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Singer Cat Stevens refused entry to the US


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Singer Cat Stevens refused entry to the US

By Mark Sage in New York, and Vik Iyer, PA News

22 September 2004

Singer Cat Stevens and his daughter were escorted off a diverted transatlantic flight by FBI agents, it emerged today.

The pop star, who converted to Islam, was denied access to the US because his name was on a security "watch list", government security sources said.

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) said the singer was denied access to the US "on national security grounds" and would be returned to Britain today.

Flight 919 from London diverted 600 miles to Bangor International Airport yesterday, landing at around 7.30pm BST, after US security officials were told Stevens was aboard.

He had been allowed to board the flight after United Airlines officials initially failed to spot his name, which he has changed to Yusuf Islam - on the watch list, the TSA said.

Passengers, including British pop veterans Marillion, were at first told the diversion was due to refuelling and eventually arrived in Washington six hours late.

Stevens, who was denied access to Israel four years ago, was detained and questioned, the TSA said. His 21-year-old daughter was allowed into the US.

A spokesman for United Airlines confirmed: "The 919 was ordered to land in Bangor, Maine, by the Transportation Security Administration."

A TSA spokeswoman said: "A passenger was discovered to be a positive match on a watch list. In London, United Airlines missed that fact.

"Customs and Border Protection (CBP) made the positive match by checking data transmitted by the airline after the flight departed from London."

The spokeswoman said customs officers contacted the TSA, which in turn asked the Federal Aviation Administration to clear the flight to land at Bangor.

The spokeswoman said the flight was diverted "to keep the aircraft from entering the north east corridor airspace".

At Bangor, Stevens was met by agents from CBP, Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) and the FBI.

"He was interviewed by the CBP officers and ICE agents and he was refused admission to the United States at Bangor, Maine," the TSA spokeswoman said.

She said he was refused entry under the Immigration and Naturalisation Act "based on national security grounds".

The spokeswoman added: "ICE and the FBI were notified and they did interview the subject who was travelling with his 21-year-old daughter. "His daughter was admitted to the United States. He is being detained pending his return to the United Kingdom on the first available flight."

Cat Stevens had a string of hits in the 1960s and 1970s, including Wild World and Morning Has Broken.

Last year he released two songs, including a re-recording of his 1970s hit Peace Train, to express his opposition to the war in Iraq.

He abandoned his music career in the late 1970s and changed his name after being persuaded by orthodox Muslim teachers that his lifestyle was forbidden by Islamic law.

He later became a teacher and an advocate for his religion, founding a Muslim school in London in 1983.

Speaking from Bangor, Marillion singer Steve Hogarth, 45, told PA News: "We flew today on Flight 919 to Washington Dulles en route to Mexico City where we have two shows.

"At 1453 (Eastern Time), the plane touched down. As it touched down, an announcement was made by the stewardess that we were not landing in Washington because of bad weather.

"Then there was an announcement made by the captain saying they stopped to refuel. But after another period, of about 10 minutes, the captain made another announcement saying it was, in fact, an FBI security alert."

Mr Hogarth added: "We all had to get off the plane."

Passengers then went through immigration and Mr Hogarth was warned not use his camera.

He said: "This was pretty peculiar and I had wanted to record it for my diary.

"I then met a security guard who said the two people escorted off the plane were Cat Stevens and his daughter."

Mr Hogarth added: "I was really stunned. Everybody knows he converted to the Muslim faith. He is a pacifist and a great songwriter."

He said security men were swabbing bags as they began the process to reboard.

In July 2000, Stevens was denied entry to Israel amid reports that he had donated tens of thousands of dollars to the Islamic terrorist group, Hamas.

In a statement released by his record label Universal Music at the time, he said: "I want to make sure that people are aware that I've never ever knowingly supported any terrorist groups - past, present or future."

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There is more to it. This is a man who supported the Ayatollah's death sentence for author Salmon Rushdie(spelling). He isnt the laid back singer/songwriter we all knew.

He did come out against the attacks of 9/11 but obviously there had to be some reason the US doesnt want him here.

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There is more to it. This is a man who supported the Ayatollah's death sentence for author Salmon Rushdie(spelling). He isnt the laid back singer/songwriter we all knew.

He did come out against the attacks of 9/11 but obviously there had to be some reason the US doesnt want him here.

Oh obviously. But safe passage was arranged for all of the Bin-Ladens out of this country right after 9/11.


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he came out against the attacks on 9/11.in fact he has donated a lot of money to the 9/11 fund. a quote from him "I wish to express my heartfelt horror at the indiscriminate terrorist attacks committed against innocent people of the United States" with regard to supporting the death sentence against Salman Rushdie ordered by Ayatollah Khomeini. he stated several times he never made any such statement. his only mistake is not supporting American policy on a number of issues. it's interesting that state department can make allegations; without providing once piece of creditable evidence to support their claims. I’m sure he will have plenty to say ,about his detainment when he arrives back home in the UK.

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this is the same wonderful list that had Ted Kennedy on it. how many innocent people not as well know as Cat Stevens; have been subjected to this type of harassment?? it is one thing to protect yourself as a country. it's quite another to allow fear and propaganda to over shadow common sense. if you are going to blatantly make statements that question the creditability of someone. then you should provide at least some type of documented evidence to support the same. otherwise it simply amounts to harassment. just because our government states something does not mean it is fact. there have been several recent court decisions; which have struck down government policy regarding arrest and detainment of citizens and non-citizens of the US. what would happen if other countries not fond of the US started doing what the US is doing?? most people here would be outraged.

