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Reality TV


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It is getting so carried away it is fucking rediculous. I do like some of the shows but it is getting a little out of hand.

Fuck it the next reality TV show should be.

"The Next International DJ"


" The Next American President " ( Scary thought... )

i fuckin hate this reality boom thats going on... along with those half a fag remodeling shows, and makeover shits... wtf... is there nothing better on tv than watching some fat fucker get dressed up like some chelsea boy reject...

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The only thing worse than Reality TV, are the constant naggin' of people on how much they hate, Just turn it off, or call it a Block Buster night :vomit2:

word, one of the other things i hate are the ppl that nag about naggers about reality tv... fuckin naggers~! sidenote some ppl dont have the luxury of being able to sit on a couch and watch a movie, sometimes you just want to flip on a channel and just relax for a moment...

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We can close this visous cycle, by ppl just shuttin their pie hole about complainin bout things in the first place, and talk about better things like the way a little larva becomes a beautiful butterfly :hat:

i like complaining makes me feel important... but i was just goofin with yah... im a herb... oh i like butterflys as well... and the butterfly effect, and butterfly shrimp, and floating like a butterfly but i like stinging like a bee better... long walks on the beach and im a taurus...

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