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BUSH 2004 - It's Over !!!!!!!!


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You like other women have a special gene that lets you know when men are lying to them.

I agree Kerry ran a bad campaign

Kerry just ran a really bad election, being a woman I am interested in women's issues. I just read a web page on why Kerry did so poorly with women and I agree on all of them...

* Terrorism was the #1 concern with women and women trusted Bush to do a better job. We know what he will do and with Kerry it is a gamble.

* John Edwards talked a lot about killing the terrorists but Kerry never talked like that and women voters wanted to hear that.

* Issues. He didn't spell out where he stood on a lot of things. Things stayed vague. Women didn't like that.

* Jobs. A big concern, but Kerry didn't start talking about them until late in the game. He said he had a plan to stop jobs from being shipped overseas, but he never said what it was. Other people said he was going to provide tax cuts and incentives to keep the jobs here but it all seemed vague.

Had Kerry hammered Bush more on the jobs issue in places like Ohio he probably would have won.

* Iraq. He said he had a plan to fix Iraq, but didn't say what it was. Women were afraid he would stop funding the war or do something else to cause us to lose with disgrace.

Personally I think he would probably do very well running the war and I would have liked to see some fresh energy, it is a scary thing to put someone new in charge.

* Taxes. Women don't want to pay higher taxes. As a new homeowner, I appreciate the Bush tax cuts. Kerry didn't say he was going to eliminate them for my tax bracket, but you never know with all that spending he proposed.

* His wife. Women did not like that crazy, foreign, lady.

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Go Back and read my post again. Carefully this time - I said Iran is not scared because they know that US intervention (military) in Iran would be political suicide. They know that this country is not ready for that. Read it again. I am accepting apologies all day J/K

sorry do but i do not see the word scared in the post i was referring to. I do agree we do not have the balls to continue after Iraq

Since we have the troops there we should go to Iran, Syria then Saudia Arabia

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Once again, millions of republicans have voted against their own economic interests. Why? Moral issues. The far-right of the republican party, including Bush and his strategic team, discovered a long time ago that moral issues like abortion, stem cell research, guns, faith, and gay marriage, could be their ticket to domination of the U.S government. They've spent decades plotting a comeback with this strategy in mind. G.W Bush came along in the right place, at the right time. Karl Rove, Cheney, and others....saw in Bush a populist appeal that would virtually guarantee them victory.

I was laughing hysterically just a minute ago as Bush gave his acceptance speech. He thanked his family, friends, and campaign manager very generously. And then he, with a weird look on his face, cynically referred to Karl Rove as "The Architect." I just about fell off my chair.

Basically, they turned out the anti-homosexual vote. They energized the social conservatives with initiatives defending marriage in 10 (or maybe 11, can't remember) states. Not only do I believe that this was the reason for Bush winning, I believe it was a conscious strategy devised by Bush's team. It all started with the talk about amending the U.S constitution (which they knew would never pass, but spoke publicy about anyway to get the ball rolling on their strategy). Next, a constant stream of rhetoric from right-wing media about how gay-marriage would send the United States into the moral toilet (they love the slippery slope argument). And to everyone's surprise, people ate it up and got behind Bush even more strongly. That is strange, considering John Kerry is ALSO against gay-marriage!

People are voting for Bush, not because they are concerned about their children's or even their own economic interests, but because they are sitting on their couch at home worrying about the homosexual hordes they perceive as gathering just outside their fragile homes. The homosexuals, the terrorists, the east-coast liberals, the blacks and mexicans, etc. I firmly believe that Rove's strategy involves appealing to the ignorance and bigotry of middle and southern America.

If you look at the facts concerning the "Richest Democracy in the World":

50 million without healthcare...people losing family wage jobs left and right...cost of higher education rising at a ridiculous pace...quality of public education dipping...increasing demand crisis in terms of consumer spending (due to massive debts)...lack of facilities for mental illness...vaccine shortages...overpriced prescriptions...massive military spending, 1200 young people DEAD in Iraq, upwards of 100,000 Iraqis DEAD, and an ONGOING GUERILLA WAR (the end of which doesn't seem very near).

And then you remember that conservatives are worried about gay marriage...stem cells....abortion. They want a "Godly man" in the whitehouse, who has "Firm moral leadership." Now, I'm sure lot's of conservatives are doing just fine economically, but the fact is, many of them aren't. What do you do if you can't afford to send your kid to college? What do you do if you are worried about retirement? A lost job? Rising prices and stagnating wages? Well, I guess if you are a conservative you just ignore it and go to church.

