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Ferry @ Avalon .. REVIEWED

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Last night was sik! THe chicks dancing on the speakers were unbeleivably hot. The breaks where great, the giesha transvestites were wierd as hell, but I hadn't seen anything like that before.... This from someone who went by themselves and wasn't rolling... So much better than Tiesto a few months ago...

Where are the freakin lasers though???????????

ye they need the lasers

much better than tiesto it was

i went by myself too hehe

are you guys talkin about the kid who kept bothering one of the dancers

he had an italian flag tatoo with spiky hair and pierced nipples

and he kept like trying to talk to her and dance with her or some shit

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The owners of Avalon obviously got their hands on a copy of the party monster movie and documentary. That would be the only way that the management believed that the drag queen shit would work. what they dont realize is that it doesnt work anymore. I know old tunnel and limelight days were down like that but not anymore, the NYC club scene still accepts the trannies but it doesnt embrace them like it once did.

Also the thing about the asians ... i went to this party w/ 4 asians and they were also complaining about all the fresh off the boat lookin fools just kinda pushing around. One cocksmoker pushed me so that he and the other shitchewers could create a circle around some cunt who danced like shit. Really shitty crowd = shitty vibe .. i know the club needs money but they should open up more rooms to be able to accomidate this club cattle and herd them in to a place where they arent disturbing the true peeps who came to HEAR the DJ and not just smell and listen.

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I was the opening DJ and played until 1:15 or so before Ferry. I'm the Saturday resident. If anyone wants a tracklisting for the night, I can post it no problem....

I'm noticing some negative comments about the venue and the crowd which I think are extremely unfair. If you guys wanna complain that the club was too crowded, well all I can say is "welcome to reality." When a big DJ plays a club many people show up. That's just the reality of it. Ferry plays to capacity at massive festivals all over the world and so did anyone think the club was going to be half empty?

Also, Avalon attracts people from ALL walks of life. Yes, there are many Asians there, myself also being of that particular ethnicity. As a great "King" once said, "cant we all just along?" And personally, I enjoyed the tranny show on stage. I thought it was kinda entertaining to see something wacky up there. And it didn't even last that long so let's not make a big issue about it.

This is the second time I've played with Ferry. The guy just knows how to weave a magical trance set. A great mix of brand new records, his own mixes, and even a sprinkling of classics.

Instead of posting with a "glass is half empty" type of attitude, I think we need more positive energy in the club scene in order to help it flourish. EDM in general along with clubbing is struggling a bit in America in case anyone hasn't noticed. If we're not careful clubs might begin to play hip hop in their main rooms!

Eddie Lee

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I was the opening DJ and played until 1:15 or so before Ferry. I'm the Saturday resident. If anyone wants a tracklisting for the night, I can post it no problem....

I'm noticing some negative comments about the venue and the crowd which I think are extremely unfair. If you guys wanna complain that the club was too crowded, well all I can say is "welcome to reality." When a big DJ plays a club many people show up. That's just the reality of it. Ferry plays to capacity at massive festivals all over the world and so did anyone think the club was going to be half empty?

Also, Avalon attracts people from ALL walks of life. Yes, there are many Asians there, myself also being of that particular ethnicity. As a great "King" once said, "cant we all just along?" And personally, I enjoyed the tranny show on stage. I thought it was kinda entertaining to see something wacky up there. And it didn't even last that long so let's not make a big issue about it.

This is the second time I've played with Ferry. The guy just knows how to weave a magical trance set. A great mix of brand new records, his own mixes, and even a sprinkling of classics.

Instead of posting with a "glass is half empty" type of attitude, I think we need more positive energy in the club scene in order to help it flourish. EDM in general along with clubbing is struggling a bit in America in case anyone hasn't noticed. If we're not careful clubs might begin to play hip hop in their main rooms!

Eddie Lee

couldnt have agreed with you better.. ny'ers dont have respect for noone and its true.. just go to the fuckin damn party and enjoy! go there for the music not worrying about what ethnicity is going to be there..

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I was the opening DJ and played until 1:15 or so before Ferry. I'm the Saturday resident. If anyone wants a tracklisting for the night, I can post it no problem....

