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For all the REPUBLICANS out there

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"If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government," he said, "then you are a Republican! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group -- then you are a Republican! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does -- then you are a Republican! . . . If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world -- then you are a Republican! And . . . if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism -- then you are a Republican!"

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i could debate this ALLLL day long. Instead I will just state my opinion. The republicans are nothing but crazy hicks that are bent on world domination. Anyone who could actually support then and beleive their lies needs to open up their eyes. The democrates might not be any better ..because lets be honest..almost all politicians are corrupt. But to beleive that BUSH and his administration is right for this country , is flat out sad and horrible. I cant beleive so many people back him up. He is a MORON. kerry IS NOT any better. But BUSH fucked EVERYTHING up..and the least we can do is give another moron a chance..and not let bush fuck everything up anymore. As a nation , after 9-11 ..the whole world wanted to help us and they were by our side. TWO months later...the whole world hates us and we have no allies but england...THATS A MAJOR FUCK UP...lets not forget bush went into office KNOWING he wanted an exuse to finish his fathers job. We waited months b4 taking action after 911...and what did we do?..NOT GO AFTER THE SAUDIS...-where most of th terrorists were..instead we attacked IRAQ..FOR NO REASON...NO WEAPONS..NO NOTHING...NO IRAQI HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE INVOLVED ON 911..BUT WE WENT IN THERE..TORE UP THIER HOMES..KILLED THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT..AND CREATED MOE TERRORISTS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION..OUR KIDS WILL BE ATTACKED BY NEW TERRORISTS...look at it this way..you 14...your country gets bombed and attacked every day for no reason..your family killed..GEE WHAT ARE U GONAN DO?..YOUR GOING TO GROW UP AND HATE THE PEOPLE THAT DID THIS!. so many ignorant people out there look at iraq as if its some kind of wasteland of stupid smelly retards..BUT NO..they are people..living..yes..in a poor country..BUT LIVING..and whether they were happy with their govt or not..that has nothing to do with 911. and we shouldnt have gotten involved. WE DID MORE DAMAGE....its horrible. Its like someone going into italy or greece and doing that...if that was the case..we wouldnt think its a good idea..we would think its horrible....bush is no better than hitler. ahh im too tired to write..i just cant beleive so many people dont see the truth. AMERICA is on the downfall..and instead of realizing it..people just keep saying to themselves..WE ARE THE BEST..FUCK EVERYONE ELSE..WE WILL KICK THEIR ASSES.>WE ARE THE BEST CUONTRY..FREEDOM..LA LA..keep saying that..because in the end..we will be studied in highschool..just how they study the fall of the roman empire.

USA vs. The rest of the world.

and G.W. is the don king of this fight..instigating and using us for his personal gain.

(as i look back and review what i just wrote, i realize that there are MANY gramatic/spelling errors..but bottom line, this topic fires me up and i wrote this at superhuman speed trying to spit out all my thoughts at once..but you guys get what i was trying to say)

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i could debate this ALLLL day long. Instead I will just state my opinion. The republicans are nothing but crazy hicks that are bent on world domination. Anyone who could actually support then and beleive their lies needs to open up their eyes. The democrates might not be any better ..because lets be honest..almost all politicians are corrupt. But to beleive that BUSH and his administration is right for this country , is flat out sad and horrible. I cant beleive so many people back him up. He is a MORON. kerry IS NOT any better. But BUSH fucked EVERYTHING up..and the least we can do is give another moron a chance..and not let bush fuck everything up anymore. As a nation , after 9-11 ..the whole world wanted to help us and they were by our side. TWO months later...the whole world hates us and we have no allies but england...THATS A MAJOR FUCK UP...lets not forget bush went into office KNOWING he wanted an exuse to finish his fathers job. We waited months b4 taking action after 911...and what did we do?..NOT GO AFTER THE SAUDIS...-where most of th terrorists were..instead we attacked IRAQ..FOR NO REASON...NO WEAPONS..NO NOTHING...NO IRAQI HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE INVOLVED ON 911..BUT WE WENT IN THERE..TORE UP THIER HOMES..KILLED THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT..AND CREATED MOE TERRORISTS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION..OUR KIDS WILL BE ATTACKED BY NEW TERRORISTS...look at it this way..you 14...your country gets bombed and attacked every day for no reason..your family killed..GEE WHAT ARE U GONAN DO?..YOUR GOING TO GROW UP AND HATE THE PEOPLE THAT DID THIS!. so many ignorant people out there look at iraq as if its some kind of wasteland of stupid smelly retards..BUT NO..they are people..living..yes..in a poor country..BUT LIVING..and whether they were happy with their govt or not..that has nothing to do with 911. and we shouldnt have gotten involved. WE DID MORE DAMAGE....its horrible. Its like someone going into italy or greece and doing that...if that was the case..we wouldnt think its a good idea..we would think its horrible....bush is no better than hitler. ahh im too tired to write..i just cant beleive so many people dont see the truth. AMERICA is on the downfall..and instead of realizing it..people just keep saying to themselves..WE ARE THE BEST..FUCK EVERYONE ELSE..WE WILL KICK THEIR ASSES.>WE ARE THE BEST CUONTRY..FREEDOM..LA LA..keep saying that..because in the end..we will be studied in highschool..just how they study the fall of the roman empire.