I think this country is suffering. Through religion, moral issues have been promoted by the right-wing as a conscious effort to divert attention from economic concerns. A culture of fear has been constructed which keeps people intimidated and scared of change. Millions of so-called Americans are hateful and ignorant (either by choice or environment). They care only about themselves and their tiny world-view, unwilling to accept any departure from their way of life. Unfortunately for them, they don't realize that John Kerry represented no challenge to that rural, moral existence. In fact, Kerry would have respected them more, and done more to help those who needed it. Many of these people, I believe, are good and honest at heart. Yet they've been duped once again in 2004.

4 more years of the same bullshit, AGAIN.

But, we DEMOCRATS did one hell of a job mobilizing people, and I feel that the ideals of liberalism are still ALIVE! We aren't going away for the next 4 years. Well, unless I move to Canada

One thing that we need to work on, with all this newfound enthusiasm, is to begin grass-roots preparatory work for state ballot initiatives which will REFORM the voting system, with instant runoff systems AND proportional representation!

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I find it funny where in Kentucky where you can marry your cousin turned down gay marriage

You can marry your kin but not other man or women

Once again, millions of republicans have voted against their own economic interests. Why? Moral issues. The far-right of the republican party, including Bush and his strategic team, discovered a long time ago that moral issues like abortion, stem cell research, guns, faith, and gay marriage, could be their ticket to domination of the U.S government. They've spent decades plotting a comeback with this strategy in mind. G.W Bush came along in the right place, at the right time. Karl Rove, Cheney, and others....saw in Bush a populist appeal that would virtually guarantee them victory.

I was laughing hysterically just a minute ago as Bush gave his acceptance speech. He thanked his family, friends, and campaign manager very generously. And then he, with a weird look on his face, cynically referred to Karl Rove as "The Architect." I just about fell off my chair.

Basically, they turned out the anti-homosexual vote. They energized the social conservatives with initiatives defending marriage in 10 (or maybe 11, can't remember) states. Not only do I believe that this was the reason for Bush winning, I believe it was a conscious strategy devised by Bush's team. It all started with the talk about amending the U.S constitution (which they knew would never pass, but spoke publicy about anyway to get the ball rolling on their strategy). Next, a constant stream of rhetoric from right-wing media about how gay-marriage would send the United States into the moral toilet (they love the slippery slope argument). And to everyone's surprise, people ate it up and got behind Bush even more strongly. That is strange, considering John Kerry is ALSO against gay-marriage!

People are voting for Bush, not because they are concerned about their children's or even their own economic interests, but because they are sitting on their couch at home worrying about the homosexual hordes they perceive as gathering just outside their fragile homes. The homosexuals, the terrorists, the east-coast liberals, the blacks and mexicans, etc. I firmly believe that Rove's strategy involves appealing to the ignorance and bigotry of middle and southern America.

If you look at the facts concerning the "Richest Democracy in the World":

50 million without healthcare...people losing family wage jobs left and right...cost of higher education rising at a ridiculous pace...quality of public education dipping...increasing demand crisis in terms of consumer spending (due to massive debts)...lack of facilities for mental illness...vaccine shortages...overpriced prescriptions...massive military spending, 1200 young people DEAD in Iraq, upwards of 100,000 Iraqis DEAD, and an ONGOING GUERILLA WAR (the end of which doesn't seem very near).

And then you remember that conservatives are worried about gay marriage...stem cells....abortion. They want a "Godly man" in the whitehouse, who has "Firm moral leadership." Now, I'm sure lot's of conservatives are doing just fine economically, but the fact is, many of them aren't. What do you do if you can't afford to send your kid to college? What do you do if you are worried about retirement? A lost job? Rising prices and stagnating wages? Well, I guess if you are a conservative you just ignore it and go to church.

I think this country is suffering. Through religion, moral issues have been promoted by the right-wing as a conscious effort to divert attention from economic concerns. A culture of fear has been constructed which keeps people intimidated and scared of change. Millions of so-called Americans are hateful and ignorant (either by choice or environment). They care only about themselves and their tiny world-view, unwilling to accept any departure from their way of life. Unfortunately for them, they don't realize that John Kerry represented no challenge to that rural, moral existence. In fact, Kerry would have respected them more, and done more to help those who needed it. Many of these people, I believe, are good and honest at heart. Yet they've been duped once again in 2004.

4 more years of the same bullshit, AGAIN.