I'm noticing some negative comments about the venue and the crowd which I think are extremely unfair. If you guys wanna complain that the club was too crowded, well all I can say is "welcome to reality." When a big DJ plays a club many people show up. That's just the reality of it. Ferry plays to capacity at massive festivals all over the world and so did anyone think the club was going to be half empty?

Also, Avalon attracts people from ALL walks of life. Yes, there are many Asians there, myself also being of that particular ethnicity. As a great "King" once said, "cant we all just along?" And personally, I enjoyed the tranny show on stage. I thought it was kinda entertaining to see something wacky up there. And it didn't even last that long so let's not make a big issue about it.

This is the second time I've played with Ferry. The guy just knows how to weave a magical trance set. A great mix of brand new records, his own mixes, and even a sprinkling of classics.

Instead of posting with a "glass is half empty" type of attitude, I think we need more positive energy in the club scene in order to help it flourish. EDM in general along with clubbing is struggling a bit in America in case anyone hasn't noticed. If we're not careful clubs might begin to play hip hop in their main rooms!

Eddie Lee

how come they dont have lasers for their parties and smoke machines, the lighting really suked

oh ye can i get the track listing thanks

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Eddie, you the man for posting on this. I thought that night was incredible, I mean what do people want them to do add a wing to avalon? and How come no one has mentioned how freakin hot the club dancers were on those speaker setups?????

Go to Ikon and see Prince if you want room to dance,,,

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im glad im not the only one that noticed that shit was fucked up on saturday. im not one to complain often in clubs, if the music is decent i'll have a good time, and to those saying just shut the fuck up and dance i would do that...IF I COULD. but when im getting bumped into every two seconds by some sweaty fuck that can't handle his drugs it's not really easy to do that. that, coupled with the fact that those damn boxes were in the middle of the dancefloor,and the awful stench not just from bo, it reeked all over the club, and you got yourself a pretty shitty night.

sat night was the reason that i never understand those posts that crop up every once in a while, hey wtf i couldn't get into avalon. apparently they let everyone in. avalon really needs to get their shit together.

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couldnt have agreed with you better.. ny'ers dont have respect for noone and its true.. just go to the fuckin damn party and enjoy! go there for the music not worrying about what ethnicity is going to be there..

im not a violent person at all, i dont even like fighting.. i treat people with respect and expect to be treated in the same way... so when some asshole on drugs, with the eyes rolled into the back of his/her head shoves by me im gonna get fucking pissed... whenever im in a rush to get somewhere in a club i say excuse me and if i step on someone's shoe i apologize... i dont shove people out of the way or trample people...

and dont even take it the "go there to hear music" level bc that is a bunch of horseshit at avalon... people dont go there to hear music.. people go there to do drugs and rub their penis' on ugly ass girls...(few exceptions) now the people who go there to hear the music are forced to stand all the way in the back of the club so they have room to dance.. yes i am aware that rooms will fill up for big international dj's like tiesto and ferry... BUT i get the vibe that more than half the people who go to avalon dont know who si spinning... they're just going there bc avalon has a buzz about it..

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to djeddielee what you said was true but if you really want to keep the club going and the trance,tech and also hiphop room..why not also listen to some of the valid complaints.....for example

the smell in the club is really bad maybe not in the dj booth but for ex if you walk over to the bar under the dj booth.. main floor for some reason there a smel...it could be there using dirty mop and be cheap with keep the place clean..also sometimes people smell in the hip hop room

also if alot of people are complaing abot the tranny show maybe it not working...me personally it dosent bother me..

and you got to admit, everyone always said the same thing about the crack out rude race that walks around the club pushing people and atttacking the girl...i mean come on that not a postive vibe for the club...i give them credit because they party hardcore and dance in their own speical way hard..but chill with be rude and attacking the girkls that not cool ...i am not trying to sound rude but i really like avalon setup for friday and sat...also it great if you have some sought of game to pickup girls but if 100 people are complaing about the same thing is it worth at least in your part....just take a walk and see for yourself....that want king solomon would of done...

peace bro

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