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is it me or the pills?


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Last few times I did E it sucked. Don't want to talk much, don't have much energy, and the weirdest thing is I'll be talking about something then totally forget what the hell I was saying the next second. I took 3 armani's the last time. Am I doing too much?? or could it be the pill?


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Last few times I did E it sucked. Don't want to talk much, don't have much energy, and the weirdest thing is I'll be talking about something then totally forget what the hell I was saying the next second. I took 3 armani's the last time. Am I doing too much?? or could it be the pill? Thanks

Same shit happend to me. I think its the pills, but the whole time i was at the party i kept thinking I'm so over this. I could not get into the music and i just wanted to go home

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armanis are great and everyone i know that's taken them thinks the same.. so i'd say maybe it's you..

i took four and half armanis last week and at times i wasnt talking at all, especially when i was peaking.. other times i was talking a lot, i think it's all relative and there's so many other factors that are involved that you can't ever know what the real deal is..

how long have you been doing pills anyway.. maybe your tolerance is high?

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Haven't been doing pills for long at all. Maybe like 6 months, so it's def not that my tolerance is high. It's not like I don't feel them, I do. The problem is they give me a shitty, sloppy kind of feeling, same with blue dolphins. I did peach christmas trees a few months ago and they were unreal, can't get my hands on them anymore though. The trees were the first ones I ever did, they lasted like 8 hrs. and were kind of like a coke high. maybe they were actually mixed with something else, who knows.

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