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Why Miami can NEVER parallel NYC nightlife...


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Let's bring up two of of Philipio's favortite words:

Tiesto @ Space

You find me a club event with more energy than that Stateside

I'd rather have 3000 ppl jumping, smiling, and ENJOYING the music than 60 "cool cats" in a shitty ass dive bar nodding to the latest 'underground' west coast house

but that's just me...and Miami brings it

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in your own words "I do everything I can to support music that I personally like". that is exactly what miami’s general clubbing public does. they support the music they personally like. if they don’t want to try something new and different then that is there prerogative and potential loss...

For the most part they don't need to try something different because the nightclubs condition them to know this sub-genre called "progressive house" and trance. And that's where their lack of knowledge or curiosity to try something new and different not only makes them ignorant but also contributes to the destruction of a scene as a whole while only serving to further commercialize trance and progressive house.

When you have a limited number of venues, and even more limited core of clubbers on which to draw. a wise business decision would be to cater to the masses. To say the "less obvious home grown talent gets completely overlooked" is very subjective...

By the above statement, you have in fact agreed with me 100% as to why Miami's nightlife will NEVER parallel NYC's: limited venues and limited supply of core clubbers. Miami's club culture is very isolationist compared to NYC's. This fixation (by clubbers and club-owners/promoters) on only the most well known dj's and only the "best" will continue to ensure that Miami stays a step behind any cities (NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Montreal, Toronto, Dallas) that are serious about offering a wide array of events in a more easily accessible and larger bastion of venues. :D

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For the most part they don't need to try something different because the nightclubs condition them to know this sub-genre called "progressive house" and trance. And that's where their lack of knowledge or curiosity to try something new and different not only makes them ignorant but also contributes to the destruction of a scene as a whole while only serving to further commercialize trance and progressive house.

By the above statement, you have in fact agreed with me 100% as to why Miami's nightlife will NEVER parallel NYC's: limited venues and limited supply of core clubbers. Miami's club culture is very isolationist compared to NYC's. This fixation (by clubbers and club-owners/promoters) on only the most well known dj's and only the "best" will continue to ensure that Miami stays a step behind any cities (NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Montreal, Toronto, Dallas) that are serious about offering a wide array of events in a more easily accessible and larger bastion of venues. :D

you comprehend only what you want to understand. also I already agreed about 10 posts back that Miami will never parallel NY. anger and bitterness is a self defeating prophecy, the sooner you understand that the happier you will be imo. perhaps anger and bitterness is what drives you. personally, I find it to be a waste time and energy, better spent on actually having fun. :pint:

NYC, Chicago, San Francisco, Detroit, Montreal, Toronto, Dallas when was the last time you where in any of these cities?? :confused::laugh: just curious

what did philippio ever do while in Miami to help expand the scene? or is philippio just a Monday quarterback. People like Ramon, Andrew Thomas, etc put there words into actions, where as you just whine and take cheap shots .

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and howells, and lawler, and sander k, and G&D, and AvB, and Ferry Corsten, and Danny T, and Eric Morillo, and digweed, and need I go on???

And all these guys are doing something new and different how??? :rolleyes:

Everybody will drop these same names over and over!

Did you ever go to Vinyl for 'Be Yourself' or lately Roxy to see Danny Tenaglia spin? If not, please kindly remove him from your list.

The funny thing is that it seems you didn't read any of the argument. None of the people you mentioned are local (look at sobeton's position). They DO NOT comprise Miami's scene.

What I don't understand is that we're all posting on a forum that's chock full of djing talent spanning every genre of electronic music, yet we are all content to sit back in the comfort of believing that nightlife doesn't get any better than Miami, all the whilst dropping names of guest dj's that played a 3 hour set and then left. We are bottom-feeders!!! We have no place to go but up, if we keep thinking like this. There will be creatures at the bottom of ponds less ignorant than us if we don't widen our perspective beyond trance and progressive house as the future of Miami's nightlife!

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what did philippio ever do while in Miami to help expand the scene? or is philippio just a Monday quarterback. People like Ramon, Andrew Thomas, etc put there words into actions, where as you just whine and take cheap shots .

Talk to people who threw parties outside of Space. I was at many of them because I was supporting what I like to listen to. Sundays at Jazid? I barely missed a single one. Lust4House at Sonar? I was there for Sheldon's CD release party. Where were you? Lust4house inaugural party at BLUE? Go to the site and check the photos! I was at Nerve on tuesday nights. I was at the first wednesday party at Cafeteria for Shaun Rudnick with chaflas and lulamishka (shortly before I left Miami). I was at BLUE religiously for Amalia L., Cue and Eric Kitel. I spent countless thursdays listening to DJ Soulman. I've supported Matt E Love on CP Miami ever since I went to see him at Sonar. Numerous saturday afternoons were spent at The Whitelaw listening to lyrik, Josh Wilkins and Domingo Castillo spin alongside JC (housedivision). Were you there? What about Chris and Dave at The Chamber Lounge? Juan Mejia and the Lust crew with Brian Tappert and JJK at Nerve? Present there too! Sheldon alongside Halo at Nerve? Another party I went to. Again, I don't remember seeing you there. Lisa Shaw with Q_Burns at The Marlin? Kevin Yost and M3 at The Marlin? Sheldon, John Huang and Frankie Knuckles at Nerve, one of Nerve's residents opening for Doc Martin? I was there as well. Do you want me to continue?

