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Anyone see Bush's speech last night from the convention?


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the usual :spin::spin: everyone is misguided, wrong, a failure, and not qualified to handle terrorism but the republicans. God bless the republicans! I don’t know what this country would do without them. :rofl::rofl:

Another brilliant response by you...don't you ever tire of being wrong..

I provided no spin whatsoever......and I certainly did not say only the Republicans are qualified........if anyone just provided spin, it was you.....your relentless display of a lack of reading comprehension skills is tired.....

I will point to one statement I said, in the hope you may actually take it upon yourself to get informed instead of spewing your bullshit:

"Now the first Bush and even Reagan made mistakes fighting terrorism....but Clinton was a disaster........there is no disputing that. I am not saying that because I support Bush and not Clinton...I say it because it is fact, and there are plenty of books out there written by terrorism experts and investigative journalists who ALL have the same objective conclusion....

As you can see, I also said first Bush and Reagan made mistakes as well.....they were Republicans, right?

I also said: "And let's not forget that the Congress, CIA, and the Pentagon during Clinton years' all have their share of blame as well"

Don't you think there were Republicans in Congress, the CIA, and the Pentagon in the Clinton years? And if so, would that not imply I was also giving them the share of the blame?

Like I said, there are plenty of books out there wrtten by objective parties about the failed U.S. approach to AL Qaeda during the Clinton administration.....get informed instead of your continual blabbing nonsense....at the very least, you will make it a little more difficult for me to destroy you on every post

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igloo is always right! he provides the :spin: :spin: and the cut and paste republican propaganda. everyone else is wrong, misguided, etc. :rofl::rofl:

Another brilliant response by you...don't you ever tire of being wrong..

I provided no spin whatsoever......and I certainly did not say only the Republicans are qualified........if anyone just provided spin, it was you.....your relentless display of a lack of reading comprehension skills is tired.....

I will point to one statement I said, in the hope you may actually take it upon yourself to get informed instead of spewing your bullshit:

"Now the first Bush and even Reagan made mistakes fighting terrorism....but Clinton was a disaster........there is no disputing that. I am not saying that because I support Bush and not Clinton...I say it because it is fact, and there are plenty of books out there written by terrorism experts and investigative journalists who ALL have the same objective conclusion....

As you can see, I also said first Bush and Reagan made mistakes as well.....they were Republicans, right?

I also said: "And let's not forget that the Congress, CIA, and the Pentagon during Clinton years' all have their share of blame as well"

Don't you think there were Republicans in Congress, the CIA, and the Pentagon in the Clinton years? And if so, would that not imply I was also giving them the share of the blame?

Like I said, there are plenty of books out there wrtten by objective parties about the failed U.S. approach to AL Qaeda during the Clinton administration.....get informed instead of your continual blabbing nonsense....at the very least, you will make it a little more difficult for me to destroy you on every post

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and there will be pleny of books, and are books, saying bush has done a bad job. Then again I am sure there are books that say that bush and clinton did a good job.

Thats the problem with books they let any ass hole write one. :)

....written by terrorism experts and investigative journalists ...important distinction.....a very important distinction that I specifically pointed out for a reason....I would not classify these as "any asshole"....

And there may be books written at a later time that said Bush did a bad job (and I will give weight to those who are known experts and respected investigative journalists) ....but that does not diminish the fact that Clinton Administration did an awful job (a conclusion reached by many OBJECTIVE sources).....

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igloo is always right! he provides the :spin: :spin: and the cut and paste republican propaganda. everyone else is wrong, misguided, etc. :rofl::rofl:

And yet another predictable response.....I would challenge you to prove where I am wrong instead of your usual smilies......but we know your track record when it comes to that...the board is littered with me stuffing your bullshit back up your ass and challenges going unanswered...

But we will keep this simple and aligned with your second grade mentality..

On this thread...prove where I spun something ......and demonstrate how you do not have the reading comprehension skills of a retard.....

Here it is son (in case you get lost like you always do)--PROVE IT:

I provided no spin whatsoever......and I certainly did not say only the Republicans are qualified........if anyone just provided spin, it was you.....your relentless display of a lack of reading comprehension skills is tired.....

I will point to one statement I said, in the hope you may actually take it upon yourself to get informed instead of spewing your bullshit:

"Now the first Bush and even Reagan made mistakes fighting terrorism....but Clinton was a disaster........there is no disputing that. I am not saying that because I support Bush and not Clinton...I say it because it is fact, and there are plenty of books out there written by terrorism experts and investigative journalists who ALL have the same objective conclusion....

As you can see, I also said first Bush and Reagan made mistakes as well.....they were Republicans, right?

I also said: "And let's not forget that the Congress, CIA, and the Pentagon during Clinton years' all have their share of blame as well"

Don't you think there were Republicans in Congress, the CIA, and the Pentagon in the Clinton years? And if so, would that not imply I was also giving them the share of the blame?

Like I said, there are plenty of books out there wrtten by objective parties about the failed U.S. approach to AL Qaeda during the Clinton administration.....get informed instead of your continual blabbing nonsense....at the very least, you will make it a little more difficult for me to destroy you on every post

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I could be wrong but terrorism, though it is not new, the attacks on the US were new threats around 1990-1993. Only a minor amount of people even knew of this threat. After the 1993 bombings clinton did put in measures to protect us, though maybe not as well as we would of all liked.