But, we DEMOCRATS did one hell of a job mobilizing people, and I feel that the ideals of liberalism are still ALIVE! We aren't going away for the next 4 years. Well, unless I move to Canada

One thing that we need to work on, with all this newfound enthusiasm, is to begin grass-roots preparatory work for state ballot initiatives which will REFORM the voting system, with instant runoff systems AND proportional representation!

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I find it funny where in Kentucky where you can marry your cousin turned down gay marriage

You can marry your kin but not other man or women

I know right lol ...This country unfortunatly is full of idiots .....thats why I don't feel as bad by seeing Bush back in office .

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I know right lol ...This country unfortunatly is full of idiots .....thats why I don't feel as bad by seeing Bush back in office .

Mental midget,

Seriously, just shut the fuck up already.....don't you ever tire of your moronic ramblings......staple your clueless twat closed already jerkoff

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Mental midget,

Seriously, just shut the fuck up already.....don't you ever tire of your moronic ramblings......staple your clueless twat closed already jerkoff

Aren't you suppose to be in the Sheep convention 2004 , in Nashville TN ??? ..either way , welcome back ~

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It's only a matter of time before the people who voted for Bush, or at least the ones with a college education, realize they made a huge mistake. Now whether they admit it or not is a totally different story. Oh well...





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You Democrats need to check yourselves. Your party is in shambles.

werd. democrat leadership has totally lost touch with the south and the mid- west. like matas mentioned, loosing seats in the house and senate was the thing that really drove that home.

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It's only a matter of time before the people who voted for Bush, or at least the ones with a college education, realize they made a huge mistake. Now whether they admit it or not is a totally different story. Oh well...





Why is it boo for the middle class?

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Why is it boo for the middle class?

'cos those tax breaks he talks about for the middle class are nothing but lunch money. yeah, the average $$$ the average citizen gets back is $615 bucks, but your spending more of your regular paycheck in energy, food, social security, rent (or mortgage), medical insurance, and at the end of the day you or your kids are going to have to give back that lunch money when the deficit is so high that the federal govmnt. will have to get their lunch money back from us all.

and dont even talk that social programs are being cut for seniors and people living in poverty. i'ms usre glad none of us live in poverty 'cos then we would really be fawked.

only people the tax breaks really help are the mega billionaires, they are saving mucho lunch money with the corporate tax breaks and by shipping jobs overseas, not that I will complain, I'd rather have those extra Nissan or Ford plants opening in Mexico than have them opening in Detroit.

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'cos those tax breaks he talks about for the middle class are nothing but lunch money. yeah, the average $$$ the average citizen gets back is $615 bucks, but your spending more of your regular paycheck in energy, food, social security, rent (or mortgage), medical insurance, and at the end of the day you or your kids are going to have to give back that lunch money when the deficit is so high that the federal govmnt. will have to get their lunch money back from us all.

and dont even talk that social programs are being cut for seniors and people living in poverty. i'ms usre glad none of us live in poverty 'cos then we would really be fawked.

only people the tax breaks really help are the mega billionaires, they are saving mucho lunch money with the corporate tax breaks and by shipping jobs overseas, not that I will complain, I'd rather have those extra Nissan or Ford plants opening in Mexico than have them opening in Detroit.

So are you supporting larger tax cuts for the middle class?

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So are you supporting larger tax cuts for the middle class?

keep them as they are, just raise those taxes on those mega millionaires that are saving gazzillions on those corporate tax breaks.

is it any wonder that the IRS has also decreased the amount of audits they conduct on big business in the last few years? they are the ones making the most on these tax breaks, not the average joe schmoe from Akron, Ohio who has 2 kids a wife, a mortgage payment a car and a truck making 35 to 40k a year.

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keep them as they are, just raise those taxes on those mega millionaires that are saving gazzillions on those corporate tax breaks.

is it any wonder that the IRS has also decreased the amount of audits they conduct on big business in the last few years? they are the ones making the most on these tax breaks, not the average joe schmoe from Akron, Ohio who has 2 kids a wife, a mortgage payment a car and a truck making 35 to 40k a year.

So why not lower the taxes of that 2 person family. wouldn't that help them?

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Some of those mega millionaires worked hard to be where they are at today. Not all were lucky enough to have Grandma or Grandpa leave them something when they passed away. I try and put myself in their shoes and I myself would be bitter if:

1- I worked hard for my money


2- Just because I made I am now to be taxed extra

Sorry, doesn't make sense to me at this point.

Not all millionaires inherited their millions.

From what i have read the top 50% of wage earners pay 96% of the taxes. Poor people don't pay taxes because they don't have the money, hence being poor.

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