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Why do Hollywooders talk politics? I dont know. With credentials like these i would STFU!!

Barbra Streisand: Completed high school

Career: Singing and acting

Cher: Dropped out of school in 9th grade.

Career: Singing and acting

Martin Sheen: Flunked exam to enter University of Dayton.

Career: Acting

Jessica Lange: Dropped out college mid-freshman year.

Career: Acting

Alec Baldwin: Dropped out of George Washington U.

Career: Acting

Julia Roberts: Completed high school

Career: Acting

Sean Penn: Completed High school

Career: Acting

Susan Sarandon: Degree in Drama from Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C.

Career: Acting

Ed Asner: Completed High school

Career: Acting

George Clooney: Dropped out of University of Kentucky

Career: Acting

Michael Moore: Dropped out first year University of Michigan.

Career: Movie Director

Sarah Jessica Parker: Completed High School

Career: Acting

Jennifer Anniston: Completed High School

Career: Acting

Mike Farrell: Completed High school

Career: Acting

Janeane Garofelo: Dropped out of College.

Career: Stand up comedienne

Larry Hagman: Attended Bard College for one year.

Career: Acting

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what does ones level of education have to do, with having a political opinion:confused:

Take an uneducated person, put them in the unreal world of Hollywood and you have someone with no educational background who is out of touch with reality.

History and world politics are things you pick up when you dont drop out in 9th grade or skip college for Sunset Blvd. Im not saying these people cant have an opinion, but would it be responsible of me to go speak about Nuclear Physics when I majored in Political Science and work in Commercial Real Estate???? No. Should these Hollywooders be as vocal as they are? No.

By the way the Fat Dixie Chick flunked out of Jenny Craig Univ twice. :)

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they have opinions and because they are famous we hear them. If anyone votes for a candidate because julia roberts does then they are stupid.

Just because these people did not graduate from college does not mean they are stupid. They could still research a subject that they fell strongly about. Most have a lot of time and money to find shit out. Shit I bet if anyone of those people wanted info on a subject they could call any excpert in the world and they would talk to them.

Alec baldwin got into GW?????

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Take an uneducated person, put them in the unreal world of Hollywood and you have someone with no educational background who is out of touch with reality.

History and world politics are things you pick up when you dont drop out in 9th grade or skip college for Sunset Blvd. Im not saying these people cant have an opinion, but would it be responsible of me to go speak about Nuclear Physics when I majored in Political Science and work in Commercial Real Estate???? No. Should these Hollywooders be as vocal as they are? No.

By the way the Fat Dixie Chick flunked out of Jenny Craig Univ twice. :)

uneducated would imply that had no formal education, which is clearly not the case. the reality is a higher education, does not equate to a higher level of intelligence. using your bizarre reference. if you had an opinion or an idea regarding Nuclear Physics, it would be well within your right to express your opinion regarding the same. whether that would be a qualified opinion is rather subjective.

in the most simple of terms ,you can speak about anything you please. whether people will listen and believe you is a matter of choice.

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they have opinions and because they are famous we hear them. If anyone votes for a candidate because julia roberts does then they are stupid.

Just because these people did not graduate from college does not mean they are stupid. They could still research a subject that they fell strongly about. Most have a lot of time and money to find shit out. Shit I bet if anyone of those people wanted info on a subject they could call any excpert in the world and they would talk to them.

Alec baldwin got into GW?????

Agreed, but an educational background combined with real world experience make an opinion more valuable. These people lack both. Now give me someone who finished HS got a real job and has been in Reality and I will listen to everything they say.

If you ever get a chance to listen to an interview with Alec Baldwin I think you will be impressed. I dont agree w/ his politics, but I respect him. He is a smart guy, no doubt about it.

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uneducated would imply that had no formal education, which is clearly not the case. the reality is a higher education, does not equate to a higher level of intelligence. using your bizarre reference. if you had an opinion or an idea regarding Nuclear Physics, it would be well within your right to express your opinion regarding the same. whether that would be a qualified opinion is rather subjective.

in the most simple of terms ,you can speak about anything you please. whether people will listen and believe you is a matter of choice.

