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The GOP doesn't reflect America


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August 31st, 2004 11:47 am

The GOP doesn't reflect America

by Michael Moore / USA Today

NEW YORK — Welcome, Republicans. You're proud Americans who love your country. In your own way, you want to make this country a better place. Whatever our differences, you should be commended for that.

But what's all this talk about New York being enemy territory? Nothing could be further from the truth. We New Yorkers love Republicans. We have a Republican mayor and governor, a death penalty and two nuclear plants within 30 miles of the city. (Related stories: Moore index page)

New York is home to Fox News Channel. The top right-wing talk shows emanate from here — Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Bill O'Reilly among them. The Wall Street Journal is based here, which means your favorite street is here. Not to mention more Fortune 500 executives than anywhere else.

You may think you're surrounded by a bunch of latte-drinking effete liberals, but the truth is, you're right where you belong, smack in the seat of corporate America and conservative media.

Let me also say I admire your resolve. You're true believers. Even though only a third of the country defines itself as "Republican," you control the White House, Congress, Supreme Court and most state governments.

You're in charge because you never back down. Your people are up before dawn figuring out which minority group shouldn't be allowed to marry today.

Our side is full of wimps who'd rather compromise than fight. Not you guys.

Hanging out around the convention, I've encountered a number of the Republican faithful who aren't delegates. They warm up to me when they don't find horns or a tail. Talking to them, I discover they're like many people who call themselves Republicans but aren't really Republicans. At least not in the radical-right way that George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, John Ashcroft and Co. have defined Republicans.

I asked one man who told me he was a "proud Republican," "Do you think we need strong laws to protect our air and water?"

"Well, sure," he said. "Who doesn't?"

I asked whether women should have equal rights, including the same pay as men.

"Absolutely," he replied.

"Would you discriminate against someone because he or she is gay?"

"Um, no." The pause — I get that a lot when I ask this question — is usually because the average good-hearted person instantly thinks about a gay family member or friend.

I've often found that if I go down the list of "liberal" issues with people who say they're Republican, they are quite liberal and not in sync with the Republicans who run the country. Most don't want America to be the world's police officer and prefer peace to war. They applaud civil rights, believe all Americans should have health insurance and think assault weapons should be banned. Though they may personally oppose abortion, they usually don't think the government has the right to tell a women what to do with her body.

There's a name for these Republicans: RINOs or Republican In Name Only. They possess a liberal, open mind and don't believe in creating a worse life for anyone else.

So why do they use the same label as those who back a status quo of women earning 75 cents to every dollar a man earns, 45 million people without health coverage and a president who has two more countries left on his axis-of-evil-regime-change list?

I asked my friend on the street. He said what I hear from all RINOs: "I don't want the government taking my hard-earned money and taxing me to death. That's what the Democrats do."

Money. That's what it comes down to for the RINOs. They do work hard and have been squeezed even harder to make ends meet. They blame Democrats for wanting to take their money. Never mind that it's Republican tax cuts for the rich and billions spent on the Iraq war that have created the largest deficits in history and will put all of us in hock for years to come.

The Republican Party's leadership knows America is not only filled with RINOs, but most Americans are much more liberal than the delegates gathered in New York.

The Republicans know it. That's why this week we're seeing gay-loving Rudy Giuliani, gun-hating Michael Bloomberg and abortion-rights advocate Arnold Schwarzenegger.

As tough of a pill as it is to swallow, Republicans know that the only way to hold onto power is to pass themselves off as, well, as most Americans. It's a good show.

So have a good time, Republicans. It could be your last happy party for awhile if all the RINOs and liberal majority figure it out on Nov. 2.

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This from someone who posted a piece from Dick Morris today

Yeah, cause Dick Morris has ZERO experience on elections and does not have informative insight.....riiiiiight....

Get a clue retard....

Michael Moore and Dick Morris in the same sentence...


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Yeah, cause Dick Morris has ZERO experience on elections and does not have informative insight.....riiiiiight....

Get a clue retard....

Michael Moore and Dick Morris in the same sentence...


I have a clue jerk off. Dick Morris who helped clinton until he was found with hookers, is now stomping for bush

Yeah he's reliable, or maybe a flip flopper, or just in it for the money

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Moore a journalist...please. To post an article by that fat socialist pig is like me posting a piece by Jerry Falwell to illustrate a point. Not too good a choice. By the way, Moore is so far off with this article I can barely believe that USAToday printed it. How can you guys get off on this guys work? He is a joke.

