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Immigration web site flooded by U.S. anti-Bush visitors

OTTAWA (CP) - Canada's immigration website is being flooded with a record-smashing number of visits from U.S. Democrats dismayed by the prospect of four more years living under President George W. Bush.

His re-election has some long-faced U.S. liberals apparently musing that perhaps Canada's cold winters, high taxes and strained health system are more easily endured than their commander- in-chief. A new record was set within hours of Bush's acceptance speech as six times more Americans than usual surfed the site Wednesday.

The overall number of 179,000 visitors was almost twice the previous one-day record set last year and a whopping 64 per cent of visitors - 115,016 - were from the United States.

Many were doing more than just casual surfing, a spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration suggested Thursday.

"The most-visited pages . . . were the skilled worker online self-assessment pages (to check if) they'd meet the selection criteria," said Maria Iadinardi.

But there's no proof of an influx of Americans seeking asylum from their politics: "Applying and intent are two different things. We're only going to see this about six months from now," she said.


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..very worrysome and desperate act , and yet you have sheep like Igloo who state that hating bush is a "trandy thing to do " ..


... it's no trend , people seriously and genuinly fear for this countries future with this idiot in office .

..im one of them .

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Trust me, when 55 million of your most skilled workers leave (see states in blue) the US economy will collapse!

You act like 55million people are bitter and angry. That isnt the case. The majority(large majority for that matter) of the 55mil are moderates who are voted for Kerry but see a lot of good in President Bush as well. Do you think they are packing up?

The left wing extremists are fringe. They are the ones thinking about leaving and let me say again, they wont be missed. Im still waiting for Barbara Streisand and Alec Baldwin to pack up. They said they would leave when President Bush won the first election.

Via con Dios bitches!

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Immigration web site flooded by U.S. anti-Bush visitors

OTTAWA (CP) - Canada's immigration website is being flooded with a record-smashing number of visits from U.S. Democrats dismayed by the prospect of four more years living under President George W. Bush.

His re-election has some long-faced U.S. liberals apparently musing that perhaps Canada's cold winters, high taxes and strained health system are more easily endured than their commander- in-chief. A new record was set within hours of Bush's acceptance speech as six times more Americans than usual surfed the site Wednesday.

The overall number of 179,000 visitors was almost twice the previous one-day record set last year and a whopping 64 per cent of visitors - 115,016 - were from the United States.

Many were doing more than just casual surfing, a spokeswoman for Citizenship and Immigration suggested Thursday.

"The most-visited pages . . . were the skilled worker online self-assessment pages (to check if) they'd meet the selection criteria," said Maria Iadinardi.

But there's no proof of an influx of Americans seeking asylum from their politics: "Applying and intent are two different things. We're only going to see this about six months from now," she said.


Awesome !!!!!!

That's great news !!!!!!! Let their dying race flee far as possible. I have been to Canada (spun at the Guvurnment) and I must say.....nice place. Let me know if any of you need help packing.


Damn I'm happy. I hope this is true.

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