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The point of her slapping her son b.c he was crying was an example of what NOT to do if you have kids.

In fact, i think that whole show is about what not to do if you're a woman :laugh: for real

Of course its ok to cry. What, you want to hold in your emotions all the time and be a "cool and stoic" creature?

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what reason could there possibly be for crying except if someone died?

people (especially guys) that cry in cinemas/while watching a movie are sissies. same goes for guys that actually cry when their relationship ends. what the fuck? the reason the relationship ended is right in front of your face: you´re a sissie.

for girls i can understand it cuz they are built a lot more emotional and need a lot more of that emotional outlet.

when a girl cries my extremely developed urge to "save" her snaps in and i just want to hold her and take care of her. however there are girls too that use crying as a way to manipulate guys, i myself have been kept in a relationship for a little longer than i wanted cuz she always started crying when i started to call it quits. any sign of girls using crying to manipulate me turns me completely cold. i am also known for having said "go ahead i don´t give a shit" when a girl threatened to kill herself if i leave her. stupid manipulative bitch. of course she didn´t do it.


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i think it is ok for anyone to cry-guy or girl. I dated a guy who tried not to cry when he talked about some stupid play he saw. Thats a bit much. But i also had an ex cry when i left him for cheating on me. That was fine and understandable. Iknow that when i cry i feel so much better. But no, a guy is not a sissie if he cries

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I have no idea. It kinda is not a good thing tho because the guy will be all upset and crying and all I am thinking of is when are you gonna stop whining so I can take your clothes off, lol. ;)

Yeah, kinda not a good thing. It really depends on what the guy's crying about, though. Sometimes sex is a great way to take us away from what's bothering us, while there are times when even men can't think about sex, when something is so painful that we don't want to think about our own pleasure at all.

Me, I was never a cryer, just a little when I was a child, but not since I was 6 or so. I never cried as a teen or as a man. Not because I wouldn't let myself as if I was too strong to admit I had feelings, but simply because it never affected me that way, it didn't seem to be in my emotional make up to express my pain that way. I didn't think I was even capable of crying. But on October 1st I rushed my mother to the ER and found out the next day she was going to die within a few days. She lasted longer than expected, for a little over 2 weeks, and for 2 weeks she was in hospice and I spent every day there with other members of my family and her. Then I lost her, and then came the funeral, and then the time after in shock. I'll tell you, I've cried more in the month of October than I'd cried in all of my last 30+ years on Earth. It is a very strange feeling, the crying, the emotional breakdown, since I'd not broken down like that for as long as I could remember. For many people crying is a natural emotional response, but to me it was foreign and unexpected. I hope I never have to go through anything like that again.

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