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John Kerry fucks up again

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Firts Bushs whole presidency is defined on the war on terrorism - NOTHING like this has ever happened to another President ( I am talking about 911). Just the fact that not 1 attack has happened since then is a credit to the man. He is activly persuing and destroying organizations and Governments that promote - or persue Terrorism. When 911 just happened he said IRAQ - IRAN - N Korea. Now he has hit Iraq - Iran is surrounded by U.S Friendly govts because of Him. And He has Brought Japan and S. Korea and China to table with N. Korea.

No Child Left Behind -

Tax Cuts which is the onlyy reason the economy is holding its own. I know you probably forgot but the economy was heading into a recession just as Bush entered office. Not saying It was Clintons Fault (the economy tends to be Cyclical sp?) - Anyone who thinks that the cuts only benefit the Rich were probably too young to Remember Regan. When Kerry Rolls back the cuts he is going to hurt small business owners who employ most of the country. AND DO NOT FORGET THE ECONOMY TANKED AFTER 911 - I love how we all forget about 911.

The Democrats Bashed Bush because he said he dosent want Cheap Drugs from Canada in the country and Bush said he was afraid of contamination so he is trying to cut back on importing of drugs YET when drugs from England are contaminated all you liberals want to know why we were outsourcing??? YOu dems are crazy.

I can go on - But first you tell me a thing or two about Kerry if you even can - I can tell you a whole lot about him. AND I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HIS NON EXISTENT PLAN - Give me something on his record -

Your first sentence is EXACTLY Bush's whole problem. I only asked for some points on Bush's domestic issues b/c in the event that he does get re-elected, I would have liked some positive thoughts to fall back on.. But your post still hasn't provided me with any. You still have not told me what he has done that's been positive-- you are only making excuses for him. If you are really interested in learning about John Kerry's DETAILED plan you can go to John Kerry dot com and download his economic plans yourself. BTW, I know you and I are so set in our ways that we could provide 10 pages of drama on this thread. so... let's just end it here, and may the best person win.. (:cough: Kerrry!) :)

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Your first sentence is EXACTLY Bush's whole problem. I only asked for some points on Bush's domestic issues b/c in the event that he does get re-elected, I would have liked some positive thoughts to fall back on.. But your post still hasn't provided me with any. You still have not told me what he has done that's been positive-- you are only making excuses for him. If you are really interested in learning about John Kerry's DETAILED plan you can go to John Kerry dot com and download his economic plans yourself. BTW, I know you and I are so set in our ways that we could provide 10 pages of drama on this thread. so... let's just end it here, and may the best person win.. (:cough: Kerrry!) :)

Read "Unfit for Command" if you are looking for facts.............don't go to some stupid website for what you believe to be legitamite info...............especially if the website is entitled johnkerry.com

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I'm just curious....

what is the difference between what Michael Moore did in Fareinheight 911, and the book by O'Neill, John; Corsi, Jerome....

Both are just an individual or group expressing their one sided views, no? Im sure that is some truth in both the book and the movie...to an extent.

I agree with Misk, I cant wait until the election is over. Im so tired of hearing about this shit!

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I'm just curious....

what is the difference between what Michael Moore did in Fareinheight 911, and the book by O'Neill, John; Corsi, Jerome....

Both are just an individual or group expressing their one sided views, no? Im sure that is some truth in both the book and the movie...to an extent.

I agree with Misk, I cant wait until the election is over. Im so tired of hearing about this shit!

I don't know Michael Moores credentials to even answer that other than he is someone who twisted and manipulated situations to make his point(just as most info provided to us from either side is).............

But O'neil was the Commanding Naval officer who took over Kerrys post in Vietnam and Corsi has a PHd and is an expert in anti-war movements................I tend to respect them and their views a little more than Moore, who outright blasts the United States in anyway he can............

