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Polish President Slams Kerry After Debate Snub


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I Think it's funny that Liberals say that poland didn't help at first but are quick to point out that most of the casualties came after Bush said "mission accomplished" which he never said by the way.

No he only geared up in a flight suit and landed on an aircraft carrrier with a big banner reading "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED"

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So wait is this a real article or not?

Igloo where did you get this?

Have we been fighting over something that might not even be true?

I can not even find this FACTS newspaper/magazine???

Igloo you gots some 'splainin to do.

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So wait is this a real article or not?

Igloo where did you get this?

Have we been fighting over something that might not even be true?

I can not even find this FACTS newspaper/magazine???

Igloo you gots some 'splainin to do.

jtk4, this article was published on many underground conservative websites.. all of which got the story from drudgereport.com..

If this is a true story I can't believe this isn't all over the media yet?! I don't think its a big deal b/c Kerry never said anything bad about Poland.. jtk4, you posted exactly what he said..

but... where's the source?!

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its cool that the article is from facts, a word where even if you did a search you would get 983745293875923847592347592347590283475 million different pages to look through.

I tried to find it, I failed. It could be out there somewhere ?????

I just can not believe i was arguing over this shit and it might not even be real.

IGLOO WHERE IS IT????????????????????????????????????

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its cool that the article is from facts, a word where even if you did a search you would get 983745293875923847592347592347590283475 million different pages to look through.

I tried to find it, I failed. It could be out there somewhere ?????

I just can not believe i was arguing over this shit and it might not even be real.

IGLOO WHERE IS IT????????????????????????????????????

jtk4........I got this article emailed to me, which was POSTED on the drudgereport (and if it did , so what)..

It would appear FACTS is a Polish on-line rag, but apparently the comments that were made were on Polish TV (TVN I believe is a cable company), which is specifically noted in the article ......

And yes, this article is what instigated our battle, but even if it was somehow "fake", it still did not dismiss the fact that Kerry insulted an ally with his statement (as referenced in my on-point analysis :) ), ........like he has been doing for months to all allies with his rhetoric, which can not be ignored (and I have been on it for months, and which Cheney effectively spanked Edwards on the subject) :)

The next question is: Why hasn't the mainstream media brought this up?....determined it was not news?.....too busy trying to keep the Kerry momentum going despite a Cheney spanking of Edwards?.....nah, the mainstream and elite media would never be biased or have an agenda......only FNC is guilty of that.....and the Drugereport :laugh:

Perhaps you Kerry supporters should show the same diligence with "sources" when Kerry/Edwards talk about increasing alliances in Iraq despite their continual insults of those that are there, and those who are not there today who specifically state a Kerry win changes nothing......

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Screw Kerry.

That's his running mates job.


Gulf War 1 we had the UN backing us up and Kerry voted against it. That was supposed to be the "right war at the right time" but yet he still voted against it. It would be great to read specific reasons why the Kerry supports are specifically voting for him (for those who can vote). Every military weapon that we have been implementing in the liberation of Iraq....Kerry voted against during is 20 years in the senate. Actions speak louder than words in my eyes.

Kerry's 20 year voting record SAYS IT ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't get me wrong, he is a great politician (aka talker) but during this war time I want a leader who will not play politics with out troops. Domestic issues do not concern me at this moment considering that we are at war. Perspective is key !!!!!!!

A free Iraq will be a HUUUUUGE accomplishment to this war on terror and as history has proven...WE WILL WIN !!!! period point blank.

Once this is accomplished then and only then will I (and others right minded) focus my concerns on domestic issues. What good is it to have your domestic issues resolved if you are blown up in the process? Our troops are risking their lives to fight a war on foreign land just so that we do not have to fight it on ours. To say that this is the "wrong war at the wrong time" is not only demoralizing to our troops and allies but straight up wrong considering that they are risking their lives so that we do not disrupt our lives here. Kerry has lost allot of respect not only from our troops but from our allies (and me) as well.

It's almost disturbing to read that some actually still believe that the UN should take part in this war after knowing what we now know (aka Oil For Food Scandal). Don't get me wrong. I am totally for having a UN but they must first be deeply investigated, reformed and then properly implemented. If 12 years of playing patty cake with Saddam does not offend you then I can only wish you the best in this game called LIFE.

