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Palastine/ Israel what CNN has not been showing but my cabledish has been show

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If an israel soilder gets killed Cnn is all over it but when at least an average of 10 palestineans die a day from soilders with silent guns so the paestineans ambulance cant find so the victims die before they arrive, we don't hear about it.

Well for the last three days I've been watching the news through arab news on my cabledish and i see it through my own eyes the real thing if you thought what you see on our news was bad not even close, what the israel army is doing is worst to what hitlar did to them.

A while back an israel person on this board don't know who but anyway he said " I wake up every morning and the death toll keeps raseing higher and it puts a smile into my face" if it makes you feel any prouder the majority of the deaths have been young males between the ages 10-18. To me it seems the israel army is a bunch of cowards. They interviewd young children who said they can't go to sleep at night because the army shoots inside of there houses so when they go to school in the morning they can't do good.

The news cast reports all the deaths each day and show the paestine people carrying the deaths through the street like a funeral as this is happing the army is fireing at them but we don't see this through Cnn do we.

A lot more deaths happen then we are told and I saw footage of how the palistineans houses,schools,crops,and stores desroyed.

They interviewd this little girl and she said " they shoot at our house at night so we can leave, but we will not leave I only will die once and thats all, if i die it will be in my home". Then they showed kids on the streets throwing rocks at a tank these kids were no more than the age of 8, they looked like kids playing, the tank was hideing and the kids were out in the open, at first i was like what the fuck there crazy but then i thought they have pride and kids in this country die everyday from drugs and these kids are dieing for a cause.

Down there right now is a lady from the United Nation and she is visiting every city and she said this is wrong. She's from Europe and wants to send for protection for the palistineans because she can't belief what she is seeing but Clinton Vetoing it and won't allow it, this makes me not proud to be american Clinton is an asshole and will rot in jail this country will bud in and help Kuwait but what is going on down their is worse and he won't do a thing because there's no OIL involved. Well the other arab counties are starting to get ticked off and might in the future boycot oil sent to us then we are fucked big.

If you want to see with your own eyes and you have a cabledish with all channels including other countries channel 17.

[This message has been edited by alfuckingcapone (edited 11-15-2000).]

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Guest worldboy

Hey dude We all know that your right. But like I know we can do nothing about that. Because guess who runs our media???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

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Jesus. That is just sick. Children throwing rocks and soldiers shooting at them.

Where the justice in that?? I just don't understand what their war is about . . . a piece of land?? They're killing children over a piece of land? So sad. frown2.gif



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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hey!! you don't have to get me started bout the fucked up situation overseas. i'm from syria, you think it makes me proud knowing at anymoment all hell can break loose and half my family can just disappear? yea whoever the asshole was that said they're happy seeing people die is exactly that, an asshole who just says that to get a rise outta people. you're exactly right, when the intifada happened in 1987, eveyrone was in support of hte palestinian teens at that time, because the world finally realized that they were fighting against repeated oppression that the world never saw, because the news was and still is biased. i had to take a politics class the summer before last to finish some college requirements, and it was about middle east politics, do you think it's coincidence that an ambulance carrying a palestinian gets delayed at so -called check points for half an hour, a fucking ambulance!! while that person dies? i dont think so. do you also think it's coincidence that license plates are color coded in israel, i guess htey can pretty much figure out who's jew and who's not. if you ask me, that's discrimination and is illegal under international law, and the geneva talks, but guess what, they're getting away with it everyday. what can we do> well writing to politicians for one, even just talkin bout it makes people aware that we're aware, and watching@!! sorry to seem so activist, but i'm tired of all the bullshit, i'm tired of people throwing rocks, while they get shot at by uzi's, but if someone was takin away your freedom, you'd do the same thing.


"...And i say what's the difference between a high class hooker, and a low class hooker.. both of them hook"

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land=dead children .....?......... cwm40.gif wow thats two motherfucking geneous nations!