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Talk to people who threw parties outside of Space. I was at many of them because I was supporting what I like to listen to. Sundays at Jazid? I barely missed a single one. Lust4House at Sonar? I was there for Sheldon's CD release party. Where were you? Lust4house inaugural party at BLUE? Go to the site and check the photos! I was at Nerve on tuesday nights. I was at the first wednesday party at Cafeteria for Shaun Rudnick with chaflas and lulamishka (shortly before I left Miami). I was at BLUE religiously for Amalia L., Cue and Eric Kitel. I spent countless thursdays listening to DJ Soulman. I've supported Matt E Love on CP Miami ever since I went to see him at Sonar. Numerous saturday afternoons were spent at The Whitelaw listening to lyrik, Josh Wilkins and Domingo Castillo spin alongside JC (housedivision). Were you there? What about Chris and Dave at The Chamber Lounge? Juan Mejia and the Lust crew with Brian Tappert and JJK at Nerve? Present there too! Sheldon alongside Halo at Nerve? Another party I went to. Again, I don't remember seeing you there. Lisa Shaw with Q_Burns at The Marlin? Kevin Yost and M3 at The Marlin? Sheldon, John Huang and Frankie Knuckles at Nerve, one of Nerve's residents opening for Doc Martin? I was there as well. Do you want me to continue?
spin doesn't work for me Phil... being well aware of what has been attempted here in Miami. I asked you a very specific series of questions. perhaps these questions are a bit to complex for you to answer. if you don’t like what is here, then continue to do as you have in the past and sit on the sidelines and kick cheap punts. your arguments which may have had some merit in the past, have become nothing more then ranting .ranting I’m inclined to believe most people on this board minimize, to nothing more then the ranting of a bitter, self absorbed, and angry individual. Phil, I truly hope you find what your looking for, and in the interim have a piece of "humble pie"; learn to respect other peoples choices. :)
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So because I just went off with a list of local dj's that I've supported, you decide that I don't respect others and don't have a clue as to what's going on in Miami? Am I not allowed to defend my position? I know I'm not good enough at DJing to put myself out there and spin. I know my own limitations. I've also been clubbing long enough, IMO (both in Miami and NYC) to know what I like and dislike.

Regarding the cities I named, I was in SF in 2001, NYC up until 2003, I was in Montreal for a week in 2001. But how many of the people who claim Space is the best nightclub ever (or that there's no better party in the US than when Tiesto plays at Space) have been to these cities or have experienced nightlife anywhere else in the world? I know how to read. I know what's going on in the world around me and I keep an open mind instead of narrowing my perspective and making outrageous claims that there's nothing out there as good as Space, or Crobar or any club for that matter.

You single-handedly accuse me of all this preposterous BS because you don't appreciate the fact that I'm a non-conformist. I don't give a flying fuck about most nighclubs or their line-ups of pin-up dj celebrity fodder because I have learned to keep an ear out for the music and not for the over inflated ego that will play 3 hours and pocket $20,000.

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This is getting old ppl........

We know; NY ROCKS and Miami is ok!!!!

Why go on with all this babble.... Nothing is being accmplished.

Let it go. To each his own. Everyone likes different things. Don't hate on that!!!

We should all be united cuz we like the same genre of music not fight about it....

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This is getting old ppl........

We know; NY ROCKS and Miami is ok!!!!

Why go on with all this babble.... Nothing is being accmplished.

Let it go. To each his own. Everyone likes different things. Don't hate on that!!!

We should all be united cuz we like the same genre of music not fight about it....

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This is getting old ppl........

We know; NY ROCKS and Miami is ok!!!!

Why go on with all this babble.... Nothing is being accmplished.

Let it go. To each his own. Everyone likes different things. Don't hate on that!!!

We should all be united cuz we like the same genre of music not fight about it....

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Apples and oranges Phillerup can't compare the 2. I can't really say anything about NY - never been but I have lived in Chicago, Houston and Dallas. The thing that makes those places different is sense of community and vibe. I will say I have been to no better place than Miami over-all when talking about the weather, women and just way of life in general - the only thing IMO that beats it is Chicago in the summer - Chicago is one the most amaizing cities in the summer. Wrigleyville is always hopping clubs are always packed and there is no argument Chicago offers extensively more DJs on regular basis than Miami and I would put it up there with one the best cities that does that - INCLUDING all the regulars that play Miami year in and year out. WINTER BLOWS DONKEY BALLS! What you have to remember is Miami is the very epitome of commericialism/monopoly/big business when it comes to music and clubs. The small die and the big get bigger and suffocate the smaller entities. You can't really blame the clubs and the people behind them - they are highly profitable without the need to change their marketing strategies for that I give them respect from a business aspect (don't fix it if ain't broke). If there is anyone to blame for the lack of diversity it would be the majority of the club going population. They accept what they get (same 20 DJs every year) as the end all be all of nightlife.

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