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Firts Bushs whole presidency is defined on the war on terrorism - NOTHING like this has ever happened to another President ( I am talking about 911). Just the fact that not 1 attack has happened since then is a credit to the man. He is activly persuing and destroying organizations and Governments that promote - or persue Terrorism. When 911 just happened he said IRAQ - IRAN - N Korea. Now he has hit Iraq - Iran is surrounded by U.S Friendly govts because of Him. And He has Brought Japan and S. Korea and China to table with N. Korea.

No Child Left Behind -

Tax Cuts which is the onlyy reason the economy is holding its own. I know you probably forgot but the economy was heading into a recession just as Bush entered office. Not saying It was Clintons Fault (the economy tends to be Cyclical sp?) - Anyone who thinks that the cuts only benefit the Rich were probably too young to Remember Regan. When Kerry Rolls back the cuts he is going to hurt small business owners who employ most of the country. AND DO NOT FORGET THE ECONOMY TANKED AFTER 911 - I love how we all forget about 911.

The Democrats Bashed Bush because he said he dosent want Cheap Drugs from Canada in the country and Bush said he was afraid of contamination so he is trying to cut back on importing of drugs YET when drugs from England are contaminated all you liberals want to know why we were outsourcing??? YOu dems are crazy.

I can go on - But first you tell me a thing or two about Kerry if you even can - I can tell you a whole lot about him. AND I DONT WANT TO HEAR ABOUT HIS NON EXISTENT PLAN - Give me something on his record -

god.... i feel like a fifth grader approaching the bus taking the class to field day...

you're off on a lot of points dude...

1) George Bush was sitting there for over 7 minutes.. AND he knew about the first plane hitting the first tower only a few minutes after it happened (5 minutes before the great photo oppurtunity with him being such a wonderful humanitarian and reading to children)... some leader eh?? way to take charges ::rolleyes::

2) Your point about bush taking us out of a recession is??? During clinton's administration there was a recession... normally after a recession, the economy tends to grow, thus taking us out of the recession... you should check back on those economic cycles you refered to.... this is how cycle's work everythign kinda evens its way out.. you could have put a chimp in office and paid him 2 banana's a week to get us out of the recession.. how exactly did bush take us out of the recession by giving a tax break to the filtyhy fucking rich???

3) Bush is a war president bc he wants to be a war president... bush was looking for a reason to invade iraq since he was sworn into president.. why are there clippings of articles with colin powell saying there are no signs of saddam hussein holding wmd's and he has no possible way of obtaining them (2001)...

4) dialysis issue... i highly doubt osama is dead due to dialysis.. (not even sure if he is dead) his family is made up of genius' he has numerous family memebers that are doctors and engineeres who make portable dialysis machines for fun in their spare time.. (not really for fun but they do do it)while dialysis may be uncomfortable and time consuming (usually 4 hours long) it is still possible to hide and run in caves.. NOT THAT IT MATTERS bc bush quickly switched the emphasis of "terrorism" onto saddam hussein.. who had absolutely nothing to do with 911...


I work in a hospital and was fortunate enough to sit in on a lecture from the head of psychiatry at jerusalem's biggest hospital.. he commented on how they have terror warnings like us here in america.. only difference is when they alert the public of possible terrorism they give specific instances, they dont just say "hay you might get killed tomorrow" they tell you what details they have found and they dont leave you in the dark... these people in jerusalem go through more shit than any united states citizen has seen.. but they cope with it better.. why??? bc they're not ALWAYS on edge.. only their government isnt trying to scare them...


the government in jerusalem is saying "hey we heard there might be a terrorist attack at so and so and on so and so a date, so dont be in that area if you dont have to that day. Just try to stay away if possible."

our government is basically saying "a terrorist attack is probable and it will hit anywhere at anytime" they're basically telling us to fear for our lives... not a very nice thing to do.. what's the point?? (im not even going to speculate about how this would increase the supply for anti-anxiety pills like xanax, ativan, valiums etc. bc bush has his hands in the pharm companies.. no i wont get into that, that's a little far-fetched even though it is good food for thought)

some questions for all you bush supporters...

how do you feel about bush taking a vacation for the entire month of august 2001 and not reading reports headlined "bin laden plans to attack america with planes"

how do you feel about bush and his administration being so intertwined with the saudi's in their business ventures?? doesn't it strike you a little funny that bush and his administration have millions if not billions of dollars invested in numerous companies involved with making arms and defenses??

you dont find it a little weird that 19 of the hi-jackers were saudi's, yet we're still so involved with them... but 0, i repeat ZERO of the hijackers were iraqi?? hmmm... that's a little weird that we bombed iraq...

c'mon guys let's look at the facts please...

