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Does anyone really have a type?


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Originally posted by safitamace319:

MSoprano i totally agree with you. i must say though, my only type as far as guys go, is that they have to have Dark hair. i dunno maybe it's cuz i'm from that whole mediterranean area, but i loveeeeeee guys with dark hair, sometimes i'll make an exception for a blonde, but like what was said before, as long as they're somehow attractive to me, that's all that matters. some people go for hte all american look, for me it doesnt matter, in fact, i like the more exotic guys, because in my experience, they're the ones with great personalities and are more "worldly". dunno, just my two sense. Like my mom used to always tell me, you should be with a guy who's an 8 and treats you like a queen, then be with a guy who's a ten, and is an asshole. nuff said.

well damnit that you live in philly wink.gif cause mike's got dark hair and he is such a sweetheart. smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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a type?? at first glance its a smile and the his eyes..ooo..his eyes say so much..as time grows my type just needs to be on my level..but basically i have NO particular type..I just know if he is worth MORE or just where we are AT..ONLY met one worth MORE..but it just didn't work cwm36.gif so now I just enjoy where I am at..single..having FUN..looking but NOT!! it will just happen...right???? cwm6.gif

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A higher percentage of women have "a type".. Men-really don't care-if your look hot-then your in...men are more versatile and broad minded (ability to get along with many different personality types) then women.. Women are quite narrow minded, has these near-to-impossible standards that they look for in men..thus.. Men lie to them..to get them...women later realize this..and cry about why all men are liars... fuck, because if you see an honest man..you call him a loser... it's a never ending pendulem... cwm35.gif


That's the most stupidest and sexist thing I've heard on thid godamn board.

Just face it Nick, you like blonds with big fake tits who aspire to be porn stars so you can have them on your show.

You are a male SLUT

ANd it goes to show you that you have poor fucking taste in women if most of them are "narrow minded". Look who you hang out with?! WTF do you expect moron!

I've never called an honest man a loser, on the contrary THOSE are the men you want. And girls who call "honest" men losers, are fucking twat head idiots.

ANd the fuck are "near to impossible" standards????? I guess you're not sweet funny or caring. I mean, c'mon, that's fucking impossible!

All men are versatile and broad minded??? Only the ones who WANT TO GET LAYED. The guys with good taste know how to CHOOSE well instead of opening themselves up to trash.

DOn't beat around the bush (no pun intended). Just say it, you like lying to girls and having tons to fuck with. It's ok. But please spare us your lame attempt at bullshiting us!



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For me, a female just has to attract me in some way......when I see or meet a girl, I know if I'm interested and it's almost always a different reason each time.....It's like animal instinct or something, I just know it, I feel it......oh, one requirement though.....she must wear thongs on a consistent basis.....dead serious cwm34.gif ......in my not-expert opinion, that really tells me a lot about a girl....always has worked well and I believe it will......just me though.



Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


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Originally posted by iliana:

Just face it Nick, you like blonds with big fake tits who aspire to be porn stars so you can have them on your show.

You are a male SLUT


Dam str8 i'm a male slutt...you dumb cunts, can pick and choose.. so can i...i pick the girls i want.. hot blondes, nice tits, nice ass and dumb as shit..... women are only good for sex.! when i'm ready to get married..i'll fine a decent woman most likely european or foreign born..american women are whining complainers...like you...got to love your jealousy



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There isn't a title that I could give to guys I am attracted to, but I'd say I do have a picture in my mind of the perfect man for me. I need someone who I can relate to on all levels. Someone who respects me for me, someone I can have fun with and laugh with, someone that I am just not attracted to physically, but emotionally and spiritually too. It sounds gay, but that's my problem.

I think I'm too caught up in finding the perfect guy and I'm not giving the others a chance.

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I agree with yous on the fact that your exes may not resemble one another physically, but if you look at the big picture, you may notice somewhat of a similarity such as personality type, dimensions/build, style, sense of humor, etc.... I can say from expreience that I know my exes may not resemble each other physically but they do as far as machoism, build, "look", slightly similar style, and uh sex drive - for damn sure...

I think that men generally follow a "type" more than women do...

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After reading through these posts...I realize there is a difference in what I find attractive and what I am attracted to. Example, this hot guy I went to college with gave me his number awhile back...All of my guys were jealous that he gave me his number and that I should call him. I think he is an extremely attractive guy, but for some reason I wasn't attracted to him at all...I like more down to earth guys and not pretty boys...If he spends more time getting ready than me then thats a problem... cwm36.gif


BTW - nickfire: not all "American" girls are whiners cwm6.gif


...I can't see you, you can't see me! as-slow.gif ...

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my exes have been the very sweet, fun-loving, adoring type. they tend to be more innocent than me, which is good because i need someone who can keep my feet on the ground, and they like me showing them new things. they've also tended to be more sensitive than me. although they're good guys, i would like to see myself with a guy who's different

physically, they're athletic and cut, not too big. for me, NO to: pretty boys, huge sweaty guys, thugs, guys with long hair

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Originally posted by deanna11:

my exes have been the very sweet, fun-loving, adoring type. they tend to be more innocent than me, which is good because i need someone who can keep my feet on the ground, and they like me showing them new things. they've also tended to be more sensitive than me. although they're good guys, i would like to see myself with a guy who's different

physically, they're athletic and cut, not too big. for me, NO to: pretty boys, huge sweaty guys, thugs, guys with long hair

I've never been with you, have I deanna???.....he he....lol



Whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger......


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