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Using Fear Tactics to Gain an Election Win!


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Kerry is nothing more than a poll watcher. Whatever seems popular is what he will do.

I agree with you that Kerry is a poll watcher and whatever seems popular he will do. That's only because he will do whatever is in his power to get rid of the real terrorist, BUSH. The problem is too many Americans are brainwashed by the propaganda your government is feeding you, the complete bullshit they tell you so you will not see how horrible and corrupt your government really is, and so you wont see what is really happening. I love the states, I hate the U.S. government.

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Who are all these people waiting to see the US fail? On what task is it they want us fail? And why?

Not to mention the ones in the US (i.e. Michael Moore and friends), how about France, Russia, Germany, Spain. What a coincidence, they're not part of the coalition!?! It is not some huge conspiracy, most of it is just envy. France, Spain, Germany, and Russia are no longer setting the world agenda, and they're not happy about it. I mean how can a bunch of unsophisticated, American "cowboys" be running the show, right? What it all comes down to is that the US economy is expanding rapidly while their economies are going down the drain. Have you forgotten about the EU? The main reason that the leading European countries(mainly France) pushed the EU idea so strongly was to challenge the US economy. Most of these countries don't even like each other!

This actually relates to a study I heard about today. According to the study, if the EU were to become the 51st state, their productivity and standard of living would be equal to that of the poorest states in the country(Mississippi and Arkansas). What a f'ing joke!! :laugh: :laugh:

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I agree with you that Kerry is a poll watcher and whatever seems popular he will do. That's only because he will do whatever is in his power to get rid of the real terrorist, BUSH. The problem is too many Americans are brainwashed by the propaganda your government is feeding you, the complete bullshit they tell you so you will not see how horrible and corrupt your government really is, and so you wont see what is really happening. I love the states, I hate the U.S. government.

A little piece of advice: After you take your head out of your ass, go fuck yourself, eh!!

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i really would not call bush a terrorist. Thats taking it to an extreme.

it really does not matter if you think the eu as a joke or not we still need their help to combat terrorism. Now just think if they really hated us and wanted to hurt us they could. Just like We need canada to help because without them the border could become more of a sive then it already is.

Americans can be cowboys, but we can not do this alone.

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please tell me how we are safer now that saddams gone. Especially after they elect that super religous shite guy, he is bordedline fanatical.

My question is if the iraqi people want to elect a guy we do not want in power what then?

When will the US learn.

We helped train and fund osama to help fight the russians, that turned out well.

We helped fund and train saddam to overthrow his government, that also turned out well.

we helped overthrow the elected officials in iran, that worked out well

now we partner up with warlords in afghanistan to help us get the terrorists, i am sure that will turn out well.

and in iraq we partner back up with the shites, aren't they the ones we left high and dry in 91 i am sure they forgive us, this should turn out well. It always has in the past.

reality is a bitch! we will never learn, until we are forced to learn the hard way. our deeds of the past will come back to haunt us. at this point in our history we are blind to our past, driven by paranoia, divided as a country, and so far from reality that it is down right freighting... call me a pessimist if you will, but I believe the bottom will fall out if we don’t a grip on reality real soon. the rest of the world is not quite as naive as one may think..
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you actually think the US can survive (financially) going to war (90% war costs fall on us) with other rogue nations in the upcoming years ?


.You know what Portugal is contributing in Iraq ??!... around 200 or so military police and a few dozen Barbers that accompany the Italian contingency in southern iraq . . .

That's better than nothing!

...even though some may have too much pride to ask for help and admit they need help , sooner or later WE WILL HAVE TO DO SO .

You're right, except that WE won't be the ones asking for help. ;)

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In a so-called GLOBAL WAR ON TERROR , one must be more delicate and careful in taking drastic(pre-emption) and useless acts like this administration has done so far ......we need to work with strong allies (UN & NATO) in combating the parasite of terrorism ....& thats where Kerry & Bush differ greatly .

This is a joke right?

As far as allies go, do we need the whole world on board? We had a coalition of nations. You can add Russia in there at this point. And lets be honest, the Russians are going to fight a brutal, unrelenting war against muslim terrorists. As for opposition France, Germany, Mexico, oh well. Not everone is going to be with us and that is fine.

To even mention the UN exposes you as someone with no real working knowledge of how the world works. The UN is a joke. It will never be relavent body again.

You cant work with countries who hate us. France hates us. Germany feels the same. France hates us b/c we are a surperior nation that has bailed them out time after time. Fortunately, we can count on the French to be there when THEY need us. As for Germany, we have twice defeated them and they arent big fans of ours either.

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What it all comes down to is that the US economy is expanding rapidly while their economies are going down the drain...

According to the study, if the EU were to become the 51st state, their productivity and standard of living would be equal to that of the poorest states in the country(Mississippi and Arkansas). What a f'ing joke!! :laugh: :laugh:

Your level of ignorance is pathetic. If your hypothesis holds true, then why has the Euro steadily outgained the almighty dollar over the last couple years. (the downward slope of the chart indicates the dollar buying less and less euros over time, meaning the euro has increased in value relative to the dollar)

Dollar vs. Euro

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Not to mention the ones in the US (i.e. Michael Moore and friends), how about France, Russia, Germany, Spain. What a coincidence, they're not part of the coalition!?! It is not some huge conspiracy, most of it is just envy. France, Spain, Germany, and Russia are no longer setting the world agenda, and they're not happy about it. I mean how can a bunch of unsophisticated, American "cowboys" be running the show, right? What it all comes down to is that the US economy is expanding rapidly while their economies are going down the drain. Have you forgotten about the EU? The main reason that the leading European countries(mainly France) pushed the EU idea so strongly was to challenge the US economy. Most of these countries don't even like each other!

This actually relates to a study I heard about today. According to the study, if the EU were to become the 51st state, their productivity and standard of living would be equal to that of the poorest states in the country(Mississippi and Arkansas). What a f'ing joke!! :laugh: :laugh:

The plot thickens with you folks !!!! lol . ..the truth of the matter is that Europe nowadays is not persuaded ( $$$$ ) so easily by the US like in the past (check the dollar value against the Euro)...therefore they are not afraid to think differently and follow a different path . The Euro is considerably stronger than the Dollar , and it has been so for the last couple of years .

Have you ever heard the saying ...." A good friend is sometimes the one that tells (critisizes) you when your doing things wrong " .... :)

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