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Arafat's Funeral


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The PLO has a long history of brutal violence against innocent civilians of many nations, including the United States. Palestinian Muslim terrorist groups are a more recent phenomenon, but they have not spared Americans either. Here are a few examples of Palestinian terrorist incidents involving American citizens:

More than three dozen Americans were among the passengers who were held hostage when the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine (PFLP) hijacked four jets in September 1970.

In 1972, the PLO attempted to mail letter bombs to President Nixon, former Secretary of State William Rogers and Secretary of Defense Melvin Laird.

On March 2, 1973, members of the PLO murdered U.S. Ambassador to the Sudan Cleo Noel and chargé d'affaires George Moore. The killers were captured by Sudan and admitted they had gotten orders directly from the PLO. U.S. intelligence officials were believed to also have evidence directly tying Yasser Arafat to the killings, but for unknown reasons suppressed. All the terrorists were released (Neil Livingstone and David Halevy. Inside the PLO, Readers Digest Press, 1990, pp. 276-288).

On March 11, 1978, PLO terrorists landed on Israel's coast and murdered an American photographer walking along the beach. The terrorists then commandeered a bus along the coastal road, shooting and lobbing grenades from the bus window at passersby. When Israeli troops stopped their deadly ride, 34 civilians were dead and another 82 wounded.

In October 1985, a PLF terror squad commanded by Abul Abbas hijacked the ocean liner Achille Lauro. Leon Klinghoffer, a wheelchair-bound American passenger was murdered.

On April 9, 1995, a Hamas suicide bomber blew up an Israeli bus killing eight people, including 20-year-old Brandeis University student Alisa Flatow.

August 9, 2001, Shoshana Yehudit Greenbaum, 31, was among 15 people killed in a suicide bombing at the Sbarro pizzeria in downtown Jerusalem. Hamas and the Islamic Jihad claimed responsibility for the attack.

July 31, 2002, a bomb exploded at the Hebrew University cafeteria killing seven and wounding 80. Five Americans were among the dead.

June 11, 2003, a bus bombing in Jerusalem killed one American and inured the daughter of New Jersey State Senator Robert Singer.

June 20, 2003, a shooting attack on a car driving through the West Bank killed Tzvi Goldstein, 47 and injured his father, mother, and wife.

August 19, 2003, suicide bombing on a bus in Jerusalem killed five Americans, including children aged 9, 3, and 3 months, an 11-year-old American was injured.

October 15, 2003, Palestinian terrorists ambushed an American convoy in the Gaza Strip killing three U.S. citizens on contract to the U.S. embassy in Tel Aviv.

I repeat: the Palestinians never attacked the US. When Americans get killed when they are in Israel that doesn't mean that the US was attacked. Like Indonesia didn't attack Australia when a militant group killed a lot of Australian people in Bali

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I repeat: the Palestinians never attacked the US. When Americans get killed when they are in Israel that doesn't mean that the US was attacked. Like Indonesia didn't attack Australia when a militant group killed a lot of Australian people in Bali
So its ok to kill thousand - Hundreds of thousands and in Saddams case 1 million innocent people as long as they are not Americans - Not only Americans but they have to be Americans killed on American soil for it to count? Good logic
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HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY SAY THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT BETTER OFF DEAD?? Osama? Child killers?? Serial Killers?? It is a tragedy to have to kill someone but some peoples existence cause so much suffering they need to GO.
what I stated was "the death of anyone is tragic, and not a good thing.." Know matter who that individual is. death is a tragic life event, and not necessarily a good thing for those who it would affect. how you interpret the same is your choice. not everything is life is quite so simplistic.
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what I stated was "the death of anyone is tragic, and not a good thing.." Know matter who that individual is. death is a tragic life event, and not necessarily a good thing for those who it would affect. how you interpret the same is your choice. not everything is life is quite so simplistic.

He wasnt being simplistic. It is just that simple.

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what I stated was "the death of anyone is tragic, and not a good thing.." Know matter who that individual is. death is a tragic life event, and not necessarily a good thing for those who it would affect. how you interpret the same is your choice. not everything is life is quite so simplistic.
Not neccessarily good - BUT sometimes its not only good but Necessary ;) Granted that is only in very rare cases
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So by that arguement, the death of Hitler was tragic. Im sure the millions of Jews around the world as well as anyone in the living outside of Germany, Italy, and Japan would disagree. It will be a sad day when bin Laden meets his maker and spends eternity in Hell as well. Im sure most of Russia cried when Lenin passed and the tears that were shed after Stalin died nearly flooded the country. Women around the South are still upset that Ted Bundy got fried and a gasp of sadness could be heard around the nation when it was reported that Jeffery Dahmer was killed in prison.

Do you know how ridiculous the statement you just made sounds to most people? No, the death of everyone isnt tragic. Sometimes the world is better off without a person. This is the case w/ all mentioned above as well as that corrupt terrorist that they threw in the ground today.

maybe you should go back and again read what I wrote. the statement may seem ridiculous to you, but it not as one dimensional as you have attempted to make it.
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He wasnt being simplistic. It is just that simple.
eye for an eye - well in this case it was an eye for thousands. The only problem with Arafats death is that it was natural. The MAN murdered people and he was letting Palestinians starve while he had billions in the bank. So wether you are for Isreal or Palestine or hopefully both you should not mourn the passing of this monster. By the way the French love and revere him. Woohoo to the French - When are they going to fight a war and win on their own. P.S How many people realise that we still have soilders in Bosnia that Clinton sent to aid the french - What 6 years now?
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I agree that if it was not for arafat the world would not have its attention in Palestine.