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I don't know Michael Moores credentials to even answer that other than he is someone who twisted and manipulated situations to make his point(just as most info provided to us from either side is).............

But O'neil was the Commanding Naval officer who took over Kerrys post in Vietnam and Corsi has a PHd and is an expert in anti-war movements................I tend to respect them and their views a little more than Moore, who outright blasts the United States in anyway he can............


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god.... i feel like a fifth grader approaching the bus taking the class to field day...

you're off on a lot of points dude...

1) George Bush was sitting there for over 7 minutes.. AND he knew about the first plane hitting the first tower only a minute or two after it happened (5 minutes before the great photo oppurtunity with him being such a wonderful humanitarian and reading to children)... some leader eh?? way to take charges ::rolleyes::

2) Your point about bush taking us out of a recession is??? During clinton's administration there was a recession... normally after a recession, the economy tends to grow... you should check back on those economic cycles you refered to.... you could have put a chimp in office and paid him 2 banana's a week to get us out of the recession..

3) Bush is a war president bc he wants to be a war president... bush was looking for a reason to invade iraq since he was sworn into president.. why are there clippings of articles with colin powell saying there are no signs of saddam hussein holding wmd's and he has no possible way of obtaining them...

4) dialysis issue... i highly doubt osama is dead due to dialysis.. his family is made up of genius' he has numerous family memebers that are doctors and engineered who make portable dialysis machines for fun in their spare time.. while dialysis may be uncomfortable and time consuming (usually 4 hours long) it is still possible to hide and run in caves.. NOT THAT IT MATTERS bc bush quickly switched the emphasis of "terrorism" onto saddam hussein.. who had absolutely nothing to do with 911...


I work in a hospital and was fortunate enough to sit in on a lecture from the head of psychiatry at jerusalem's biggest hospital.. he commented on how they have terror warnings like us here in america.. only difference is when they alert the public of possible terrorism they give specific instances, they dont just say "hay you might get killed tomorrow" they tell you what details they have found and they dont leave you in the dark... these people in jerusalem go through more shit than any united states citizen has seen.. but they cope with it better.. why??? bc they're not ALWAYS on edge.. only their government isnt trying to scare them...


the government in jerusalem is saying "hey we heard there might be a terrorist attack at so and so and on so and so a date, so dont be in that area if you dont have to that day. Just try to stay away if possible."

our government is basically saying "a terrorist attack is probable and it will hit anywhere at anytime" they're basically telling us to fear for our lives... not a very nice thing to do.. what's the point?? (im not even going to speculate about how this would increase the supply for anti-anxiety pills like xanax, ativan, valiums etc. bc bush has his hands in the pharm companies.. no i wont get into that, that's a little far-fetched even though it is good food for thought)

some questions for all you bush supporters...

how do you feel about bush taking a vacation for the entire month of august 2001 and not reading reports headlined "bin laden plans to attack america with planes"

how do you feel about bush and his administration being so intertwined with the saudi's in their business ventures?? doesn't it strike you a little funny that bush and his administration have millions if not billions of dollars invested in numerous companies involved with making arms and defenses??

you dont find it a little weird that 19 of the hi-jackers were saudi's, yet we're still so involved with them... but 0, i repeat ZERO of the hijackers were iraqi?? hmmm... that's a little weird that we bombed iraq...

c'mon guys let's look at the facts please...

1/ It was 5 minutes - Time it. Just cause Micheal Moore said it was 7 dosent make it so. And he was told like the rest of the world thought - the first plane was an accident. What was he going to do change in a phone booth and fly to NY with his a big red cape???