USA vs. The rest of the world.

and G.W. is the don king of this fight..instigating and using us for his personal gain.

(as i look back and review what i just wrote, i realize that there are MANY gramatic/spelling errors..but bottom line, this topic fires me up and i wrote this at superhuman speed trying to spit out all my thoughts at once..but you guys get what i was trying to say)

I am assumming you are a Demorcrat???

You like to pay high taxes???

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get your facts str8. ONLY THE richest 10% in america get tax breaks. Bush is greasing up his fellow millionares with a nice little deal like that..while people who make 40gz a year pay more than people who make 3mil a year. and if you read my post..you would have seen that i never claimed to be a democrat..i said "they are jsut as bad". BUTTTTT bush fucked things up wayy more than we can imagine. So lets give someone else a chance...and not to sound like an ass..but from what ive seen..people who have been arond the world..seem to agree with me..its those who have never left america who seem to think that WE ARE ALWAYS #1 NO MATTER WHAT....put your faith in the republicans and hope all i is well..but sooner or later it will catch up. The world is in a sad state these days..and i hope we can recover from the damage we HAVE DONE TO OURSELVES

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"If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government," he said, "then you are a Republican! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group -- then you are a Republican! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does -- then you are a Republican! . . . If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world -- then you are a Republican! And . . . if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism -- then you are a Republican!"


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"If you believe that government should be accountable to the people, not the people to the government," he said, "then you are a Republican! If you believe a person should be treated as an individual, not as a member of an interest group -- then you are a Republican! If you believe your family knows how to spend your money better than the government does -- then you are a Republican! . . . If you believe this country, not the United Nations, is the best hope of democracy in the world -- then you are a Republican! And . . . if you believe we must be fierce and relentless and terminate terrorism -- then you are a Republican!"

I am republican all the way even in the young republicans in college but there is a time to vote party line and another time to use your brain ....Bush is a retard bottom line he cant speak abuses the english language he is a reformed crack head who now speaks to Jesus in the white house (I hope you dont think i am kidding) and if you think you are fighting terrorism at 50 million dollars a day in a country who never posed a threat to you you are smoking jumbo's ....if we are fighting terrorism how come we arent protecting our borders with that money how come we arent in countries like the sudan or north korea , iran pakistan why because we dont want any part of places like that....we went into a place we knew we could walk through and now are having a hell of time turning that place into a haven for democracy. Do i agree with you that democrats spend more yea do they tax us more yea they are pathetic and so is Kerry its a shame we have two retards running for the most prestigious position in the world but to be honest .....Bush down right scares the hell out of me and guess what if he keeps spending liike he does no republican no democrat and no independant will get our sorry asses out of debt....

Oh btw are we still looking for Bin Laden or did we give up on that??? Or did Jesus tell GW that he was hiding in IRAQ......Oh and one last thing i hope you are all over 26 because there is a hell of a good chance there will be a draft if GW is re elected....we got kids getting killed everyday in the name of fighting terrorism ....it wouldnt be bad if they were really dying fighting Terrorism for the United States not fighting Iraqie insurgent Terrorism for the democracy of Iraq....OPEN YOUR MINDS.....be free thinkers......not just programmed beings......

