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Official Twilo (PVD) Meetup

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red.gif I'M GOING! I'M GOING!!

Everything is working out as planned! I'm driving my mom and nephew to the airport TONIGHT and tomorrow I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I will see you guys by the bar at Twirl downing some poison and then I'll see you guys at Twilo where I'll be downing some other kinda poison!! cwm32.gif

OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!! I am having such a WONDERFUL morning!! WOO! HOO!!



“No drug, not even alcohol, causes the fundamental ills of society. If we're looking for the source of our troubles, we shouldn't test people for drugs, we should test them for stupidity, ignorance, greed and love of power.” - P.J. O’Rourke angel.gif

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Goooooooood!!!!!!!! cwm12.gif

ha ha, your mom is really leaving?? that's awesome!! i'm so happy for you!!!

i too am in a better mood this morning, even though i was up a lil late . . ..

and you're drinking this weekend, i forgot . . . *that* will be interesting wink.gif



Originally posted by blueangel:

red.gif I'M GOING! I'M GOING!!

Everything is working out as planned! I'm driving my mom and nephew to the airport TONIGHT and tomorrow I am FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!! I will see you guys by the bar at Twirl downing some poison and then I'll see you guys at Twilo where I'll be downing some other kinda poison!! cwm32.gif

OH MY GAWD!!!!!!!!! I am having such a WONDERFUL morning!! WOO! HOO!!



"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."



AIM: loves2cox

i love Rob *always&forever*

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FINALLY.... PVD AND MIK-E SMILEZ HAVE COME BACK....... TO TWILO....... Mik-E SmileZ says this.....Noiseboy!!!! if you're out there, Mik-E SmileZ will layeth the smacketh down on your Roodie Poo Candy Ass. If ya Smellllllllllllllayayllllllalll what Mik-E Smilez ............ is cookin.

(eat Snacky S'mores) cwm4.gif

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ok now with the challenge out of the way. Yes to those who might know my name, yes i have finally gotten onto this messageboard. Joy! cwm27.gif

anyways feel free to say hi if you know me. Or meet me i am not really all that bad, just any day ending with the letter y. So come on down to Twilo. And have fun.

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

ok now with the challenge out of the way. Yes to those who might know my name, yes i have finally gotten onto this messageboard. Joy! cwm27.gif

anyways feel free to say hi if you know me. Or meet me i am not really all that bad, just any day ending with the letter y. So come on down to Twilo. And have fun.

Is this the Mikey I think it is or am I wrong????




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:


hmmm well maybe you are right and maybe you are wrong. i don't know. which MIkey do you think it is??????????? so many of us going around these days

EV baby

Uhhh Leopard Lounge.....???? Halloween Parade..... Another shot of BLAKHAUS my friend????




"Love is friendship set to music."

...E. Joseph Crossmann

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Originally posted by mik-e_smilez:

FINALLY.... PVD AND MIK-E SMILEZ HAVE COME BACK....... TO TWILO....... Mik-E SmileZ says this.....Noiseboy!!!! if you're out there, Mik-E SmileZ will layeth the smacketh down on your Roodie Poo Candy Ass. If ya Smellllllllllllllayayllllllalll what Mik-E Smilez ............ is cookin.

(eat Snacky S'mores) cwm4.gif

welcome to my world, biz-nitch. . .

hope you've been practising yr little light show. . . lotsa kids are gonna be itchin' fer one. . .

see ya at Twirl? or am i gonna have to get like Alabama Joe and pop you in the mouth again??

damn newbies. cwm35.gif


i wanna give you everything, i wanna give you energy. . .

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

ok, i've thought, assessed, rethought, reassessed...and i've come to the conclusion that i simply cannot miss this event. i have this damn wedding which is screwing up my weekend, but if i'm smart about it i think i can do it aaalll. rehearsal dinner first (fri. pm) then pvd, leave at a reasonable hour, go home, sleep for a few hours, get up, go to wedding, fall asleep during reading.....no probs, no worries!!! you guys think i'm up to it??? when i left carl cox to go babysit i got there at 8:00am and slept until 2:00 and was good (sort of) to go so i can do it again, right?? and i'll still mangage to go out on saturday after the wedding. oh, and i have a date on sunday...hee eheeee, what a weekend. ok, so now that i've established that this is doable, where is my partner-in-crime?? OH< DIVALICIOUS......guess where we're going on friday!!!!!



