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Kerry Trashes Bush in Baghdad


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Visiting with U.S. troops in Baghdad on Thursday, failed presidential candidate John Kerry trashed Commander-in-chief George Bush for making "horrendous judgments" and "unbelievable blunders" that have undermined the war effort.

In a series of demoralizing comments first reported by the San Francisco Chronicle, the defeated Democrat griped, "What is sad about what's happening here now is that so much of it is a process of catching up from the enormous miscalculations and wrong judgments made in the beginning."

Kerry said that because of the Bush administration's mistakes, "the job has been made enormously harder."

Among the errors cited by the disgruntled Democrat: the decision by former U.S. occupation leader Paul Bremer's to disband the Iraqi army and purge the government of former members of Hussein's Baath Party.

Both moves were have fueled the Sunni insurgency, he claimed, lamenting, "Mistakes have been made."

Then, perhaps sensing he'd gone too far, the 2008 White House hopeful cut short the Bush-bashing, saying, "Now, it's a different time and different set of judgments that have to be made. I'm here to make judgments about what moves are available to us."


That's def going to help over there.


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Like they need Kerry to tell them that they are F'd

That is exactly the point...they DO NOT need Kerry coming over to Iraq making those statements.....it was inappropriate, ill-timed, unnecessary, and wrong by Kerry, and he should know better.....then again, I guess with this jerkoff, history repeats itself

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if at all, he should've gone there during the campaign. would've picked up a few votes IMO. everyone in the administration seems to think that Iraq is Candyland. i owuld like to thnk most soldiers have brains of their own to realize they have been fucked over by their elected leaders.

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if at all, he should've gone there during the campaign. would've picked up a few votes IMO. everyone in the administration seems to think that Iraq is Candyland. i owuld like to thnk most soldiers have brains of their own to realize they have been fucked over by their elected leaders.

good one....Kerry going over there to "campaign" for votes......wow


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igloo is funny. :spam:

Iraq is going great, nothing to see here, please move along, a US backed governement will be in place by the end of the month . . .

vicman.....please stick with the flow of the discussion............you said Kerry should have went to Iraq campaigning for vote....I responded directly to that comment.......your response avoided the direct point of discussion to vomit something else........

Understandable...your comment that kerry should have went to Iraq for votes was one of the dumbest things I have ever heard.....completely understandable for you to avoid that and go with the same baseless, tired drivel of how the Bush admin thinks Iraq is Candyland and everyone else but them "gets it".....at least come up with something new than the same boring regurgitation of bullshit

Or better yet...just move on

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I agree he should not be saying shit over there. No need at all, we all know how fucked it is over there. Really no need to bring it up and make the troops more disenharted(sp) then they already are.

We are having elections this month right? That is what bush said in the debates. "There will be elections in january"

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secretary of defense avoiding answering questions and the president saying everything is honkey-dorey when they are seeing that its not is more demoralizing.

I think you are missing the point.....badly............but if I may point something out for a moment---------honkey-dorey?....... :laugh: ...you buckled me with that choice of words........

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