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Yankees And Fans Need To Wise Up


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i have read a lot about the yankees need to do to win the world series and some of it just does not make sense , nor what there fans want them to do makes sense . first off carlos beltran is not the answer to winning a world series . he is young and fantastic like adrian beltre but if sheffield and a rod is enought to prove a star player wont bring it for you then i don't what is . i could justify them signing one of those two because they need young star players , but its not a world series quick fix . matt clement , carl pavano (although i like his talent} not the answer either , lets get real . the yankees are about quick fixes not developing players . do whatever it takes to get randy johnson , yes he is old and very expensive but for 1-2 years he gives you what it takes to confidently front a staff and take the ball and win a game 7 . just like schilling his short term pay off will be great . my other thought would be a darkhorse trade . toronto sucks and will be looking to dump roy halladay eventually , he had an off year because of injury and team was shit , but so did schilling a year ago . halladay is a proven cy young pitcher and good second half starter . just like the us olympic basketball team , the yankees all star team does not equal world series . where are the role players of the old yankees days that do the little things that add up and where is the help before gordon and rivera . i mean a 200 million dollar payroll and tanyon sturtze and felix heridia are your middle men . my last statment is complete props to manny ramirez , where is the media to back him for once . with the whole a rod no trade thing , all garciaparra did is bitch and cause problems , all ramirez did was keep his mouth shut , be classy about it and put up mvp numbers again . oh yea we don't need barry zito's hanging and figured out curveball in new york either

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thanks for the insight yazzz , i think all yank fans here have touched on those thoughts

AT this point getting Randy would make them look stupid cause it should have been done in september before the trade deadline , and then the yanks would have been celebreting instead of the redcox

Ricciardi said he wouldnt trade halliday , i rather look at Ted lilly and get him back, if anyone on that staff

i agree on Zito and would trather go after hudson or even take redmen over zito at this point

and yeh beltran would cost alot but CF is aposition we are gonna have to eventually fill that spot and why not fill it with a 5 tool young stud

no doubt this off season you need to bring in 1 front line starter 1 stud middle releiever (tanyon will be a even better in this role next yr.)

will be back in the thick of things come next sept/oct

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and yeh MAnny is an unreal offensive force

and to think Boston put him on waivers to get rifd of him and get nothing in return , some players would have a chip on their shoulders and have a fuck you attitude towards the orginization but not manny

....its because the guy is frikkin aloof to life itself , head in a cloud at alll times , but when it comes to his turn at bat

his thought process changes from thinking of dinosaurs and pudding to rappin one off the green monster

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I think it would take vasquez with the yanks paying most of his salary to get randy johnson. You will have to ship brown somewhere, and pay most of his salary. I think you are still paying some of cotreras salary.

One of the big things is karsay if he returns to form then the bullpen should be ok. You had one of the best bullpens but close games and over use killed them.

i do not see how adding a bat is the best thing to do but if beltran goes there then the lineup will be even more retarded especially if giambi gets healthy.

you need pitching

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and yeh MAnny is an unreal offensive force

and to think Boston put him on waivers to get rifd of him and get nothing in return , some players would have a chip on their shoulders and have a fuck you attitude towards the orginization but not manny

....its because the guy is frikkin aloof to life itself , head in a cloud at alll times , but when it comes to his turn at bat

his thought process changes from thinking of dinosaurs and pudding to rappin one off the green monster

c'mon bro...give manny the credit he finally deserves

he finally became a true team player this year

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c'mon bro...give manny the credit he finally deserves

he finally became a true team player this year

how am i not giving the guy credit ??

i have always said he is a monster with the bat and has put up hall of fame #s for almost a decade now, and that he didnt sulk and pout and turn into a clubhouse cancer when he easily could have because of what the redsox did to him

seriously what did i say in this thread thats negative about manny

i htink your hatred of all things pinstriped far exceeds mine of things in a red sock

all im sying here is that he is flaky and aloof , your telling me hes not???

and on top of taht i know he is gonna wind up his career in pinstripes as a dh

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i do not see how adding a bat is the best thing to do but if beltran goes there then the lineup will be even more retarded especially if giambi gets healthy.

you need pitching

Beltran's potential signing would be more about after next year. That's when Bernie and Lofton are done (Contract wise). As for pitching, yeah we need it but there isn't much out there right now. I don't think we're that much better off with Clement & Pavano than we are with Brown & Vasquez...

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I love clement, but you need the schilling/johnson type that can take the pressure of being a yankee and going from the national to american league.

I think vasquez will be fine if you guys had a pitching coach, it usually takes a year to adjust. Loiza is garbage, brown is garbage, el dookie will be 50, moose is going to be moose(16-8,15-9 with a 4 something era)

sturtz looked like he might be able to hang with the big boys, but i am telling you mel has to go he blows.

