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yea...that would be a good idea for me too... if you or anyone knows any info on this, Someone IM me under this sn... cwm6.gif


~Friends r like precious gems.

They r hard to find.

They add a sparkle to ur life.

They must be cared for.

They become more valuable w. time~

*To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world*

-treat me like an angel and i'll show you what heaven is...-

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The absolut best way is to find someone that looks like you and have him or her get a copy of their license and give it to you....

other than that you simply cannot find something so unique to pass scan and scratch tests...


AIM:Turbo SC300



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oh, yeah....in Sheepshead Bay....there is a little photo booth that gives the 4 pictures on a strip....costs a buck.

Best bet is to get a used one.




"Jesus Tap Dancing Christ,

I've never seen anything so

juvenile in my life."

- Mr. Garrison

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*starts up a .com company called www.realfakeids.com and then raises $367 million in venture capital money* lol

sorry... I wish you all the luck in your search. GOOD Fake IDs are becoming harder and harder to come across. Where have you tried thus far? Do you have an older sister or a friend that looks at all like you?

I have a friend in CO that makes them... however he charges like $80 for them... not sure if that is worth it to you.

Good luck!


One Love...


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By the way....I am pretty sure all those little "scanner-like" devices do is take a picture of the license in case anything bad goes down in the club....then they have a record of it.....If they could detect fake ids then they would use them instead of bouncers outside......don't even worry about that.....



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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you hit the nail on the head. that thing they put your id into and it pops up on a tv screen is just a way that they can take a picture of all the people who enter the club. my friend almost got raped at sf and they showed her the video of all the id's from that night so she could try to identify who the assailant was.


twilo is my drug

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What states does he do?

Originally posted by jerseytom:

I have a friend in CO that makes them... however he charges like $80 for them... not sure if that is worth it to you.

Good luck!


Dave H.

Toxic Productions

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I would suggest you get an ID from another state not close to NY, because not only will the bouncers not be too familiar with it, but most state ids are MUCH easier to fake than the New York ones. I live in Washington and I have a fake from this state that worked perfectly in NY as well as here, no questions asked. I got it from a guy majoring in graphic design - it has the hologram and everything (just use gold ink, can't tell the diff).


"Nothing makes one more vain than being told one is a sinner."

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Originally posted by mattyparsons:

you hit the nail on the head. that thing they put your id into and it pops up on a tv screen is just a way that they can take a picture of all the people who enter the club. my friend almost got raped at sf and they showed her the video of all the id's from that night so she could try to identify who the assailant was.

I love your sig bro.....



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


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Well, another thought is that you can get someone who's 21 and has no license yet (good luck finding that), take their birth cert. and soc. security card and get an officcial ID made at the DMV. It'll be a real ID with real info, but your face. That's what we mostly do in NJ, but NY may be computerized differently...

cwm16.gif - Meli - cwm16.gif



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Yeah the machines at clubs just take a pic, one time, before I was 21, I gave em my real ID, they scanned it and then let me in dumbasses. But be careful, some liquor stores and bars have machines that scan them and read the magnetic strip. Mostly seen these in PA and NJ tho. It sucks when they put a fake in, cause it buzzes and says "Not of Age" right on the screen. DOH!!



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Trust me, they use scanners in NY. The things they use at clubs just take a pic of the ID usually....like what they have at SF and Tunnel (those are the only places i've seen them uses). Say I go to the local gas station near my house, buy some beer, and they scan my ID. You think it just takes my pictue down into some database in the back room? Nah, sorry! Didn't you ever look at thing thing? When your ID gets scanned it will tell if you are of legal age to buy tobacco products or to drink alcohol. THere are also bars near my house that use these scanners and they DONT take a pic of you. One of my friends worked the door at this bar near my house and she gave me the inside scoop. Just some factoids to share with ya

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