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How addictive are vikes?


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ahh, i might have a problem here. How addictive are vikes? I took them when i had surgery last month, and today im sick and i had a shit day, so i decided to pop a few that were left over(2 to be exact) I lvoe that feeling when it kicks in on the sofa and yoru eyes start to flutter(2 beers enahnce that). But n ewayz, ive seen people addicted beyond beleif to this stuff (like taking 20 a day). They flip out if they dont have. I just did it when i had a prescription BUT nowww that ihave some left over and i dont need them, im taking it to relax. My dr was telling me to take about 5 a day after my surgery. When i told him i didnt want to get hooked, he was like..you wont, people take products like this everyday for months after serious surgeries and they dont get addicted. N e wayz, just want to share the fact that im enjoying my last few vikes. If i choose to do them recreationally what should i look out for? how often should i do it(time span)..like once every month?...so i dont get addicted. And oh yeah, whats with doctors anyway..i feel like they are bigger drug pushers than the real deal hustlers. All over doctors offices, you always see posters for anti depresant drugs,flyers for anti anxiety drugs etc etc. The drug companis PUSH this shit. Some of the side effects are, anorexia,spine discomfort,irrational thought,ejeculation problems etc etc...UMM OK...lets say i have anxiety..i worry too much, or life is being tuff and i need to get my shit together....why is it illegal for me to smoke a joint? WHICH IS

HARMLESS..BUTTTTTTTTT a doctor can tell me that the answer to my problems is getting physically addicted to a drug that fixes my emotional problems..but causes like 40 other problems?..we live in twisted society.

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ever have a SERIOUS anxiety attack its the worst feeling ive ever had

and i wouldnt of known what the fuck was wrong with me without information like that i just thought i was actually having a heart attack. for years i never knew what the fuck was wrong with me now ive learned to control it myself but i still get a script for xanax. and they are great!

take an oxy dude they will put those vikes to shame!

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I know how you feel, trust me. I had SERIOUS anxiety most of my teenage years. I never knew what was wrong. Most of the time, if my mind was occupied, i woudl sweat...get all antsy..i couldnt sit still...lost my breathe..and just freak out. As i got older, i started to understand what ihad. I was on celexa for 1 year. Made me gain 25 pounds, and i was addicted to it. If i didnt take it for one day, i would get my anxiety again. People say that its bogus because its still in your system if u missed a day...and even if thats true..thats my point..i STILL had the anxiety..and it was mind over matter. I picked up pot and i cut stopped celexa. I had MAJOR withdrawl..i had dizzy spells...vomitted..etc etc. Now i smoked pot every night (a couple hours b4 i sleep) and so far its helped me alot. Especially when you compare celexa to pot. I jsut dont get it. why isnt pot even legal for mainstram medicinal use. FOr anxiety etc etc.Yeah im sure people would abuze it..BUTT people abuze xanax,vikes,,etc etc..WHICH ARE WORSE IN THE LONG RUN. So whats the deal?..it upsets me so much. At first i was in denial like..i just smoke every once in a while..its not bad..then it beacme more often and more often..until finally i did my research and i figured "hey, its helped me alot...improved my life to a certain extent....the side effects arent nearly as bad as some other shit...even alcohol has worse side effects....so whats the deal?" i gues you can say im a proud self proclaimed pot smoker. I even came out to my whole family (except mom and dad..btu im sure they haev their doubts)my aunt..uncle..cuzin..etc etc...i TRULEY beleive it should be legal..not because i like doing it..but because it helps alot of peopel and some of the brightest people use it...(not saying that only smart peopel smoke..alot of DUMB people smoke too. But just how it helped me..it can help other....click this link to see what i mean.


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Anytime you use a pain killer (opiates) for more than 3-4 days straight, you will build up a tolerance. (which means that eventually you will feel like you need to take them just to feel 'normal')

If you don't want to get that slight 'jonesing' / anxious feeling (which sucks btw), just don't do em for more than a couple days in a row.

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thank you very much. I think i'll enjoy myself tonight and take one more (which is officially the last one in the prescription..so its a total of (3) 750mg watsons in my system.

Have some fun 2night, and then cut it out and stick with weed.. i dont want to get anxious..like i stated above..I HAVE ANXIETY AS IT IS..lol..thank you very much for the info.

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any opiate can be addictive... but people panic quickly... it takes a decent amount of time to really get hooked... it varies... but for most people the rule of thumb is a two month supply ... to avoid addiction... don't take more than you shouldm that only builds tolerance faster and be sure to taper off your dosage... the problem with vikes even more than the addiction potential is the damage they do to your liver...

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