....but hey the US faught over stupider shit than that ....fawkind domino effect in the 70's...whatthefuck is that cwm31.gif sends chills down my spine.....if only everybody would get laid at least once a month ..there would be no war....er...roll once a year cwm29.gif er...well there's many more solutions but war ...makes me so cwm23.gif


Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

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unbound, you're absolutely right, but what everyone fails to recognize is that its' not just land. it goes beyond that, what they're failing to put past them, is that fine, 2000 years ago. your ancestors were there, fine they get kicked off what rightfully belongs to them, and we think it has nothing to do with teh present generation, but they're trying to find that security, a place to call home, you let anyone come in and undermind that, guess what, you're now a refugee in another country. do you kinda understand that now. i'ts not just land, it's roots, it's security, it's knowing where you came from will go unchanged, you can still speak your language and have your customs, not under anyone else's rule, but your own. just my two cents anyways. cwm32.gif


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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Man... I hope this shit comes to an end soon... I hate watching people die specially when their death doesn't make a difference to their cause. People are being killed on each side and everything just keeps getting worst.

Stop the killings! NOBODY deserves to die, specially rock throwing teens! cwm23.gif

I hate the fact that we can't do anything from here! It's a problem they have to solve by themselves!

Dammit! cwm10.gifcwm21.gif

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While I agree that it is terrible that ANYONE is dying, how can you expect support from a nation that you profess a political and religious agenda to destroy? The real problem in the Middle East is that you have Zealots on both sides who WANT deaths. Both Israelis like Ariel Sharon and Palestinians such as HAMAS want people to die, because when they do, it makes their causes more apparent. To say that Israeli soldiers are shooting at children in their homes, while at the same time admitting that that information has been garnered from an ARAB television network is as ludicrous as saying that Israelis are killing no one at all.



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Originally posted by mp3some:

Man... I hope this shit comes to an end soon... I hate watching people die specially when their death doesn't make a difference to their cause. People are being killed on each side and everything just keeps getting worst.

Stop the killings! NOBODY deserves to die, specially rock throwing teens! cwm23.gif

I hate the fact that we can't do anything from here! It's a problem they have to solve by themselves!

Dammit! cwm10.gifcwm21.gif

Yes both people are killed from both sides, but the #s aren't even close. 100 palestinean kids to every 5 israel soilder. If a soilder dies you can't feel that sadden because it's part of the job but little kids yes who do throw rocks because of anger of what these soilders did to their homes killed older brothers or dad, thats unfair, I'm seeing this with my own eyes on tv from a live footage, not Cnn witch is run by jews. To see these kids go out there and have no fear and fight against tanks witch were hideing in one scene I saw I respect that. Over here kids are ODing and dieing but atleast these kids die for independence.

Clinton is a moron and he earned one thing honstly in office a ticket to hell. If it was the other way around and israel kids were dieing everyday he would send troops in a hartbeat, but it's all about politics. This country buds into everything else but that down there is nothing right, shit this country is run by jews already the house, US senate, everything all we need is a president and if Gore wins some jew will assisinate him and we will have are jewish president. Jewish people are smart and they know what they are doing.

And the death counts we get hear are so off. The telvision show goes into each towm and reports the death toll and gives the names and age of the deaths. One town had 6 kids die yesterday all between the age 8-14. Like I said if you have a cabledish with worldwide channels you can see with your own eyes channel 17.

Oh ya the hitler jew on this board who said it puts a smile to his face also i remember him saying they use rubber bullets and they shouldn't. Well they don't they use the worse kind silence guns they only use rubber when Cnn is filming but Cnn lets them know in advance. I hope that puts a smile into your face.

[This message has been edited by alfuckingcapone (edited 11-16-2000).]

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Originally posted by alfuckingcapone:

Oh ya the hitler jew on this board

um, can we not refer to people as the hitler jews on this board? I realize you are upset, having family that lives in Israel leaves me just as nervous all the time as well, but lets not carry the hate over to this board, there is just no reason for it.


"There was a time before we were born when the soul of each one of us decreed that we be brought into life. We have all made a place for ourselves on this earth, each life precious, each path different. But we all share the same goal of inner peace and it is there within us all to be discovered, and it can only be discovered through love."

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Originally posted by alfuckingcapone:

i remember him saying they use rubber bullets and they shouldn't. Well they don't they use the worse kind silence guns they only use rubber when Cnn is filming but Cnn lets them know in advance. I hope that puts a smile into your face.

[This message has been edited by alfuckingcapone (edited 11-16-2000).]