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how do you tell what was bad and what was a disaster? Regan gave money, weapons,and training to these people. Bush alienated them and then clinton underestimated them and got the wrath of them . i would tend to go with from 1976-2004 it has been a disaster dealing with these guys.

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:zzz::zzz: have a nice weekend! :)

And yet another predictable response.....I would challenge you to prove where I am wrong instead of your usual smilies......but we know your track record when it comes to that...the board is littered with me stuffing your bullshit back up your ass and challenges going unanswered...

But we will keep this simple and aligned with your second grade mentality..

On this thread...prove where I spun something ......and demonstrate how you do not have the reading comprehension skills of a retard.....

Here it is son (in case you get lost like you always do)--PROVE IT:

I provided no spin whatsoever......and I certainly did not say only the Republicans are qualified........if anyone just provided spin, it was you.....your relentless display of a lack of reading comprehension skills is tired.....

I will point to one statement I said, in the hope you may actually take it upon yourself to get informed instead of spewing your bullshit:

"Now the first Bush and even Reagan made mistakes fighting terrorism....but Clinton was a disaster........there is no disputing that. I am not saying that because I support Bush and not Clinton...I say it because it is fact, and there are plenty of books out there written by terrorism experts and investigative journalists who ALL have the same objective conclusion....

As you can see, I also said first Bush and Reagan made mistakes as well.....they were Republicans, right?

I also said: "And let's not forget that the Congress, CIA, and the Pentagon during Clinton years' all have their share of blame as well"

Don't you think there were Republicans in Congress, the CIA, and the Pentagon in the Clinton years? And if so, would that not imply I was also giving them the share of the blame?

Like I said, there are plenty of books out there wrtten by objective parties about the failed U.S. approach to AL Qaeda during the Clinton administration.....get informed instead of your continual blabbing nonsense....at the very least, you will make it a little more difficult for me to destroy you on every post

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..I have a clear consious when it comes down to this election..............if the american public is so naive & paranoid to go along with Fear tactics(war on terror) & Emotion stricking propoganda (9/11) , then in the end they GET WHAT THEY DESERVE .

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..I have a clear consious when it comes down to this election..............if the american public is so naive & paranoid to go along with Fear tactics(war on terror) & Emotion stricking propoganda (9/11) , then in the end they GET WHAT THEY DESERVE .

What do we deserve?

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wake up folks

most of you keep insisting that we have defended ourselves by beating the shit out of Iraq....nothing could be further from the truth.

The sad fact is we have done little to nothing to go after Osama, Taliban, and terrorism in general becuase they are backed and linked to an underground terror network stemming from oil money. That oil money that largely stems from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia happens to own a significant portion of our GNP so engaging in a full attack on an underground network expanding all accross the middle east would not only be extremely costly, it would piss off the very people that provide our top republican candidates (Bush/Cheney) with their wealth....the Saudis.

Do you really think that we have done anything in the way of terror by fucking up Saddam? Do any of you actually still think Saddam has anything to do with FUNDAMENTALISM as the world's most hated DICTATOR??? Do any of you still think we are constantly under all these terror alerts in the city and various areas like east bumbelfuck america that never amount to anything to make us all feel like Bush is keeping us safe? Give me a f%^king break

Its called WAGGING THE DOG people.............wake the fuck up

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oh that reminds me...

the Taliban has reformed apparently, and they are planning to sabotage the upcoming Afghanistan election.

now where is that "mission accomplished" banner?

..And don't forget that this years Heroin crop in Afghanistan has been one of the biggest in recent years .

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Yeah its a mess, better then it was with the taliban running it, but when you can not make money growing wheat, you grow opium. We should of actually made sure the taliban was done there before we concentrated on Iraq. Its funny no one mentions it anymore, all they talk about is Iraq

we never finished our job there.

Is it ok to critisize bush about that or is that kerry/clinton/saddams fault?

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wake up folks

most of you keep insisting that we have defended ourselves by beating the shit out of Iraq....nothing could be further from the truth.

The sad fact is we have done little to nothing to go after Osama, Taliban, and terrorism in general becuase they are backed and linked to an underground terror network stemming from oil money. That oil money that largely stems from Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia happens to own a significant portion of our GNP so engaging in a full attack on an underground network expanding all accross the middle east would not only be extremely costly, it would piss off the very people that provide our top republican candidates (Bush/Cheney) with their wealth....the Saudis.

Do you really think that we have done anything in the way of terror by fucking up Saddam? Do any of you actually still think Saddam has anything to do with FUNDAMENTALISM as the world's most hated DICTATOR??? Do any of you still think we are constantly under all these terror alerts in the city and various areas like east bumbelfuck america that never amount to anything to make us all feel like Bush is keeping us safe? Give me a f%^king break

Its called WAGGING THE DOG people.............wake the fuck up

I like X-Files too :)

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now i do believe that big companies are getting to the point where they rule the world. I was reading about inventions have slowed in some area, because of lack of funding. Like oil companies are not going to fund ways not to use oil. shit like that you know.

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