- Afghanistan has recently held elections for the first time in HISTORY

- Iraq will soon be electing their leaders for the first time in HISTORY

For those that do not see this as an accomplishment, again I can only wish you the best in this game called LIFE. You are the conspiracy theorist. You are the ones who live with hate. You are the ones who will NEVER be satisfied. History has shown me that I live in the GREATEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. History has also shown me that YOU are the minority and will continue to be a minority until you grow a back bone and realize that Peace has ALWAYS been governed by force. period point blank

This President (Bush for those of you who don't know) who inherited a resection, corporate scandals and 9-11 has only has only shown me that he is sticking true to his words "we will not forget".


W_The _President.JPG



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Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski has slammed Dem president hopeful John Kerry for not recognizing Poland's contributions and sacrifice to the war in Iraq.

"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience does not recognize Polish contribution. This is immoral," Polish President Aleksander Kwasniewski told FACTS in an interview commenting on the US Presidential Debate.

"It is sad that a senator with 20 years of experience underestimates Polish sacrifice, this is sad."

The Polish President added however that one should consider this was a part of the ongoing electoral campaign.

"I do not think this was out of ignorance," the president emphasized on the TVN Facts.

"There is one thing which should be stated clearly: this coalition is not just the United States, Great Britain, Australia alone; it also involves participation of Polish, Ukrainian, Bulgarian and Spanish soldiers who have died. It is immoral not to recognize the involvement we contributed based on our conviction that there should be unity in fighting terrorism, that there was a need to display international solidarity and that Saddam Hussein was a dangerous individual of this world."

"President Bush acted like a real Texan gentleman, he made sure to show appreciation for other countries' involvement in the coalition," Kwasniewski pointed out.

It is known that Poland is an ardent supporter of Bush.

So it is no surprise that they would talk down to Kerry.

How about posting quotes from the Presidents of France, Chancellor of Germany, Prime Minister of Italy, President of Brazil... etc....

This is a loose argument Igloo

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It is known that Poland is an ardent supporter of Bush.

So it is no surprise that they would talk down to Kerry.

How about posting quotes from the Presidents of France, Chancellor of Germany, Prime Minister of Italy, President of Brazil... etc....

This is a loose argument Igloo

France and Germany..... :laugh::laugh: Good one......

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until you grow a back bone and realize that Peace has ALWAYS been governed by force. period point blank

Tell Ghandi that.

There were better ways to deal with Iraq and THAT'S A FACT!!!!!

Bottom line: Bushies are a bunch of proud thugs who think spraying bullets and dropping bombs is the only way to gain peace (or line their pockets).

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Tell Ghandi that.

There were better ways to deal with Iraq and THAT'S A FACT!!!!!

Bottom line: Bushies are a bunch of proud thugs who think spraying bullets and dropping bombs is the only way to gain peace (or line their pockets).


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A free Iraq will be a HUUUUUGE accomplishment to this war on terror and as history has proven...WE WILL WIN !!!! period point blank.

The connection btw. Iraq and terrorists has yet to be founded. Terrorists do not lie in 1 nation. They're all over the world in small sects.

So how can you say this has been a success in the war on terror when we ended up losing over a thousand soldiers yet haven't apprehended many (if any) terrorists in Iraq?

- Afghanistan has recently held elections for the first time in HISTORY

- Iraq will soon be electing their leaders for the first time in HISTORY

yeah, that's a nice accomplishment, but what about all the dissaray around the rest of the world?

It's so obvious that Bush targeted Iraq and the middle east for oil. It's all about interest, POINT BLANK

For those that do not see this as an accomplishment, again I can only wish you the best in this game called LIFE. You are the conspiracy theorist. You are the ones who live with hate. You are the ones who will NEVER be satisfied. History has shown me that I live in the GREATEST COUNTRY OF THE WORLD. History has also shown me that YOU are the minority and will continue to be a minority until you grow a back bone and realize that Peace has ALWAYS been governed by force. period point blank

So having most of the world against us, losing over 1,000 US troops, losing track with what the real problem is after 9/11 (terrorists, not Saddam), and still attempting to gain control over Iraq (based on all the car bombs/explosions still going on), HOW CAN YOU SAY WE WON? AND WHAT DID WE WIN?

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