The point is that my opinion on Nuclear Physics would be worthless. I wasnt educated on the subject and have no real world experience. Within my rights---yes. Responsible---no.

If I ever talk about nuclear physics, please choose not to listen.

As for equating higher education to intelligence, I am not making that mistake. Plenty of dregs graduate from college. However, these people have skated through life in the unreal world of Hollywood. They have no perspective. In other words, they dont get it.

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what i am saying is you have no idea what these people get or do not get. You do not know who these people talk with, or what they have researched on their own. As i said before these people are rich and famous enough to call on people who do "get" it.

An example would be the beastie boys and tibet, they probably did not know jack shit about it, something stirred their intrest and now they are just about excperts on it.

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The point is that my opinion on Nuclear Physics would be worthless. I wasnt educated on the subject and have no real world experience. Within my rights---yes. Responsible---no.

If I ever talk about nuclear physics, please choose not to listen.

getting a degree is not a measure of intelligence or a gauge for how 'in-touch' you are with reality. heck i know plenty of ppl. with degrees who are still confused abt life and are still clueless abt the situation in iraq. it doesn't take a formal education to know right from wrong.

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The point is that my opinion on Nuclear Physics would be worthless. I wasnt educated on the subject and have no real world experience. Within my rights---yes. Responsible---no.

If I ever talk about nuclear physics, please choose not to listen.

As for equating higher education to intelligence, I am not making that mistake. Plenty of dregs graduate from college. However, these people have skated through life in the unreal world of Hollywood. They have no perspective. In other words, they dont get it.

I'm not sure what your point is. you believe your opinion would be worthless, with regard to Nuclear Physics. if you studied Nuclear Physics, but did not study it in a formal educational environment would that make you opinion worthless or irresponsible? I think not. through out history there have been inventors, entrepreneurs, leaders etc who have had limited to no formal education. you don’t know anything about the background, of the people mentioned in your previous post. thus your views are; opinions based only on what you have read... in hindsight I believe it is you who does not get it. you pass judgment on people you don’t know, simply because they live a life in most cases which is probably better then yours, have a level of success you may never attain, and have a political view you may not favor. you don't have to respect their opinions, but they are certainly entitled to voice them just as you are. that is my point!
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I'm not sure what your point is. you believe your opinion would be worthless, with regard to Nuclear Physics. if you studied Nuclear Physics, but did not study it in a formal educational environment would that make you opinion worthless or irresponsible? I think not. through out history there have been inventors, entrepreneurs, leaders etc who have had limited to no formal education. you don’t know anything about the background, of the people mentioned in your previous post. thus your views are; opinions based only on what you have read... in hindsight I believe it is you who does not get it. you pass judgment on people you don’t know, simply because they live a life in most cases which is probably better then yours, have a level of success you may never attain, and have a political view you may not favor. you don't have to respect their opinions, but they are certainly entitled to voice them just as you are. that is my point!

I wouldnt consider their life better than mine. In fact, I wouldnt trade the life I have for anything. I have an beautiful girlfriend who is as cool as she is hot. I live in a great loft overlooking Atlanta. I have a nice car with lots of bangin house tunes pumpin out of the Bose system. I have great friends and am about as happy as I can be. Do I make $15 million per movie? No, but I dont have to worry about where my next meal is coming from either and compared to most I am very sucessful financially.

Maybe you perceive their life as better than yours, however dont presume I do the same because I dont.

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YEah i am happy but i would love to bang all kinds of hot models do shit loads of drugs and end up on E! true hollwood story.

Hilarious. You and Nikki Sixx od'ing and being brought back and hitting it with Donna Dericho and Pamela Anderson sounds like a good Behind the Music.