Even a rubber bullet is strong is strong enough to crack a skull. Sure, let's not shoot them dead . .. let's just go and crack their skull! cwm25.gif That makes a lot of sense too.

I really, really don't understand wars. cwm31.gif



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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The fighting will never stop there as long as the U.S. is involved. I don't want to hear crap about peace talks.....it's all bullshit. The only way the fighting will stop is if Israel gives the Palestinians their land back......and that's not going to happen. Do you know why? Because Israel is a key country for the U.S. to support in the Middle East. It's all about damn politics. I am neither Jewish or an Arab and I aknowledge the fact that some really f--ked up shit is going down there. Nobody deserves to die....nobody. This is just an opinion of an unbiased person.


The only difference between a saint and a sinner is that every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future.....Oscar Wilde

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Originally posted by blueangel:

Jesus. That is just sick. Children throwing rocks and soldiers shooting at them.

Where the justice in that?? I just don't understand what their war is about . . . a piece of land?? They're killing children over a piece of land? So sad. frown2.gif


God! If you think this war is over a piece of land then you're stupider than I thought. Do yourself a favor and pick up the New York Times. Plus think back about the conflict that's ALWAYS plagued that part of the world.



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Originally posted by iliana:

Originally posted by blueangel:

Jesus. That is just sick. Children throwing rocks and soldiers shooting at them.

Where the justice in that?? I just don't understand what their war is about . . . a piece of land?? They're killing children over a piece of land? So sad. frown2.gif


God! If you think this war is over a piece of land then you're stupider than I thought. Do yourself a favor and pick up the New York Times. Plus think back about the conflict that's ALWAYS plagued that part of the world.



I know they're fighting over a piece of land that goes back to their religion 2,000 years ago. Israelis are saying that it was promised to them by god and Palestinians are saying they really don’t give a shit what their religion says cause that means nothing to the Palestinians.

And I also know that the only reason why the US is backing up Israel is because that's their only relationship in the Middle-East territory and they can’t afford to lose that hold.

But it all comes back down to a simple fact that it's a land . . . that Palestinians and the Israelis CAN NOT co-exist. That's what I'm talking about you stupid bitch! If you go back a couple page then you'll see the long ass post on this war . . . and believe me I know more about this war then you know about how to get a fuckin' life. So, before you start insulting on someone . . whom you don't know I suggest YOU read a little more. And if you don’t want to spend your precious time to read what’s written on this board then don’t bother replying either!!

You know, Iliana, I don’t want to fight you or argue with you . . . it really is beneath me. So, why don’t you just keep you lil’ comments about me to yourself and I’ll do the same. rolleyes.gif



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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not under anyone else's rule, but your own. just my two cents anyways. cwm32.gif

fuck that...look what is happening in europe...A EUROPEAN UNION!...thats the ticket to the future globalization..soon all borders will be erased...what diff does it make who rules?...the gov't doesnt give a fuck about you anyways....its just too big to get involved in peoples private lifes...so go ahead and worship/practice/whaever...do anything you want in your home...as long as you have one...and its not torn down by a bomb...i dont care if they pronounce USA United Arab States..or United Jewish satates er the fauck anything else...as long as they stay outa my shit..and thats my 2 cents...actually more like a nicle



Midnight is where the day begins


Bcem npuBET !

[This message has been edited by Unbound (edited 11-16-2000).]

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I know they're fighting over a piece of land that goes back to their religion 2,000 years ago. Israelis are saying that it was promised to them by god and Palestinians are saying they really don’t give a shit what their religion says cause that means nothing to the Palestinians.

And I also know that the only reason why the US is backing up Israel is because that's their only relationship in the Middle-East territory and they can’t afford to lose that hold.

But it all comes back down to a simple fact that it's a land . . . that Palestinians and the Israelis CAN NOT co-exist. That's what I'm talking about you stupid bitch! If you go back a couple page then you'll see the long ass post on this war . . . and believe me I know more about this war then you know about how to get a fuckin' life. So, before you start insulting on someone . . whom you don't know I suggest YOU read a little more. And if you don’t want to spend your precious time to read what’s written on this board then don’t bother replying either!!

