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BUSH 2004 - It's Over !!!!!!!!


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I'm depressed. I'm going to turn on FOX news now, for a laugh...

Its funny you say that considering they were the only ones who had the polling right in Florida/Ohio in the days before the election. I was laughing when I saw what a landslide it was in Florida myself.

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We need George Bush! Please let him win this election. If for no other reason than for once in his life, he should have to clean up his own mess!

And what a mess in Iraq... he better fix all this right away...

* Why do so many of our troops have to drive unarmored vehicles?

* Why don't we have enough troops there? If you are going to do something, do it right.

* Why are they talking about elections when we haven't even conquered the insurgents yet?

* Why don't we have any spies in the insurgency? Why were no plans drawn up to fight the insurgency?

Bush needs to get rid of that old man Rumsfeld and bring in someone younger with more energy and drive.

Soon, our brave boys will be fighting in Fallujah and they will be kicking some terrorist ass. They need all the advantages we can give them.

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i dont know if i should feel more sad that bush won or so mad in the pathetic showing the democrats had across the board yesterday losing seats in the house and senate. but the American people spoke last night and they elected Bush for another term and like it or not I think that everyone, while they should keep on fighting for the principles they believe in, they should rally behind him and finish the work started in Iraq.

I do feel concerned that in a lot of environmental, social and economic issues everyone will be paying for a long time for some of the bills that are likely to be passed in the next 4 years with GOP contol.

it's more than obvious that the leaders in the democrat party have totally lost touch with the rural vote and with their constituents back home once they reach office.

but in any case, i really dont see any shady stuff that went on and i really dont see the 150k to 250k provisional ballots will make any significant differences in Ohio.

i hope that people in general continue to show interest in politics as they shown in this election, because at the end i think that it is the healthiest thing that can happen.

~~> as for me i really hope to get more involved in public health policy issues in the next 4 years and hopefully make a difference for what i believe in.

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4 more years of lies, deception, and overall drive to enforce the neo-con agenda.

Guess Nostradamus was right when he said the world would end in 2007!

Looks like we have 3 more years left then:


Live it up before we all die!!

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i dont know if i should feel more sad that bush won or so mad in the pathetic showing the democrats had across the board yesterday losing seats in the house and senate. but the American people spoke last night and they elected Bush for another term and like it or not I think that everyone, while they should keep on fighting for the principles they believe in, they should rally behind him and finish the work started in Iraq.

I do feel concerned that in a lot of environmental, social and economic issues everyone will be paying for a long time for some of the bills that are likely to be passed in the next 4 years with GOP contol.

it's more than obvious that the leaders in the democrat party have totally lost touch with the rural vote and with their constituents back home once they reach office.

but in any case, i really dont see any shady stuff that went on and i really dont see the 150k to 250k provisional ballots will make any significant differences in Ohio.

i hope that people in general continue to show interest in politics as they shown in this election, because at the end i think that it is the healthiest thing that can happen.

~~> as for me i really hope to get more involved in public health policy issues in the next 4 years and hopefully make a difference for what i believe in.

I think Kerry ran a really bad campaign. He should never have been bragging about Vietnam so much in the beginning. People did not like his wife. He scared people with talk of tax increases. People were not sure he had the backbone to finish what we started in Iraq, so they were scared to change.

If Kerry would have focused more from the beginning on jobs and if he could have done a better job of convincing people he could fix Iraq he c ould have won.

John Edwards did not help Kerry at all. He seemed mad all the time. Women voters across the nation voted overwhelmingly for Bush.

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What is the neo-con agenda?

intervention as opposed to traditional isolationism. Increased fiscal spending. More religious involvement in the role of government. THe big corporations bit I'm not sure about - not sure if its just a Bush thing or a general neo-con philosophy. A bunch of other shit that I don't know too much about so I won't comment on. My biggest beef is the foreign policy part - this administration does not know how to handle interventionism at all - they overestimate their resources & power to influence, and under-estimate simple human nature, and the different mindsets (read: cultures) of the "enemy".

Got news from a friend at Heritage that traditional (paleo) conservatives are getting increasinly pissed at the neo-cons. Don't be surprised if you see a lot of turmoil in the Republican party once the election is over. Same with the Democratic party (but this last bit I only got from the news last night).

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I think Kerry ran a really bad campaign. He should never have been bragging about Vietnam so much in the beginning. People did not like his wife. He scared people with talk of tax increases. People were not sure he had the backbone to finish what we started in Iraq, so they were scared to change.

If Kerry would have focused more from the beginning on jobs and if he could have done a better job of convincing people he could fix Iraq he c ould have won.

John Edwards did not help Kerry at all. He seemed mad all the time. Women voters across the nation voted overwhelmingly for Bush.

Agreed. Plus he didn't really put ANY effort into the SOuth at all.

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I think Kerry ran a really bad campaign. He should never have been bragging about Vietnam so much in the beginning. People did not like his wife. He scared people with talk of tax increases. People were not sure he had the backbone to finish what we started in Iraq, so they were scared to change.

I found it funny when seeing exit polls; people were questioned in middle america on the economy and terrorism.

Bush always lost on the economy but won on terrorism.

In NY where there was a terrorist attack Kerry won in a landslide. John Stewart said it best last night "we are the city that never sleeps b'c we are scared shitless"

The people in middle america will never have to deal with terrorism no one is going to bomb Kansas or Kentucky but that's what decided their vote

Karl Rove is a genius

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4 more years of lies, deception, and overall drive to enforce the neo-con agenda.

Guess Nostradamus was right when he said the world would end in 2007!

Nostradamus - Now there is an argument you Libs can really get in to. LOL - No wonder you LOST BIG -
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