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OMG rappers and singers are the real terrorist....i wonder what they would do when TUPAC makes his appearence........LOL

man this govt is becoming like a dictatorship...remeber saddam hussein has 99% people in his favor so sobeton and italin...whatever can be loyal supporters of ayotollah bush!

this is the same wonderful list that had Ted Kennedy on it. how many innocent people not as well know as Cat Stevens; have been subjected to this type of harassment?? it is one thing to protect yourself as a country. it's quite another to allow fear and propaganda to over shadow common sense. if you are going to blatantly make statements that question the creditability of someone. then you should provide at least some type of documented evidence to support the same. otherwise it simply amounts to harassment. just because our government states something does not mean it is fact. there have been several recent court decisions; which have struck down government policy regarding arrest and detainment of citizens and non-citizens of the US. what would happen if other countries not fond of the US started doing what the US is doing?? most people here would be outraged.
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There is more to it. This is a man who supported the Ayatollah's death sentence for author Salmon Rushdie(spelling). He isnt the laid back singer/songwriter we all knew.

He did come out against the attacks of 9/11 but obviously there had to be some reason the US doesnt want him here.

I'd love to hear from the government what that reason was. I do remember Ted Kennedy, the senator, had problems getting on a plane recently. Could it be that Democratic senators should be added to our watch list?

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[sarcasm]I think it's more like the US classified his songs of peace as a weapon of mass destruction. Didn't you know the song "peace train" was responsible for 9/11 as well as the attack on a Madrid train 3 years later? It inspired Al Qaeda to do both ;).[/sarcasm]

And now the news...

Singer Cat Stevens Has No Terrorist Ties

Singer Formerly Known As Cat Stevens to Be Deported; Brother Says He Has No Terrorist Ties


The Associated Press

WASHINGTON Sept. 22, 2004 — Singer Cat Stevens, taken off a London-to-Washington flight because his name showed up on a government "no-fly" list, has no ties to suspected terrorists, his brother said Wednesday.

Stevens, who converted to Islam and changed his name to Yusuf Islam more than a quarter-century ago, recently made the watch list after U.S. authorities received information from multiple sources indicating he may have associations with potential terrorists, a government official said.

United Airlines Flight 919 was diverted to Bangor, Maine, on Tuesday afternoon after U.S. officials who checked the passenger list learned that the singer was aboard. Federal agents met the plane and interviewed Islam.

Islam's brother and business manager, David Gordon, said in a telephone interview that he could guarantee that Islam does not associate with possible terrorists.

"It's not true," Gordon said. "His only work, his only mind-set, is humanitarian causes. He just wants to be an ambassador for peace."

Gordon, who said he spoke by phone to Islam on Wednesday, said his brother was in good humor. "He's fine. It's an unfortunate incident, but on the other hand, people are worried and they want to feel secure when they're flying," Gordon said.

Airlines have access to watch lists and are supposed to screen passengers to make sure those deemed direct threats to aviation do not board planes. The official said it was unclear why United Airlines personnel allowed Islam to get on the flight in London.

A call to the airline was not immediately returned.

Homeland Security Department spokesman Dennis Murphy said Islam was "denied admission to the United States on national security grounds" and was expected to be sent back to London on Wednesday.

A second government official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity, said U.S. authorities think donations from Islam may have ended up helping to fund blind sheik Omar Abdel-Rahman, who was convicted for the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, and Hamas, a Palestinian militant group considered a terrorist organization by the United States and Israel.

*The buzzword here is "think", people.*

In July 2000, Islam was deported hours after arriving in Jerusalem. A local paper reported then that the government claimed he had delivered tens of thousands of dollars to Hamas during a visit in 1988. Islam denied ever knowingly supporting Islamic terrorists.

Islam has made a number of trips to the United States in recent years, including one in May for a charity event and to promote a DVD of his 1976 MajiKat tour. He donated half the royalties from his most recent boxed set to the Sept. 11 Fund to help victims of the attacks.

*Would a terrorist ever do this?*

Islam, who was born Stephen Georgiou, took Cat Stevens as a stage name and had a string of hits in the 1960s and '70s, including "Wild World" and "Morning Has Broken." Last year he released two songs, including a re-recording of his '70s hit "Peace Train," to express his opposition to the U.S.-led war in Iraq.

He abandoned his music career in the late 1970s and changed his name after being persuaded by orthodox Muslim teachers that his lifestyle was forbidden by Islamic law. He later became a teacher and an advocate for his religion, founding a Muslim school in London in 1983.

Islam founded Islamia Primary school in London in 1983. In 1998, it became the first Muslim school in Britain to receive government support, on the same basis as Christian and other sectarian schools.

Islam drew some negative attention in the late 1980s when he supported the Ayatollah Khomeini's death sentence against Salman Rushdie, author of "The Satanic Verses."

Gordon denied that he had called for Rushdie's death. "They completely misunderstood what he said," he said.

Recently, Islam has criticized terrorist acts, including the Sept. 11 attacks and the school seizure in Beslan, Russia, earlier this month that left more than 300 dead, nearly half of them children.

In a statement on his Web site, he wrote, "Crimes against innocent bystanders taken hostage in any circumstance have no foundation whatsoever in the life of Islam and the model example of Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him."

From what I see, he was deported simply because he is Islamic. Nothing more. The government is acting racially as well as religiously overzealous.

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