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I HATE the French

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What happened during WWII? Why didn't we blow that place up and turn it into a disneyland or something?

The French are the most ignorant, haughty, foul-smelling, SOB's ever to walk the earth.

I hate em. Why, whenever i hear the word France or French, i go ballistic. Don't even say "French-fry" around me. If i even see your mouth forming the word Fr..., i'll bitch slap you out of habit. My friends have to order for me at McDonalds, just so i don't hop the counter and strangle the 16-yr old asking me if i want french fries with that.

And to whoever this Tomix charachter is, well, if you are ever in the states, make sure you stop by good ole NYC. I want to do to you what my grand-pappy should have done 60 yrs old ago during WWII. That is to bomb your face with my fists.


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Originally posted by jollydwarf:

What happened during WWII? Why didn't we blow that place up and turn it into a disneyland or something?

The French are the most ignorant, haughty, foul-smelling, SOB's ever to walk the earth.

I hate em. Why, whenever i hear the word France or French, i go ballistic. Don't even say "French-fry" around me. If i even see your mouth forming the word Fr..., i'll bitch slap you out of habit. My friends have to order for me at McDonalds, just so i don't hop the counter and strangle the 16-yr old asking me if i want french fries with that.

And to whoever this Tomix charachter is, well, if you are ever in the states, make sure you stop by good ole NYC. I want to do to you what my grand-pappy should have done 60 yrs old ago during WWII. That is to bomb your face with my fists.


STFU, idiot.

Read my last post on the other tread, then travel and get an idea about other cultures, before judging.

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Originally posted by jollydwarf:

What happened during WWII? Why didn't we blow that place up and turn it into a disneyland or something?

The French are the most ignorant, haughty, foul-smelling, SOB's ever to walk the earth.

I hate em. Why, whenever i hear the word France or French, i go ballistic. Don't even say "French-fry" around me. If i even see your mouth forming the word Fr..., i'll bitch slap you out of habit. My friends have to order for me at McDonalds, just so i don't hop the counter and strangle the 16-yr old asking me if i want french fries with that.

And to whoever this Tomix charachter is, well, if you are ever in the states, make sure you stop by good ole NYC. I want to do to you what my grand-pappy should have done 60 yrs old ago during WWII. That is to bomb your face with my fists.


you need help....ASAP!!!!!!..........


"I don't want you to love me........"

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

STFU, idiot.

Read my last post on the other tread, then travel and get an idea about other cultures, before judging.


B2B. Know your role and shut your mouth. And guess what? The Brits are right up there on my "most-hated" list. Those skirt-wearing, Spice-girl singin, soccer-playin, French-helpin SOB's. Don't forget where you rest your head every nite, Son. This is the good-ole US of A. You best recognize that, Punk.

Or else well put you on a boat abd sail your ass back to England, "Elian Gonzalez-style".

You feel what i'm sayin,ole Chap?

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Originally posted by jollydwarf:

What happened during WWII? Why didn't we blow that place up and turn it into a disneyland or something?


We kinda did. There were plenty of bombing runs in France by the Allies. We also built Euro DisneyLand there almost a decade ago. You should turn on the History Channel sometime.



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Originally posted by jollydwarf:


B2B. Know your role and shut your mouth. And guess what? The Brits are right up there on my "most-hated" list. Those skirt-wearing, Spice-girl singin, soccer-playin, French-helpin SOB's. Don't forget where you rest your head every nite, Son. This is the good-ole US of A. You best recognize that, Punk.

Or else well put you on a boat abd sail your ass back to England, "Elian Gonzalez-style".

You feel what i'm sayin,ole Chap?

You havent got a clue have you, grow up. Actually it's people like you who give Americans a bad name, you dont give a shit about other cultures. You think you above it and everybody should act like you, your not willing to understand that other cultures work just as well and are different.

Crawl back from what ever rock you slid from under.

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Well said B2B...it is ignorant ignoramuses like this guy that do give America a bad name.....especially living in a city like this one where you cannot walk one block without seeing different cultures and that is what makes this city and this country so damn special....he can shag off.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

You havent got a clue have you, grow up. Actually it's people like you who give Americans a bad name, you dont give a shit about other cultures. You think you above it and everybody should act like you, your not willing to understand that other cultures work just as well and are different.

Crawl back from what ever rock you slid from under.

Culture? Watch your mouth. Th only culture you know about is the Culture Club, you Boy George look-a-like. The only thing the BRits have contributed to the world are the rolling stones, and even they live in America now, like your skinny ass.

So don't come on here like your some Robin Leach, world travelin' scholar. Going to Twilo to hear S & D, does not make you a man of the world.

I think you and Tomix should get together, hold hands, and leap-frog off of the Sears Tower.

Now how you like dem apples?

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Originally posted by jollydwarf:


B2B. Know your role and shut your mouth. And guess what? The Brits are right up there on my "most-hated" list. Those skirt-wearing, Spice-girl singin, soccer-playin, French-helpin SOB's. Don't forget where you rest your head every nite, Son. This is the good-ole US of A. You best recognize that, Punk.

Or else well put you on a boat abd sail your ass back to England, "Elian Gonzalez-style".

You feel what i'm sayin,ole Chap?

