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Yankees And Fans Need To Wise Up


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black and white

i aint going anywhere js

like you even knew anyhthing behind this story

THis story was all over the FAN and espn radio that week and also said, that Sheff never made those comments, and that they were allegedly taken from contexxt (and out of ccontext)of an interview he had back earlier in the season


Sheffield: 'Walking disaster' quote on Bosox is bogus

Tuesday, October 19, 2004


Star-Ledger Staff

BOSTON -- In another strange twist to this series, the Red Sox said they were motivated by a quote from Yankees outfielder Gary Sheffield -- a quote Sheffield adamantly denied he ever said.

First, the quote, which appeared in the Boston Herald and was attributed to Sheffield: "They're a walking disaster. They act like they're tough, how they care so much about winning, but it's all a front. They're just a bunch of characters."

Red Sox officials plastered the comment throughout the clubhouse for all the players to see when they arrived at the ballpark. And the players, who take great pride in their image, were furious.

"You say something like that, that we're a bunch of characters and we don't want to win, we're just putting on an act -- obviously, it gets to you," pitcher Bronson Arroyo said.

"He can say whatever he wants about us," utilityman Dave Roberts added. "When you say stuff like that, obviously it's a slap in the face. But regardless of what he says about us, we have to go out and win baseball games."

Sheffield, always among the last players to dress after the game in the Yankees clubhouse, told MLB.com that he was misquoted. Representatives from the Boston Herald could not be reached for comment.

"That's weak journalism, man," Sheffield said. "It was something that they came up with on their own. I wouldn't say anything to fuel another team. That's not me. If that's what they need to get fired up about, so be it."

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well if this was jeter or even arod i would believe them, but scheff is cocky and has said stupid shit in the past, so i am going with the reporters.

also how can you not say someting and then have what you did not say be taken out of contex?

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