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I wouldnt consider their life better than mine. In fact, I wouldnt trade the life I have for anything. I have an beautiful girlfriend who is as cool as she is hot. I live in a great loft overlooking Atlanta. I have a nice car with lots of bangin house tunes pumpin out of the Bose system. I have great friends and am about as happy as I can be. Do I make $15 million per movie? No, but I dont have to worry about where my next meal is coming from either and compared to most I am very sucessful financially.

Maybe you perceive their life as better than yours, however dont presume I do the same because I dont.

congratulations on your success! but let's get back to point at hand; which you seem to skirt over with your mini biography. once again "you don't have to respect their opinions, but they are certainly entitled to voice them just as you are." further your opinion is not worth any more or less based your educational or social status. two points very clear, I hope you get it now.
Why do Hollywooders talk politics?

because they can, in fact some of them (Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger., Clint Eastwood, etc.) even become politicians themselves. how ironic! :)

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You were the one that brought life sucess into this picture, not me. I just had to clarify the fact that underlying jealousy does not cloud my view.

I am over the "hope you get it" stuff. What I get is irritated whe Hollywood flunkies, who cant get past 9th grade in some cases, and live in a completely UN-Real world tell me in arrogant tones who should be president.

Are they entitled to their views? Of course but when you listen to them speak it becomes very clear that Michael Moore is their source of info and truth and moveon.org is feeding them lines through the teleprompter. I dont respect these people because they are so far left and so out of touch. I am equally wary of people like Alan Keyes who is so far right that he scares me.

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You were the one that brought life sucess into this picture, not me. I just had to clarify the fact that underlying jealousy does not cloud my view.

I am over the "hope you get it" stuff. What I get is irritated whe Hollywood flunkies, who cant get past 9th grade in some cases, and live in a completely UN-Real world tell me in arrogant tones who should be president.

Are they entitled to their views? Of course but when you listen to them speak it becomes very clear that Michael Moore is their source of info and truth and moveon.org is feeding them lines through the teleprompter. I dont respect these people because they are so far left and so out of touch. I am equally wary of people like Alan Keyes who is so far right that he scares me.

you know nothing about the life they live other then what you read. it's odd you use the the word arrogant, because that is more in line with the views you have have expressed in this thread. some people are passionate in their beliefs and choose to express them openly. it does not matter if the person expressing a political view is an actor, janitor , etc or what side of the political spectrum they happen to be on. I have nothing but respect for people in the public domain, who are vocal and passionate in there beliefs. even though I may not always share the same passions, I certainly try to respect the same.
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congratulations on your success! but let's get back to point at hand; which you seem to skirt over with your mini biography. once again "you don't have to respect their opinions, but they are certainly entitled to voice them just as you are." further your opinion is not worth any more or less based your educational or social status. two points very clear, I hope you get it now.

because they can, in fact some of them (Ronald Reagan, Arnold Schwarzenegger., Clint Eastwood, etc.) even become politicians themselves. how ironic! :)

Everyone is entiteled to spew whatever shit they want. NOw i saying that an educated opinion is worth the same as an uneducated one does not sit well with me. I would hold a nobel prize winners opinion over some guy who gets his info from the newspapers he sleeps under. The both have the right to say things but one who is educated should be worth more.

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Everyone is entiteled to spew whatever shit they want. NOw i saying that an educated opinion is worth the same as an uneducated one does not sit well with me. I would hold a nobel prize winners opinion over some guy who gets his info from the newspapers he sleeps under. The both have the right to say things but one who is educated should be worth more.
the worthiness of someone’s words and perspective is very subjective. are the words of a person with an MBA concerning small business, worth more then a self taught business man who has achieved success?? I say NO.
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well that depends, i know people who have a small business that really suck at it.lol

The thing with education especially higher education is that you have to study and learn a lot of different things, where as the guy who just runs his business only knws his business and that is it.

But if all things are equal both people have a successfull business one started the shit himself and one got an eduacation and started it i would take the opinion of the educated one over the uneducated. Now if a guy is right out of school compared to someone who has already gone through everything i would take the guy who has gone thought it.

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