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its nice to see some educated free thinkers on this board..instead of people who quote G.W. anbd the republicans and put faith into what they say..THEY SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR..ITS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE IF ITS FOR REAL!..WHICH IN THIS CASE , ITS BS.

G.W. = salesman...and he is pitching the sale of a lifetime for hime...u want to buy a dark/low-hope future..>GO VITE FOR THAT MONKEY

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This is probably the worst election in candidate aspect. First, we have George Bush who has gotten us into a deficit thats so huge its pathetic. I believe its the largest it has been since WWII. Unemployment is out of control....and there are huge numbers of Americans who cant even get health Insurance. Yeah, Democrats blame it on Tax Cuts, Bush blames it on 9/11 and the need for our homeland security......

Even IF they would have found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, which they didnt, there couldnt have been that big of a threat considering they didnt have any way to get those weapons to hit US territory. Or at least I dont think so- correct me if I'm wrong. I know someone else said it, but Bush scares me too. He is weakening our allies, and at this point, our troops are there- we cant just pull them out, and we are completely stuck. He put us somewhere we shouldnt have been. I support the fact that we have to protect America and fight Terrorism, but this guy is getting us into more shit than we need to be in. He is dangerous for America....another 4 years can be fatal. Switching a president at this time may not be so wise either.....talk about rock and a hard place.

As far as Kerry goes, I thought his acceptance speech at the convention was great....BUT he isnt counter-attacking against Bush and all of his campaigning. Im sitting here and wondering when the hell he is going to say something...stick up for himself....come on man! Fire when ready!

Waiting for the debates....I hear there are 3 this year.

I vote for who I feel is fit for the job...and at this point I would vote for Nader before I would vote for Bush.....and we all know thats pretty much a wasted vote.

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get your facts str8. ONLY THE richest 10% in america get tax breaks. Bush is greasing up his fellow millionares with a nice little deal like that..while people who make 40gz a year pay more than people who make 3mil a year. and if you read my post..you would have seen that i never claimed to be a democrat..i said "they are jsut as bad". BUTTTTT bush fucked things up wayy more than we can imagine. So lets give someone else a chance...and not to sound like an ass..but from what ive seen..people who have been arond the world..seem to agree with me..its those who have never left america who seem to think that WE ARE ALWAYS #1 NO MATTER WHAT....put your faith in the republicans and hope all i is well..but sooner or later it will catch up. The world is in a sad state these days..and i hope we can recover from the damage we HAVE DONE TO OURSELVES


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actually no....he is TALKING about that..to get you vote..thats not actually in play...but the tax breaks for the wealthy is ALREADY IN PLAY...damn man,,.,dont just spit out whatever u hear.


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get your facts str8. ONLY THE richest 10% in america get tax breaks. Bush is greasing up his fellow millionares with a nice little deal like that..while people who make 40gz a year pay more than people who make 3mil a year. and if you read my post..you would have seen that i never claimed to be a democrat..i said "they are jsut as bad". BUTTTTT bush fucked things up wayy more than we can imagine. So lets give someone else a chance...and not to sound like an ass..but from what ive seen..people who have been arond the world..seem to agree with me..its those who have never left america who seem to think that WE ARE ALWAYS #1 NO MATTER WHAT....put your faith in the republicans and hope all i is well..but sooner or later it will catch up. The world is in a sad state these days..and i hope we can recover from the damage we HAVE DONE TO OURSELVES

You dont know jack shit about taxes buddy..................the rich loose out on more deductions than anyone.............due yourself a favor and look-up the word "Phase-out" in relation to taxes and you will see that the more money you make certain itemized and standard deductions are decreased to a point where the "10 percent" you speak of actually receive no benefit from those deductions along with several other types of tax credits which also are disallowed after a certain level of income.......................further more we have a tiered tax system...........that means the more money you make the more you are taxed.............

do some research before you post on a subject you know nothing about

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You dont know jack shit about taxes buddy..................the rich loose out on more deductions than anyone.............due yourself a favor and look-up the word "Phase-out" in relation to taxes and you will see that the more money you make certain itemized and standard deductions are decreased to a point where the "10 percent" you speak of actually receive no benefit from those deductions along with several other types of tax credits which also are disallowed after a certain level of income.......................further more we have a tiered tax system...........that means the more money you make the more you are taxed.............

do some research before you post on a subject you know nothing about

Now you cant challenge stiffler on TAX TALK

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Lets See The More Money You Make The Money You Get Taken Away....does That Seem Fair????