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I love clement, but you need the schilling/johnson type that can take the pressure of being a yankee and going from the national to american league.

I agree with you here. We need a guy that can dominate and not be effected by pressure. A number 3 or 4 type of guy just isn't gonna cut it...

I think vasquez will be fine if you guys had a pitching coach, it usually takes a year to adjust. Loiza is garbage, brown is garbage, el dookie will be 50, moose is going to be moose(16-8,15-9 with a 4 something era).

I think Vasquez will be fine too. He really needs to work on his mechanics. It took Clemens 1.5 years to adjust. Loaiza is bad and i hope the Yanks don't get fooled by his playoff performances and try to sign him. They are gonna have to pay someone to take Brown because no one can afford him and no one wants him. Duque would be a good long reliever / spot starter. i just don't think he can pitch a full season as a starter anymore. Moose will be solid as always.

sturtz looked like he might be able to hang with the big boys, but i am telling you mel has to go he blows.

I like Sturtze. I have no idea what they are gonna do with him next year thought. like you said before, Karsay will be huge if he comes back healthy...

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hi kettle im pot

does it matter with maggiemax its always the same thing

btw stilll havnt responded about how what sheff said during the WS that qulaifies as classless

or explaining how i wasnt givin manny credit in this thread

jesus.....are you this much of a fuckin child????

if your expecting me to quote word for word exactly what sheffield said when he was talking mass amounts of trash talk after the third game, I'm not gonna because I cant remember exactly what he said....but it was in every single paper in the nation as well as on sportscenter and baseball tonight. he acted extremely unprofessional and classless by doing so....case closed

now go whine about the Yankees somewhere else

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jesus.....are you this much of a fuckin child????

if your expecting me to quote word for word exactly what sheffield said when he was talking mass amounts of trash talk after the third game, I'm not gonna because I cant remember exactly what he said....but it was in every single paper in the nation as well as on sportscenter and baseball tonight. he acted extremely unprofessional and classless by doing so....case closed

now go whine about the Yankees somewhere else

proves how much you follow the game and know what your talkin about..

that whole thing with Sheffield was written by an asshole reporter from the Boston Globe that said he heard Sheffield make those comments after a game in JUne , and decided to print the story(which sheffield denied by the way)in september to give the bosox some bulletin board fodder

run along

your the one acting like a fuckin child ,

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both were traded to the As

yeah and?

they were not going to be signed by their team.

KC had to trade him. The way i remember it the A's did not want to keep Damon anyway. It is not like these guys were homegrown talent.Since when is signing fee agents stealing. And since when is any of oakland pitchers free agents this year?

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yeah and?

they were not going to be signed by their team.

KC had to trade him. The way i remember it the A's did not want to keep Damon anyway. It is not like these guys were homegrown talent.Since when is signing fee agents stealing. And since when is any of oakland pitchers free agents this year?

yeah and im just telling ya they were traded not signed as free agents

tell that to your redsox bretheren Magellan max when he brings up for the 674 time that all the yankees do is steal and signn players

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proves how much you follow the game and know what your talkin about..

that whole thing with Sheffield was written by an asshole reporter from the Boston Globe that said he heard Sheffield make those comments after a game in JUne , and decided to print the story(which sheffield denied by the way)in september to give the bosox some bulletin board fodder

run along

your the one acting like a fuckin child ,

no it was run in the usa today in october right before the series started. He said it and he is a shit bag.

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proves how much you follow the game and know what your talkin about..

that whole thing with Sheffield was written by an asshole reporter from the Boston Globe that said he heard Sheffield make those comments after a game in JUne , and decided to print the story(which sheffield denied by the way)in september to give the bosox some bulletin board fodder

run along

your the one acting like a fuckin child ,

the story was originated by a Boston Globe reporter???

you really DO NOT know what you're talking about right now so just quit

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g o o g l e

it does a mind good

and allegedly they were remarks made in the beginning of the season to another reporter and the boston herald/globe(like it matters) decide to stir shit up and run with it

Tue Oct 19, 4:00 AM ET Sports - New York Post


BOSTON — The Red Sox used a quote Gary Sheffield said he never uttered as motivation for last night's Game 5 victory over the Yankees.

Sheffield was quoted in the Boston Herald saying the Red Sox are "a walking disaster. They act like they are tough but it's all a front. They're just a bunch of characters."

The quote was plastered on the Red Sox' clubhouse wall before the game.

"That's something somebody came up with on their own," said Sheffield, who went 0-for-4 and is in a 0-for-9 slide. "I would never say anything to fire up a team. That's not me. It's something I didn't say. Who is accountable for writing what they want to write? I am surprised that somebody would stoop that low without even talking to me. That's the farthest thing from my mind."

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