Okay... now you confuse me... do you hate EVERYONE? Cuz they wear kilts in Scotland, not England... just about every other country in the world partakes in soccer more than the US... and you're planning to send someone to England the way the sent a kid back to Cuba... So, is it just that you hate the French and British, or the world in general?

cwm24.gif - Meli -



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He's just confused and *yes this time I WILL use this word* ignorant. Hehehe, probably from some backward community...hey I wouldn't be surprised if he was an inbred!



Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Originally posted by jollydwarf:

Culture? Watch your mouth. Th only culture you know about is the Culture Club, you Boy George look-a-like. The only thing the BRits have contributed to the world are the rolling stones, and even they live in America now, like your skinny ass.

So don't come on here like your some Robin Leach, world travelin' scholar. Going to Twilo to hear S & D, does not make you a man of the world.

I think you and Tomix should get together, hold hands, and leap-frog off of the Sears Tower.

Now how you like dem apples?

Okay.. Culture Club.. and the Stones... and George Michael... and Elton John... and countless other artists... If you're going to make claims, you might want to think before ou type, assuming that's within your capacity of thought.

- Meli -




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Originally posted by raver_mania:

He's just confused and *yes this time I WILL use this word* ignorant. Hehehe, probably from some backward community...hey I wouldn't be surprised if he was an inbred!


Just to clear it up,i wasn't calling you ignorant (sure you didn't think that anyway), just wanted to say it works both ways smile.gif

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Just to clear it up,i wasn't calling you ignorant (sure you didn't think that anyway), just wanted to say it works both ways smile.gif

Actually you had a very good point there...if I called him ignorant cuz he judged American society by its TV shows...then that means I was using the standards of this society...I was ignorant to the fact that his society's standards were different. Hey, all I can say is thanx for the heads up smile.gif.


Raving is a state of mind.

It has nothing to do with what you wear, how old you are or how you look.

Its all about the vibe!

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Hey everybody, you have to know that every culture have something good.

We could say that american are european, but they are not, and they have many other qualities we don't have in Europe.

In Europe we always discussing about decisions, you, in USA you make what you think it's good, sometimes you're wrong but you're mostly right. For example, the low criminality in NYC is now because you make something for.

In France, Paris is going to be the NY of ten years ago (for the criminality) and nobody have to make something for.

About culture, we've got a great history in Europe, but I promess that when i come the first time in NYC i was very impressionned, the USA had his own history and it's a specific country, which have great stuff, so let this guy formulate his ballshit, and lay him in his IGNORANCE, HEY MAN : OPEN YOUR MIND, you're not alone in the world!!!



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Originally posted by Crackorn:

Soooooooooooooo, who's up for some coq au vin?

nah what about some... erm, some...yeh some... shit... Ribs cwm32.gif

Here's a light hearted joke, What the difference between America & Yougart?

At least if you leave yougart for 200 years it develops a culture.. no drama please.

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Originally posted by back2basics-:

nah what about some... erm, some...yeh some... shit... Ribs cwm32.gif

Here's a light hearted joke, What the difference between America & Yougart?

At least if you leave yougart for 200 years it develops a culture.. no drama please.

hahaha... cwm2.gif


Don't forget to fly...

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Originally posted by translucent:

We kinda did. There were plenty of bombing runs in France by the Allies. We also built Euro DisneyLand there almost a decade ago. You should turn on the History Channel sometime.

EuroDisney might just be the biggest bomb dropped by the US in, oh, say, 200+/- years...



New and improved --- Coming to you now from NYC!

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Originally posted by melichacha:

Okay.. Culture Club.. and the Stones... and George Michael... and Elton John... and countless other artists... If you're going to make claims, you might want to think before ou type, assuming that's within your capacity of thought.

- Meli -


THanks for pointing that out for me... Hoe. I see you must have studied Geography & Humanities in school. So the rumor about you being the football team ragdoll was false, huh?

You like B2B are clueless, yet perfect for each other. We should trade your ass to england for like a box of chocolates ot something.


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Originally posted by Tomix:

Hey everybody, you have to know that every culture have something good.

We could say that american are european, but they are not, and they have many other qualities we don't have in Europe.

In Europe we always discussing about decisions, you, in USA you make what you think it's good, sometimes you're wrong but you're mostly right. For example, the low criminality in NYC is now because you make something for.

In France, Paris is going to be the NY of ten years ago (for the criminality) and nobody have to make something for.

About culture, we've got a great history in Europe, but I promess that when i come the first time in NYC i was very impressionned, the USA had his own history and it's a specific country, which have great stuff, so let this guy formulate his ballshit, and lay him in his IGNORANCE, HEY MAN : OPEN YOUR MIND, you're not alone in the world!!!


I am sorry. I misjudged you and your peoples. I am sorry. Please forgive me. Forgive me for my "ballshit" as you would say.

I extend a peace offering. If you are ever in America, Tomix, i want you to come and stay with me, okay? How's that sound.

Do me a favor. Make sure if & when you decide to come to the US, that you take the Concorde over, okie doke?

Till then, have a good nite

(p.s. have an extra french fry for me, will ya?)


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Originally posted by back2basics-:

Drarf bloke,

you better get over you hateread of french fries, it's gona be hard working in Burger king if you dont... wanker.

And you better get over your fear of men's bathrooms, you George Michael lookalike. I saw the pic you posted of yourself. You like the love child of Tiny Tim and Andy Dick.

peace, BackDoor

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