A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT! --Me

"The Suspense is TERRIBLE....i hope it'll last!" -Willy Wonka

Sleep...Ah..Those little slices of death. How i loath them. - Edgar Allan Poe


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I often run a facist regime in the middle of Twilo and then attend a wedding the next day.

I've actually done it 3 times. The key is to start hitting the bar quickly and ignore all pleas and requests to try the food.

After a "happy" hour hit the dance floor and start doing your favorite cracked-out dance. This will ensure the bride and groom will never, ever speak to you again and they may not cash your check as well. And a few old timers will love your moves and you should be able to pick up a lovely divorced man/woman. Whatever your preference may be.

After a few hours of dancing and working up an incredible sweat while dragging this 45 year old divorced woman/man around, proceed to join the band on stage (if no band insist the DJ stop playing this lovey-dovy crap and throw in some Tranceport 1, 2, or 3. If you are really prepared you have a live version of Anthony Pappa from Twilo).

Start singing with the band. At this point the bride and groom's parental units will begin to argue about who really invited you while you are belting out some Roy Orbison number with a drink in each hand and the microphone sticking out of your pants/dress.

Then leave the wedding to a standing ovation and pinch the photographer on the ass on the way out. Grab a flower for the driver and hit Cracktory.

peace - chick

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PPL I feel so bad... I am getting flu or what. But I am still comming... I can't miss it even... If I am not there, don't look for me... I am in my bed... drinking green tea and hate all world I couldn't make it frown.gif

Your little sick girl Amalka


I've told myself so many times before

But this time I think I mean it for sure

We have reached a full stop

Nothing's going to save us from the big drop.. "DM"


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Originally posted by chick:

I often run a facist regime in the middle of Twilo and then attend a wedding the next day.

I've actually done it 3 times. The key is to start hitting the bar quickly and ignore all pleas and requests to try the food.

After a "happy" hour hit the dance floor and start doing your favorite cracked-out dance. This will ensure the bride and groom will never, ever speak to you again and they may not cash your check as well. And a few old timers will love your moves and you should be able to pick up a lovely divorced man/woman. Whatever your preference may be.

After a few hours of dancing and working up an incredible sweat while dragging this 45 year old divorced woman/man around, proceed to join the band on stage (if no band insist the DJ stop playing this lovey-dovy crap and throw in some Tranceport 1, 2, or 3. If you are really prepared you have a live version of Anthony Pappa from Twilo).

Start singing with the band. At this point the bride and groom's parental units will begin to argue about who really invited you while you are belting out some Roy Orbison number with a drink in each hand and the microphone sticking out of your pants/dress.

Then leave the wedding to a standing ovation and pinch the photographer on the ass on the way out. Grab a flower for the driver and hit Cracktory.

peace - chick

Is this advice for little old me??? I especially like the "throw in some Tranceport" part and you know i'm an expert ass-pincher!!! OK< i'm doing it right tonight!!! Thanks for the motivational speech!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Advice was for you. I figured I might as well divulge my knowledge in a real niche market and I had a few minutes before some useless work meeting.

Didn't realize you were a pincher but since you are you might also consider pinching a few other people on your way out. (of the wedding and Twilo).

I think I met you the last time at Twi when you were all the way in the back corner with Big Josh and Divalicuous (sp??)

peace - chick

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Originally posted by mp3some:

That's an even better reason why u SHOULD go... That place will make anyone feel as happy as a 10-year-old in DisneyWorld!! cwm27.gif

C'mon, it's only Wednesday... u'll be feelin better in 2 days!! cwm1.gif

Now I REEEEALLY! Cant Wait ta GO!! Fer real!! cwm32.gifcwm20.gifcwm32.gif




U know Y???????

cause I got it like dat

Ya dumb crack-heeeeead!

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