If It Does Maybe You Should Consider Moving To A Socialist Country Where Everyone Is The Same

The Rich Dont Deserve To Get More Money Taken Away Just Because They Make More

And Yes Rebates For Married People And Dependants Are For Everyone.....unless You Are An Idiot And Did Not Fill Out Your Tax Rebate Form Which Most Of This Idiotic Country Probably Failed To Do Or Even Know About

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Sen. John Kerry set some kind of record today in a speech to his fellow leftists at New York University. The Republican National Committee counted 14 flip-flops on Iraq.

Among the more egregious of the tragicomic whoppers noted:

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Kerry now claims the "most important task" is to win the "war on terrorism." Yet Kerry, speaking to his pets at the New York Times in March, refused to call the war on terror a war, RNC recalled.

Kerry then: "The final victory in the war on terror depends on a victory in the war of ideas, much more than the war on the battlefield. And the war - not the war, I don’t want to use that terminology."

Kerry now claims Iraq was a "diversion from" the war on terror. On Dec. 15 he said: "Iraq may not be the war on terror itself, but it is critical to the outcome of the war on terror."

Kerry now claims Saddam Hussein's evil was not enough to justify war. Here's what he said in a speech July 29, 2002:

"I agree completely with this administration’s goal of a regime change in Iraq – Saddam Hussein is a renegade and outlaw who turned his back on the tough conditions of his surrender put in place by the United Nations in 1991."

Kerry now claims Saddam’s "downfall … has left America less secure." Oopsy: Here's his anti-Dean, anti-Saddam stand in December 2003, according to Newsday:

"Those who doubted whether Iraq or the world would be better off without Saddam Hussein, and those who believe we are not safer with his capture, don’t have the judgment to be president or the credibility to be elected president."

Kerry now claims the decision to go into Iraq was a "colossal" failure. Yet on Aug. 9, Kerry said that had he known then what he knew now, he would still have voted for the use-of-force resolution, according to CNN:

"Yes, I would have voted for the authority. I believe it's the right authority for a president to have. But I would have used that authority as I have said throughout this campaign, effectively."

Kerry now claims Saddam was not a "threat to our security." Here's what he said in January 2003, according to the L.A. Times: "If you don't believe … Saddam Hussein is a threat with nuclear weapons, then you shouldn't vote for me."

Kerry now claims Saddam's "capability to acquire weapons" was not reason enough for war. Yet according to the Congressional Record of Oct. 9, 2002, he called those who would leave the Iraqi dictator alone "naive to the point of grave danger."

And so on and so forth.

At least no one can say Kerry is two-faced. He has so many more faces than that.

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Lets See The More Money You Make The Money You Get Taken Away....does That Seem Fair????

If It Does Maybe You Should Consider Moving To A Socialist Country Where Everyone Is The Same

The Rich Dont Deserve To Get More Money Taken Away Just Because They Make More

And Yes Rebates For Married People And Dependants Are For Everyone.....unless You Are An Idiot And Did Not Fill Out Your Tax Rebate Form Which Most Of This Idiotic Country Probably Failed To Do Or Even Know About

"the child tax credit" or "advanced tax credit" is also eliminated after a certain level of income................so when someone says the rich get so much blah blah blah, they dont know what they are talking about.............for married taxpayers filing a joint return those amounts start to phase out at only 110000....................so for someone making 3mil................they get nothing.......no special treatment!!!!!!

the only difference between the rich and the poor is that the rich either stepped into shit or worked hard to get where they are.................does this mean they should give their money to the government so the democrats can start a welfare system to give money to people who are capable of working but would rather sit home and have 87children from 87 different fathers.............thats BULLSHIT....

and no a tiered tax systme is not fair and a Flat tax would be a better system but would also put me out of work.......lol

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