2/Recession + 911 that was the problem. If it was just the recession we would be out of it already. I am a business owner and I went 3 months with barely any business after 911. I guess if your Theory on Chimps is true Kerry will do a good job.

3/President Clinton signed a regime change for Saddam Hussein in 1998 - Yes people your Hero wanted Saddam out way b4 Bush - Bush was able to do it because of the political climate change after 911. So I guess Clinton is guilty of Wanting to be a lieing war president too.

4/I didnt realise Osamas Family had magical Dialisis machines. Our best Hospitals cant do some of the things he is doing with the damn machines but I guess thats because we are dumb americans. Special forces are after Al queda - We Can not put 150,000 troops in Pakistan to look for Osama - I think the Pakistani president would frown on that.

Here is your Fith grade lesson - Pay attention

1 - Camp david / Air force one and other spots the president resides are fully equipped offices that the pres can work at. It is not unusual actually its more likely that a president is not at the white house. All presidents including Slick Willy spend much of there time outside of washington.

2 - The "headlines" did not say Osama was going to attack a building with a plane. Osame was always percieved as a threat but not as dangerous as he turned out to bo otherwise Bill clinton would have taken him into custody when offered.

3 - Bush family is in the oil business so it would make sense that they have connections with Saudis as well as other oil producing nations. What I find funny is that The Bush family wants to drill in Alaska which would allow us to cut the Saudis off - But the Liberals do not want to do that. So If Bush was in the Pocket of the Saudis why is he trying to cut them out of the oil trade with the U.S??

4 - Iraq is a known sponsor of terrorism. Saddam gives money to terrorists families that kill innocence. Again Bill Clinton and George Bush both agreed at some point that Saddam needed to be removed, for that matter so did Kerry. Saudis were hijackers and the way to deal with them is to drill our own oil and cut them off - Maybe the libs are in bed with them?? Oh by the way since you get your Info from Moore - Little side note what Moore dosent tell you is that the Taliban came to the white house during th Clinton administration Not Bush.... Hmmmmmm

Finnaly - Isreal has a better intelligence community then we do - that plus there country is smaller then most of our states making it easier to pin point where the attack will be. Maybe if John Kerry stops voting for intelligence cuts we will get it right. Oh and one more thing about Iraq - we found the blue prints to schools in Iraq from a man who father is a known Al Quedq member but I thought there were no terrorist in Iraq. According to you Dems Iraq is the only terrorist free country well until we go there.

Now Tell me Why John Kerry is so good - do you know anything about his record?? Probably not - it wasnt in Micheal moores movie so why would you?

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2) how exactly did bush take us out of the recession by giving a tax break to the filtyhy fucking rich???

the government in jerusalem is saying "hey we heard there might be a terrorist attack at so and so and on so and so a date, so dont be in that area if you dont have to that day. Just try to stay away if possible."

our government is basically saying "a terrorist attack is probable and it will hit anywhere at anytime" they're basically telling us to fear for our lives... not a very nice thing to do.. what's the point?? (im not even going to speculate about how this would increase the supply for anti-anxiety pills like xanax, ativan, valiums etc. bc bush has his hands in the pharm companies.. no i wont get into that, that's a little far-fetched even though it is good food for thought)

some questions for all you bush supporters...

how do you feel about bush taking a vacation for the entire month of august 2001 and not reading reports headlined "bin laden plans to attack america with planes"

1.) Any economics professor will tell you that giving tax breaks to the middle class or poor will not help the economy as much as giving tax breaks to corporations and people who will likely use the savings to create jobs and stimulate the economy.

2.) I for one will take our track record at stopping terrorism over Israel's. If we put up signs telling people where we think terror attacks will occur how will we catch people in the act? since 9/11 we havent had one attack. I'd rather hear vague warnings and then read about arrests on the news, then hear precise warnings and have my bus get blown up as i enter the lincoln tunnel.

3.) when Bush went on vacation, did he take the CIA and FBI with him? And I still get phone calls form my managers when im on vacations about the work im doing.