You know, Iliana, I don’t want to fight you or argue with you . . . it really is beneath me. So, why don’t you just keep you lil’ comments about me to yourself and I’ll do the same. rolleyes.gif


u are so full of shit blue

u say ur beneath argueing and in the same post u call iliana a stupid bitch

i guess swallowing drugs and playing with glosticks has expanded ur knowlege to a point we can only dream of

i hope when im 30 years old i can be as mature as u and sneak out behind my moms back to see my fiacee like u. thats really mature

i have alot of probs but at least i can be honest with myself about my life and not live a lie like u do



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Originally posted by whitneyrmxr:

u are so full of shit blue

u say ur beneath argueing and in the same post u call iliana a stupid bitch

i guess swallowing drugs and playing with glosticks has expanded ur knowlege to a point we can only dream of

i hope when im 30 years old i can be as mature as u and sneak out behind my moms back to see my fiacee like u. thats really mature

i have alot of probs but at least i can be honest with myself about my life and not live a lie like u do


Ummm . . yea, and all this coming from someone who has to ask the board if they thought orgal sex is cheating?? cwm25.gif

Believe me honey, if you're as mature as me when you're 30 . . .it'll be a freakin' miracle!



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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Originally posted by blueangel:

I know they're fighting over a piece of land that goes back to their religion 2,000 years ago. Israelis are saying that it was promised to them by god and Palestinians are saying they really don’t give a shit what their religion says cause that means nothing to the Palestinians.

And I also know that the only reason why the US is backing up Israel is because that's their only relationship in the Middle-East territory and they can’t afford to lose that hold.

But it all comes back down to a simple fact that it's a land . . . that Palestinians and the Israelis CAN NOT co-exist. That's what I'm talking about you stupid bitch! If you go back a couple page then you'll see the long ass post on this war . . . and believe me I know more about this war then you know about how to get a fuckin' life. So, before you start insulting on someone . . whom you don't know I suggest YOU read a little more. And if you don’t want to spend your precious time to read what’s written on this board then don’t bother replying either!!

You know, Iliana, I don’t want to fight you or argue with you . . . it really is beneath me. So, why don’t you just keep you lil’ comments about me to yourself and I’ll do the same. rolleyes.gif


Don't make yourself sound ignorant, it only adds to the fact that your ketamine and exstacy exposed brain is rotting.

ANd to state that it's still only a "piece of land" means that you don't comprehend the importance and signifigance of nations beliefs and hardships. You obviusly have nothing in your life that is worth dying for. All you're doing is dismissing it over some trivial land dispute.

This makes YOU look like a stupid bitch.



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Its sick, its sad, its pure stupidity! Both sides regard that piece of land as extremely holy ground. Well, thats how it started about 2000 years ago, but now the hatred has grown so much its no longer really about religion, or politics. Children on BOTH sides are TAUGHT TO HATE THE OTHER SIDE! The ONLY way to end this is to start wtih the children, teach them, not hate, but love! And how will that happen with all the fighting going on now??? Its like a fuckin catch 22, but it HAS to happen. The only other alternative for peace in that region is genocide!


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Originally posted by iliana:

ANd to state that it's still only a "piece of land" means that you don't comprehend the importance and signifigance of nations beliefs and hardships. You obviusly have nothing in your life that is worth dying for. All you're doing is dismissing it over some trivial land dispute.

This makes YOU look like a stupid bitch.



You know what I find to be stupid? To declare that land as being some holy land while spilling blood of innocent children all over it. Like I stated before . . . I don't really understand . . . to me the lives of those children are more important than the land. And I'll say that to you, to the Palestinians and the Israelis when asked.

It sounds like you're trying to be so politically correct by trying to understand the "importance" of this war. To me this war is stupid cause there are too many innocent lives being sacrificed every day. So, yea . . I don't understand the importance of this war and if that makes me look stupid to you . . . then so be it!



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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OK folks, everyone is getting pretty heated here. Let me just say this, I know quite a bit about this subject, as well as about world politics in general. Lets call it a hobby. Both of you guys (blue and Illiyana) have your points. I don't think blue is wrong to say that a war over a piece of land is stupid. Any war is stupid. Period. People living by and dying by their principals may seem very romantic, and honerable, but any human hurting any other human in anger is wrong. That said, children being killed is a travesty, and the skewed reporting by CNN, The times, and most of our media is a crying shame. There was a time when reporting in the US was honorable and unbiased. Anyone who thinks this is true now is uninformed. Regardless of what going on in the mideast there is no reason to get nasty with another person because of their opinion. Personal attacks only show a lack of class. An informed debate is one thing, but mudslinging because you dont like another persons opinion is pretty base. I am not some tree hugging politically correct person By the way, this is just how I think based on life experiences. You both have your opinions and you have a right to them, but please keep the mudslinging and personal attacks off this board. Its boring to say the least.



