bled as well?

That the very people they are asking Bush to condemn are "brothers-in-arms" as well, are American Veterans, and were in the American Navy?......They are not qualified for freedom of speech because they were horrified that when they were still in Vietnam, Kerry was back at home after 4 months accusing them of war crimes and atrocities?

I wonder what kind of message that sends to our armed forces?

And of course, who can not agree with this statement of the letter: "We can return this campaign season to a discussion of the issues on either side...." although it would have been a little more powerful if it included: "...if only Sentaor Kerry did not make Vietnam the central pillar of his campaign and answer every CIC question with "three purple hearts".......

BTW--what is all the fuss about the medals anyway--didn't Kerry throw them away?......oh yeah, my mistake--that was his friends...

I was a little surprised the letter did not mention these "little" things...probably got sidetracked checking out Bush's dental records

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I really dont know how you support John Kerry. The man flip flops on every issue. He is the most liberal senator of the last 20 years and his wife is a complete disgrace.

Leaders are men of conviction. Leaders stick to the course, no matter how tough it gets. Leaders inspire nations. George W Bush is my president and I pray for 4 more years. Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say.

God Bless President Bush.

W '04

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:spin::spin: god bless george bush :funny:

Nothing in there about the Dems apologizing and condemning the 527's and their $60 million of attacks and lies against Bush?......Not even the repulsive "Bush is Hitler" campaign?.......

How about the Michael Moore pile of bullshit, that attacks a President during a time of war and is being used as a propoganda tool in foreign countries---these Dems did not have a problem about that?......They didn't want to apologize for actually promoting the pile of bullshit, and the DNC saying every American should see it, despite its bullshit?.....hmmmmm

How about an apology for the accusation about the recent NYC terror alerts, where they accused the President of politics?.........They don't want to apologize for Howard Dean and his blowhard remarks, even though Kerry and the Dem leadership in the Senate received secure briefings, and had to issue an internal statement to the party to shut the fuck up?

How about a formal apology to the American people by the DNC, led by Hillary, who pushed the "what Bush knew" about 9/11 campaign? How about Hillary gets up on the Senate floor, holds up a newspaper with the AUgust PDB, and says "It was shameful for me and my party to create the baseless and reprehensible illusion that President Bush "knew"....

I was also wondering, do these Dems realize that in their defense of Kerry, and by asking Bush to defend someone who served, they are smearing, blasting, sliming, those that served and bled as well?

That the very people they are asking Bush to condemn are "brothers-in-arms" as well, are American Veterans, and were in the American Navy?......They are not qualified for freedom of speech because they were horrified that when they were still in Vietnam, Kerry was back at home after 4 months accusing them of war crimes and atrocities?

I wonder what kind of message that sends to our armed forces?

And of course, who can not agree with this statement of the letter: "We can return this campaign season to a discussion of the issues on either side...." although it would have been a little more powerful if it included: "...if only Sentaor Kerry did not make Vietnam the central pillar of his campaign and answer every CIC question with "three purple hearts".......

BTW--what is all the fuss about the medals anyway--didn't Kerry throw them away?......oh yeah, my mistake--that was his friends...

I was a little surprised the letter did not mention these "little" things...probably got sidetracked checking out Bush's dental records

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I really dont know how you support John Kerry. The man flip flops on every issue. He is the most liberal senator of the last 20 years and his wife is a complete disgrace.

Leaders are men of conviction. Leaders stick to the course, no matter how tough it gets. Leaders inspire nations. George W Bush is my president and I pray for 4 more years. Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say.

God Bless President Bush.

W '04

You sing it newbie!

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I really dont know how you support John Kerry. The man flip flops on every issue. He is the most liberal senator of the last 20 years and his wife is a complete disgrace.

Leaders are men of conviction. Leaders stick to the course, no matter how tough it gets. Leaders inspire nations. George W Bush is my president and I pray for 4 more years. Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say.

God Bless President Bush.

W '04

Well said!!!!

Summed up in a great way !!!!!!


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...Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say.

I strongly disagree! Regardless of which candidate you support, the BEST way to approach (and ultimately, win) this war on terrorism is to consider the perspectives of your closest and most powerful allies. :D

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:clap2::clap2: Bush Bush !!!!

LOL you can't even vote. Welcome to my Country !!!!! Hope you make the best of your stay here.

I strongly disagree! Regardless of which candidate you support, the BEST way to approach (and ultimately, win) this war on terrorism is to consider the perspectives of your closest and most powerful allies. :D

Call me crazy but isn't that what we did. Are we the only ones fighting in Iraq ?????

Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine. Not included in that tally was Spain, which recentlly withdrawed its troops from Iraq. Also not included in that list is Singapore, which had pledged to dispatch 191 troops to Iraq and which were, by that date, already in country.

After Spain bucked their knees to the terrorist so did the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua and Honduras. The Kingdom of Tonga did, however, deploy 45 Royal Marines in early July to Iraq. With the withdrawal of the Philippines Troops, there are 31 countries participating in the coalition.

Did we not "consider the perspectives of our closest and most powerful allies" ??????????

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I strongly disagree! Regardless of which candidate you support, the BEST way to approach (and ultimately, win) this war on terrorism is to consider the perspectives of your closest and most powerful allies. :D
I would tend to agree.

the war on terrorism neither began nor will end with Iraq.:idea:

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was a little surprised the letter did not mention these "little" things...probably got sidetracked checking out Bush's dental records

Probably because it was made out to bush. :)

and this "Mr. President, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces"

Igloo you hace to realize there are two sets of rules. One for senators, and such and one for the president.

"Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine"

Since when are these our closest and most powerfull allies. The only thing that makes them powerful is we back them. Let me put it this way if we left would these powerfull allies be able to keep control of iraq.


What is a better idea to fight terrorism alienating ourselves from other countries who could help us, or trying to work together to fight it?

"Leaders are men of conviction. Leaders stick to the course, no matter how tough it gets. Leaders inspire nations. George W Bush is my president and I pray for 4 more years. Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say"

So its good when a person sticks to the course even when that course is wrong?

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I really dont know how you support John Kerry. The man flip flops on every issue. He is the most liberal senator of the last 20 years and his wife is a complete disgrace.

Leaders are men of conviction. Leaders stick to the course, no matter how tough it gets. Leaders inspire nations. George W Bush is my president and I pray for 4 more years. Our country cannot afford to fight sensitive wars or worry about what France/Germany/Russia or anyone else has to say.

God Bless President Bush.

W '04

my feelings to a tee!!!! :)

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was a little surprised the letter did not mention these "little" things...probably got sidetracked checking out Bush's dental records

Probably because it was made out to bush. :)

and this "Mr. President, as Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces"

Igloo you hace to realize there are two sets of rules. One for senators, and such and one for the president.

"Albania, Australia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Denmark, Dominican Rep, El Salvador, Estonia, Georgia, Honduras, Hungary, Italy, Japan, Kazakhstan, South Korea, Latvia, Lithuania, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Philippines, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Thailand, United Kingdom, and Ukraine"

Since when are these our closest and most powerfull allies. The only thing that makes them powerful is we back them. Let me put it this way if we left would these powerfull allies be able to keep control of iraq.


What is a better idea to fight terrorism alienating ourselves from other countries who could help us, or trying to work together to fight it?

Name one country or ally that was alienated from the U.S. in terms of fighting terrorism because of the war in Iraq.......name ONE.

You will not be able to because it is a myth invented by the Dems. This is an indisputable fact. DO not even go down this path because you are 100% completely wrong.

And to speak specifically to Iraq, which countries were you expecting to support the U.S.?

France and Germany (Hopefully you know better as to their reasons), Russia (do some research as to why they did not, if not I will fill you in), China (no need for even discussion on that)....Turkey (hopefully you understand the complex dynamics involved for a Turkey role in Iraq).......India (not sure of the wisdom of putting Indian troops in Iraq, plus could inflame the Kashmir problem)......Pakistan (think this one through)....and the U.N. (too busy covering their tracks on the Oil for Food program)

Did you know that Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Egypt were supporting the U.S. behind the scenes?........and please don't discount those that were part of the coalition.....that is completely unfair and plain wrong.

Even if every "ally" you seek sent troops, the overall military footprint would not have changed that much.....Fucking France can't even send more troops to Afghanistan

And lastly, relationships and roles change over time, and also based on events.....and in a post 9/11 world, things changed, and had to change....period.

P.S. Are the French really a major ally?.....The time has come and passed to get over that already.

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Yeah i was just commenting on those powerfull allies. I do not think we are the only country or movement that saudi arabia helps behind the scenes. :)

I believe russia is important to have for the simple fact tht they also have oil and a shitload or weapons and disgruntled people. this is where terrorists like to go to recruit, people who are poor and looking for someone to blame.

Now the leaders in those countries might be with the US but the people are not.

i have a question bushes plan is to spread democracy in the middle east. What about Saudi arabia? Doea he plan on making them a democracy?

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Yeah i was just commenting on those powerfull allies. I do not think we are the only country or movement that saudi arabia helps behind the scenes. :)

I believe russia is important to have for the simple fact tht they also have oil and a shitload or weapons and disgruntled people. this is where terrorists like to go to recruit, people who are poor and looking for someone to blame.

Now the leaders in those countries might be with the US but the people are not.

i have a question bushes plan is to spread democracy in the middle east. What about Saudi arabia? Doea he plan on making them a democracy?

I would like to see better relations with the Russians...but it is progressing, and will take time....

Reform is under way in Saudi Arabia, it will be long and slow and painful.....and will never move as fast as we would like, but it is starting to happen.....although most of the credit ironically goes to the Islamists....I think the House of Saud finally realized is is either reform the society that creates the elements for Islamists or be taken down........they tried to play both sides too long.....at our expense, and now theirs.....

I would like to see the U.S. more forceful with the Saudi's, not just Bush but all U.S. President's (it is a farce to just point the finger at Bush---our policies with Saudi Arabia has been the same across all President's)....a delicate situation, because you can't shock the system there.....

ANd don't leave Iran out of the mix, which in my opinion is the bigger threat but also represents the better hope for change and reform......I have a friend from Iran, who still has friends and family there, and he talks about how bad the Iranian people want the U.S. to succeed in Iraq, to put the pressure on the Iranian leadership to fall, and to give the Iranian people the confidence that the U.S. will support them....

Which also lends itself to why the Iranian leadership and intelligence services and religious establishment are working so hard to destabilize Iraq and fight a proxy war against.......must not feel too good to be surrounded by American forces in Iraq and Afghanistan (hmmmmmm, could that have been part of the U.S. plan?....it that what Bush meant when he said Iraq is just one front of many on the War on Terror)......

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