I tend to believe the President of the United States doesnt turn off his cell and throw his blackberry in a drawer and play charades at Camp David. I'm guessing hes still working, although he is not in Washington.

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I'm just curious....

what is the difference between what Michael Moore did in Fareinheight 911, and the book by O'Neill, John; Corsi, Jerome....

Both are just an individual or group expressing their one sided views, no? Im sure that is some truth in both the book and the movie...to an extent.

I agree with Misk, I cant wait until the election is over. Im so tired of hearing about this shit!

There are a few differences -

1/ Micheal Moore Hates the U.S - a few days after 911 he wrote an article describing how the U.S deserved what happened to us. He also went to schools around the worl (not country - world) and apologised for all the Despair and pain this country causes other nations. ALL PRE IRAQ. IF Kerry gets in office Moore will turn on him Too - He is a Liar and he hates the United States but not our money. The fat Bastard loves our money.

2/Most of those books - I will give you this Not all of the books - are backed up by facts and supported by people whom are medal of honor winners. Moores Movie has over 50 lies in it put together by a very talented Director who did a damn good job of cutting and pasting and Half truths.

3/As a matter of fact the only Whole truth in that movie is that Micheal moore directed it. If thoose accusations were true Kerry would be punding away at them - he is not. Why? Cause they are untrue

I do not doubt Kerrys sincerity but I do doubt his resolve and his grasp on reality.

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There are a few differences -

1/ Micheal Moore Hates the U.S - a few days after 911 he wrote an article describing how the U.S deserved what happened to us. He also went to schools around the worl (not country - world) and apologised for all the Despair and pain this country causes other nations. ALL PRE IRAQ. IF Kerry gets in office Moore will turn on him Too - He is a Liar and he hates the United States but not our money. The fat Bastard loves our money.

2/Most of those books - I will give you this Not all of the books - are backed up by facts and supported by people whom are medal of honor winners. Moores Movie has over 50 lies in it put together by a very talented Director who did a damn good job of cutting and pasting and Half truths.

3/As a matter of fact the only Whole truth in that movie is that Micheal moore directed it. If thoose accusations were true Kerry would be punding away at them - he is not. Why? Cause they are untrue

I do not doubt Kerrys sincerity but I do doubt his resolve and his grasp on reality.

Im not trying to be difficult, honestly.....but which parts of Moore's films are lies, and which parts were the truth....how do you Decipher?

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Im not trying to be difficult, honestly.....but which parts of Moore's films are lies, and which parts were the truth....how do you Decipher?
Too much to write about - I sent you a PM.. I have to go work and Pay my taxes ;) Have a nice day Rapture
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Hey I listened to your listen to minehttp://www.wabcradio.com/listingsentryheadline.asp?ID=259078&PT=WABC+News

very nice....I can take two or three sentences from bush and precede them with my own commentary as well.......more interesting would be the ability to hear the whole questions and comments without the narrator.......

I believe this is called propaganda.......

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Hey I listened to your listen to minehttp://www.wabcradio.com/listingsentryheadline.asp?ID=259078&PT=WABC+News

very nice....I can take two or three sentences from bush and precede them with my own commentary as well.......more interesting would be the ability to hear the whole questions and comments without the narrator.......

I believe this is called propaganda.......

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Hey I listened to your listen to minehttp://www.wabcradio.com/listingsentryheadline.asp?ID=259078&PT=WABC+News

very nice....I can take two or three sentences from bush and precede them with my own commentary as well.......more interesting would be the ability to hear the whole questions and comments without the narrator.......

I believe this is called propaganda.......

wabc --- need I say more.....

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Hey I listened to your listen to minehttp://www.wabcradio.com/listingsentryheadline.asp?ID=259078&PT=WABC+News

very nice....I can take two or three sentences from bush and precede them with my own commentary as well.......more interesting would be the ability to hear the whole questions and comments without the narrator.......

I believe this is called propaganda.......

wabc --- need I say more.....

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