"Fools cant see me thats how it is thats how I like it cause thats my biz"

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Man, you guys are really off the deep end. It's at times like this when people suddenly feel free to spout a little anti-semitism, and I'm always shocked by how freely it flows. Like people have just been waiting around for a chance to blame the Jews for something else.

The current round of violence is carefully state-managed by Arafat and his security forces, and the young people who have been killed, horrible as that is, almost all went out there looking to become martyrs.

I won't go on about what a criminal Arafat is, but a few years of political legitimacy do not erase decades of terrorism.

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Granted, there are a myriad of historical reasons why the conflict erupted. Nevertheless, there are some curious elements in this conflict that don't get quite enough emphasis. Perhaps the biggest issue I have with Israel is it's use of force during the early stages of the uprising. Maybe I'm ignorant to what actually occured there, but I was under the impression that the Palestinians initally were just demonstrating or throwing rocks. While rocks can maim and even kill, there are plenty of countermeasures the Israelis could have taken instead of using rubber bullets. They could have launched enough tear gas grenades from beyond the range of stone throwers to disperse the crowds. Even CNN showed that only a nominal amount of tear gass was used. I'm guessing it's because rubber bullets are cheaper than tear gass grenades. Also, I don't recall Israel using water cannons. Many European nations use pressurized water to knock violent protestors to the ground and disperse unruly mobs. Generally, pressurised water doesn't exactly inflict the kind of damage that a rubberized bullet deos. Granted, water may be a commodity over there, but hey they're next to a sea and the water used in the cannons probably doesn't need to be drinkable.

On the Palestinian side, I find it disconcerting that Arafat is intentionally letting his nation's youth get slaughtered as a political tool. I understand the frustration that the Palestinians must have with the lack of progress in their region. I'm assuming that Arafat came to the conclusion that the quickest way to pressure Israel into any sort of concession is to create a crisis dire enough to get the attention and support from the rest of the world. Both sides use the media as a tool. Is it a coincidence that primarily children and youths are the ones throwing stones? While the Israelis gave grievously wronged enough Palestinians to warrant a general lust for revenge, you rarely see middle aged men throwing stones. It's not as dramatic when some adult gets a bullet in the head. Given the Islamic belief that dying for your religion is an express pass to Paradise, it seems to make it easier for old men to wind up naive and impressionable youths to go out and sacrifice. Some argue that the youths are throwing stones without any influence from adults and are so incensed that the Palestinan authority couldn't stop them. I think that's utter bullshit. Put yourself in the shoes of an eleven year old Palestinian boy. You loathe the Israelis for killing your brother. You want to go out and lash out at the soldiers.

However, your leader, your clergy and your parents tell you that there must be another way. Arafat tells you that violence WILL NOT accomplish anything and will make peace and Palestinan independence less attainable. Your clergy tells you that since Islam is the true religion, Allah will prevail without your death. Your mother tells you that she doesn't want to lose another son. Because you respect your elders, you'd probably be less likely to resort to violence.

This leads me to conclude that Arafat wants children to die. It is a sacrifice that he is willing to make to achieve his political goals. While Israel prevents the Palestinians from having their own army, the stone throwers are as close to a military presense as the Palestinins have (the small Police force doesn't exactly count). Nevertheless, the use of children on the front lines is reminiscent of a desperate Hitler brainwashing and enlisting children to fight during the last days of the war. I find it troubling that Arafat has NEVER made any OFFICIAL statement to his people to dissuade sending children to their deaths. Nor has he OFFICIALLY made any effort to stop the violence as a whole.



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Originally posted by alfuckingcapone:

Hate to say this but World War 3 is on the way thanks to our country.

God, let's not even think that! cwm31.gif



“Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow, it only saps today of its joy.” - Leo Buscaglia angel.gif

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