Freedom is marching- George W Bush 09.02.04

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I have a clue jerk off. Dick Morris who helped clinton until he was found with hookers, is now stomping for bush

Yeah he's reliable, or maybe a flip flopper, or just in it for the money

To repeat clueless one, Dick Morris provides expert insight into the political process......Michael Moore is a blowhard.........comparing the two is idiotic...case closed.

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I hit post before I could finish my last post. On the other hand, this article is somewhat true. While I do not stand with Bush on every issue, I find the war on terror to be the issue and would not allow John Kerry and his sensitivity warriors to have any say in how we defend the US.

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there have been more successful terrorist attacks since bush came in office then any other time in our history. real bang up job

A completely misguided and ignorant statement.....

You seem to be slinging around a lot of shit today---Bush's successful and perfect speech last night has you frazzled......understood, so is Kerry and the panicking DNC :)

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To repeat clueless one, Dick Morris provides expert insight into the political process......Michael Moore is a blowhard.........comparing the two is idiotic...case closed.

your idiotic

in 96 the GOP was afraid of Dick Morris, now they welcome him with open arms.

flip flop

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Its funny though - many of the republicans I know who supported bush whole-heartedly in the beginning are completely dis-illusioned now. And I'm talking about people in the political process - one of them is a really good friend of mine works at the Heritage foundation. For those who don't know, the Heritage foundation is probably one of THE most conservative think tanks in the US.

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your idiotic

in 96 the GOP was afraid of Dick Morris, now they welcome him with open arms.

flip flop

Boy, that is really relevant to his expertise and analysis on politics and polling...(wait a second, maybe it is...hmmmmmm.....)

Retard....you compared Dick Morris to Michael Moore......Wrong, inaccurate, idiotic, inapplicable, moronic, plain stupid, ...case closed.

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Its funny though - many of the republicans I know who supported bush whole-heartedly in the beginning are completely dis-illusioned now. And I'm talking about people in the political process - one of them is a really good friend of mine works at the Heritage foundation. For those who don't know, the Heritage foundation is probably one of THE most conservative think tanks in the US.

WHy...feel Bush is running away from "true" conservatism?

I was with a big, diverse group last night.....those on the fence sopke about leaning towards Bush.....Bush backers were strengthened, and Kerry supporters were sad (more so by his panicky 12:00 pep rally)....

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WHy...feel Bush is running away from "true" conservatism?

I was with a big, diverse group last night.....those on the fence sopke about leaning towards Bush.....Bush backers were strengthened, and Kerry supporters were sad (more so by his panicky 12:00 pep rally)....

I won't even try to speak for him, as he can argue his points MUCH more eloquently than I. He still backs bush, but not nearly as much as in the beginning of the term. I think he's mostly disappointed in the way that Bush handled the war PR (both domestic and foreign).

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I won't even try to speak for him, as he can argue his points MUCH more eloquently than I. He still backs bush, but not nearly as much as in the beginning of the term. I think he's mostly disappointed in the way that Bush handled the war PR (both domestic and foreign).

I hear ya....

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Sorry bad day.

i am saying globally by al quada attacks have increased. not in the US but aimed at western people and such globally.



he makes a good point to maybe we are more aware after 9-11 so maybe it seems like more.


check em out

oh i had to work so i did not get to hear bush in full, will catcj it later.

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Boy, that is really relevant to his expertise and analysis on politics and polling...(wait a second, maybe it is...hmmmmmm.....)

Retard....you compared Dick Morris to Michael Moore......Wrong, inaccurate, idiotic, inapplicable, moronic, plain stupid, ...case closed.

I just find it funny how in 96 all republicans basically dismissed him, as someone who was caught with a hooker cheating on his wife. (something bush's brother knows a thing or 2 about)Now they welcome him with open arms b/c he is on their side. If he was stomping for Kerry you would dismiss it as left wing propaganda

That is my point, i never compared them as political equals. They are both out to make money. Moore with 911 morris with his books blasting the clintons.

So he's not a flip flopper? if that not a flip flop i don't know what is?

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