BUT - The man is a mass murderer - Not only that but he has billions of dollars hidden (foriegn aid) from the palestine people and they worship him. These are people that dont care about their own well being - all they care about is mass murder and martyrdom. Culture?? You want to see Muslim culture you cant look at the animals that are running Hamas or Al queda. The problem with the Good muslim people (and they well outnumber the radicals) is that they have no voice. Any cleric that speaks out is murdered. Think about it can you give me the names of any Cleric that claim 911 was a wrong / evil act? I cant think of any.

When you say world I assume you are speaking of Europe - which is and always has been anti-semetic. The Jews in the U.S better wake up and support Isreal more or their will not be one in the future.

certain african countries, many parts of Asia, etc also comprise the world and are more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israeli.

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HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY SAY THAT SOME PEOPLE ARE NOT BETTER OFF DEAD?? Osama? Child killers?? Serial Killers?? It is a tragedy to have to kill someone but some peoples existence cause so much suffering they need to GO.

So according your post also men like Bush and Poetin need to GO

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certain african countries, many parts of Asia, etc also comprise the world and are more pro-Palestinian than pro-Israeli.
Many of those african countries are controlled by muslims and Most of the Asian countries you are referring to are Anti West - Therefore anti Isreal. My point is we do not regard those countries as allies and I think some countries in Europe should no longer be regarded as allies (in a military sense).
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the death of anyone is tragic, and not a good thing IMO.

The death of anyone is tragic and not a good thing.

I dont know what deep meaning you want me to pull out of this other than taking it for what it is--a statement of your opinion.

I disagree. The death of anyone is not tragic.

As far as the "eliminated" thing, the elimination of certain individuals makes the world a better place. Had we eliminated the Muslim terrorists who flew the planes into the Twin Towers on 9/11, I would say that the world would have been in much better shape on 9/12. Had Clinton eliminated bin Laden when he had the chance, the world would be a better place.

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Not neccessarily good - BUT sometimes its not only good but Necessary ;) Granted that is only in very rare cases
so who determines when someone’s death is a good thing?? do we now become the persons of judgment? many of strong religious background will tell you their god makes the final judgment. Death is death. how we judge that person is far more complex.
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So according your post also men like Bush and Poetin need to GO

President Bush will be judged by history as a man who liberated millions and broke the back of the Muslim terrorists who hate our nation and care nothing about life or peace. They will all be meeting their maker and burning in Hell with Arafat soon enough.

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So according your post also men like Bush and Poetin need to GO
LOL You libs crack me up. Yeah bush is deliberatly killing killing millions - :gang::splat: We are Taregting civilians - It was on Al Jazeera TV so it must be true. The real fact of the matter is the Liberal left in this country Lack the Conviction and vision it takes to protect this country.
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so who determines when someone’s death is a good thing?? do we now become the persons of judgment? many of strong religious background will tell you their god makes the final judgment. Death is death. how we judge that person is far more complex.
Yes we do judge them - as best and as fairly as possibly but once they are guitly they are DEAD
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LOL You libs crack me up. Yeah bush is deliberatly killing killing millions - :gang::splat: We are Taregting civilians - It was on Al Jazeera TV so it must be true. The real fact of the matter is the Liberal left in this country Lack the Conviction and vision it takes to protect this country.

Bingo. No conviction. No moral absolutes. No sack.

You know what else the libs lack----the White House, both Houses of Congress and a Majority of our population.

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I repeat: the Palestinians never attacked the US. When Americans get killed when they are in Israel that doesn't mean that the US was attacked. Like Indonesia didn't attack Australia when a militant group killed a lot of Australian people in Bali


I don't care if Americans are targeted in the US or if Americans are targeted at the bottom of the ocean, the fact is the PLO has targeted American's many times.

I don't doubt that they are taught in their schools and mosques that all Americans are evil and seeing them at that funeral in their terrorists masks made me sick.


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So its ok to kill thousand - Hundreds of thousands and in Saddams case 1 million innocent people as long as they are not Americans - Not only Americans but they have to be Americans killed on American soil for it to count? Good logic

I was talking about attacking the US. Palestinians never attacked the US. It's that simple.

No, it's even not ok to kill ONE person

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Bingo. No conviction. No moral absolutes. No sack.

You know what else the libs lack----the White House, both Houses of Congress and a Majority of our population.

LMAO - and with the next few years they are going to lack majority in the supreme court as well.
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so who determines when someone’s death is a good thing?? do we now become the persons of judgment? many of strong religious background will tell you their god makes the final judgment. Death is death. how we judge that person is far more complex.

Heres how it works---

A Muslim terrorist orders an attack on a country that kills thousands of civilians. He then supports the efforts of another Muslim terrorist who is beheading innocent contracters, truck drivers, etc. The Muslim terrorist who ordered the attacks has earned the right to be eliminated. The other Muslim terrorist who is responsible for the beheadings has earned the same right.

Congrats, we have 2 winners.

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The death of anyone is tragic and not a good thing.

I dont know what deep meaning you want me to pull out of this other than taking it for what it is--a statement of your opinion.

I disagree. The death of anyone is not tragic. .

Yes, it is clearly my opinion; which obviously is not in line with yours. we can agree to disagree, but the bottom line is we both have opinions and nether one of them is clearly right or wrong.
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I was talking about attacking the US. Palestinians never attacked the US. It's that simple.

No, it's even not ok to kill ONE person

Well then you are absolutly wrong - Dead WRONG CAUSE I KNOW A PERSON WHO WAS KILLED IN A BOMBING IN ISREAL AND GUESS WHAT ( AMERICAN) you cant seriously say that Hamas has killed no Americans
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Yes, it is clearly my opinion; which obviously is not in line with yours. we can agree to disagree, but the bottom line is we both have opinions and nether one of them is clearly right or wrong.
Well agree to disagree then. Arafat right now is saying hello to that little Devil in your avatar :yuck:
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