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New Years Eve at Crobar! Celibrite!

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I'm happy to announce our New Years Eve lineup for 2004-2005 I promise you all, it will be a great event.

Tickets on Sale now online.

Celebrité: Where Everyone’s a Star!!!

Start your New Year off right with our resident star DJ David Waxman and the decadence of Los Angeles in the 80’s. Dance amongst the “likes†of Cher, Burt Reynolds, Joan Collins, Michael Jackson, the Two Coreys, Madonna and even Pee Wee too! In the Main Room we’ll glam it up LA style for the New Year with all the decadence of that sinful decade! If you’re feeling a little seedier, stop by the Sunset Strip in the Reed Room with all your favorite hookers, johns, and Madonna-esque strip tease booths. If you’re lucky, you’ll get invited to the “studio back lot†in the Prop Room where all the stars will be. Think you’re really famous? Then party like a Rockstar at our after-hours event starting at 4am with resident DJ Boris. So, tease you’re hair up, pop your Lacoste collar and hop over to crobar in your red Ferrari. For 24 hours at crobar, we’ll all be stars!!!

Ticket Price Includes open bar from 8:30PM-Midnight including a champagne toast.

Buy Crobar New Years Eve Tickets

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:bounce: tough choice..........

125 is expensive as hell for a broke right of college partier like myself, but this nite comes but once a year. so go cheap or blow out... depends on the prices of hte other choices. what are they again?

For 125 plus some free pills at the door -now that sounds much better. Open bar doesnt do much good when you gotta drink from 8 pm to 8 am. That may work for some- but pretty soon i just want a couch and a pillow.

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Hey guys. Just a little fyi for you all.

The open bar is a premium open bar from 8:30 PM till 12 Midnight. While other parties are offering low prices, they are not offering open bar, or better than well drinks open bar. Ikon for example has a good price and PVD, but its a cash bar.

Secondly, in the next week or so we will be offering tickets for those that want to come after midnight. These will be less expensive than the pre-midnight tix.

Look, you all are well aware of how things are in the club scene. NYE is basically the biggest party of the year. Believe me, there is a reason prices are what they are. Also think about the general NYE vibe. Its not a DJ night really. Sure, having a top 10 DJ is great and all, but for New Years to me at least, its about my friends/family and having the craziest time I can have. It doesn't really matter who is spinning, its the party the place puts together that matters.

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Im sorry PHIL, i wish you luck on everything you do with crobar,and i'll be in the house soon enough. But for ny being the biggest party of the yr indeed and coincedentally on my bday. I have to worry bout the music and i do care whos spinning. Im gonna see my family on jan2 so dec31 and jan1 are my dancing nights/day and sleeping night. Last yr i partied for 23hrs straight and it only cost me 45 bucks entracne fees for all 3 parties i went to.And yes nye is expensive at most places so you jsut ahev to deal with it.And in case your wondering where i was at it was SHELTER(9PM-11AM),BABYLONSKISS(12PM-6PM),deep(6pm-8pm,then i jsut had nothign left). So ona the biggest night of the yr i need to hear music that will make me move the ENTIRE TIME.

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Hey guys. Just a little fyi for you all.

The open bar is a premium open bar from 8:30 PM till 12 Midnight. While other parties are offering low prices, they are not offering open bar, or better than well drinks open bar. Ikon for example has a good price and PVD, but its a cash bar.

Secondly, in the next week or so we will be offering tickets for those that want to come after midnight. These will be less expensive than the pre-midnight tix.

Look, you all are well aware of how things are in the club scene. NYE is basically the biggest party of the year. Believe me, there is a reason prices are what they are. Also think about the general NYE vibe. Its not a DJ night really. Sure, having a top 10 DJ is great and all, but for New Years to me at least, its about my friends/family and having the craziest time I can have. It doesn't really matter who is spinning, its the party the place puts together that matters.

I can understand the price with the open bar, but I know most people (at least the ones I know) are going to be going out mainly for afterhours as the city is a lil' too crazy when the ball drops and I was planning on going to Crobar before I went to Junior's afterhours later around 8 or 9ish so if there is a different ticket price for after say 2am that is much cheaper I would totally consider Crobar as part of my NYE plans.

And I do agree that the party the place puts together really matters the most this is why I am still hesitant about Roxy as the venue is the worst! Please keep us posted on the prices for afterhours

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Just posting the facts and a couple of my opinions. Silverbull, hey man, I read the boards 3-4 times a day, I read a lot of what you post so I can totally see where you are coming from. You're all about the music, and that's cool. From what I have read from you, a DJ you like could be playing in an empty barn and as long as you have room to dance and the sound system rocks you're happy. To each his or her own and I can totally respect that. Other people are more interested in the general vibe and party and they don't care if its some KTU DJ from the graveyard shift playing as long as the space is big, there are lots of people, and plenty of drinks ;) And then there are the people in between. We're a large space, we try to cater to every form/type of club goer out there. Just look at the events from the past year.

Expect more info about our after midnight prices as they are made available to me. When I know, you'll all know.

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they don't care if its some KTU DJ from the graveyard shift playing as long as the space is big,

Personally I care whether its a ktu dj or not because I feel when a place brings in ktu all they are trying to do is pack the place, they could care less about the music or the vibe. All you will get is a bunch of 18 year olds who no nothing about music, but just go because a radio station is at the club. Like silverbull said it is all about the music.

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LOL, why would I ban you? Sander even mentioned you from one of his shows "Crazy guy, was there from when I started to when I finished, right next to me". You also write some damn good reviews and I do read them. Same as everybody. I read almost every post made here in the NY forum, though I won't respond to most for various reasons.

And as for the KTU thing, hey, I was giving two polar opposites of what a club can deliver. I don't see us scraping the bottom of the barrel and "having the place packed with 18 year olds" anytime in the foreseeable future.

Long and the short of it is, we live in NYC and have pretty much the biggest array of choices you could ask for when it comes to going out.

So hey, go have fun wherever you want, and if you come by crobar on NYE, ask a security guard for me, I'll be happy to say hi. :)

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And as for the KTU thing, hey, I was giving two polar opposites of what a club can deliver. I don't see us scraping the bottom of the barrel and "having the place packed with 18 year olds" anytime in the foreseeable future.

LOL, I certainly was not referring to you and crobar, I was talking about other clubs that bring in KTU for that reason. I was at crobar for the first time last friday and was very impressed by everything that club had to offer.

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