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Ricky looking into return....


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I'm sure Miami would welcome him back with open arms

quite the contrary, the players dont want him to come back and end up looking like the proverbial 'messiah" after he ditched them at the alter. general consensus say that he will be retained and dealt/traded to a RB hungry team for some future picks.... but when its all said and done, i knew, you knew, the fish knew(i hope they did) and the whole damn league knew that Ricky was eccentric.... guy has issues... he's like a time bomb..it was a matter of when, not if . The fact that he has offered to repay the signing bonus..."its blood money" as he was quoted to have said, i think he's just going thru one of his many phases. They should let him play and atleast give the fans something to show for their mediocre season. That team has been wracked with bad luck it makes the sox look like they are on a lucky streak. That said, the fish are in our division, i hope they freefall to oblivion ;)

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quite the contrary, the players dont want him to come back and end up looking like the proverbial 'messiah" after he ditched them at the alter. general consensus say that he will be retained and dealt/traded to a RB hungry team for some future picks.... but when its all said and done, i knew, you knew, the fish knew(i hope they did) and the whole damn league knew that Ricky was eccentric.... guy has issues... he's like a time bomb..it was a matter of when, not if . The fact that he has offered to repay the signing bonus..."its blood money" as he was quoted to have said, i think he's just going thru one of his many phases. They should let him play and atleast give the fans something to show for their mediocre season. That team has been wracked with bad luck it makes the sox look like they are on a lucky streak. That said, the fish are in our division, i hope they freefall to oblivion ;)

ummm....I was being mad sarcastic

in that other thread about him I stated that I would never want him on my team if I were a coach and I dont think anyone on Miami even wants to hear of his name again

if I were Wannstadt and I was forced to let him back on my team....Id have the rat run windsprints till he croacked and set up plays where he would run with no line blocking for him

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