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the review of passion with j.ramirez


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Maintaining my inconspicuous status, flying straight and low key, I decided to perform a reconnaissance on the supposedly new night spot- Hollywood, Florida. And do I have some treats to expose of.


The word on the Streets is that the Hard Rock Cafe area complex off of Seminole way / lucky St. is going to be big. Bigger than South Beach that is! ….So I’ve heard. There are to be 7 more openings of clubs (djs get your resumes in line) and a boxing ring which is currently under construction.


As I arrived to the place to be, I was confused because the complex is situated as though of a food-court where all the establishments are in the center but are enclosed similar to a courtyard or outdoor mall. In essence, it’s different than that of Delray beach/South beach where all of the establishments are in rows and can be accessed from the street line.

Parking is difficult because it’s a complex similar to a mall except with only valet parking and construction on the other to prevent passing. Therefore valet parking is inevitable. However, there is a choice- a $5.00 parking or $10.00. I opted for the $5.00 as I doubt there is any difference much less asking what was the difference………

As one enters the court yard, one has the opportunity to observe Adults from all ages lingering in the center areas of the complex. Mind you, a lot of 20/20 meaning, plenty of eye candy for the eyes of the beholder :)

I called Johnny Ramirez the 1/2 resident dj of passion to notify him of my arrival. I was on the guest list and did not have to pay the $20 Male cover which, I think is insane providing the club has recently opened. There wasn’t any pat down, only 2 check points with friendly staff in black checking ID and allowing quick entry after payment. Caution, there is a big ray of black light at the second check point that magnifies any dust particles on black clothing. I thought black lights were out by now?

As I entered the club and to my surprise, the main from was Hip Hop and the lounge was the House room. I headed to the lounge and acknowledge all my acquaintances. I stood by for a few minutes observing the room before purchasing a drink.

Pretty much, the room was well situated with a pleasant group of staff/bouncer. Oddly enough, I have the ability to distinguish Urban from rural folks- i.e, city folks from country folks. Definitely, they were not from Downtown.

One mistake I think passions made was the seating arrangements. Similar to delux, there are cushioned seats in the center. Mind you, the idea of obstructing the center to prevent an empty room feel was outstanding for many will travel back and forth from the hip/hop to lounge which is merely a door step away. However, Passions could have done a little better as in placing round tables without the stools and allowing the customers to seat against the walls.

As far as the sounds are concerned, I arrived shortly after 1230 and Latin, tribal funk was at play. I decided to hit the ATM which is situated just beyond the restrooms only to find out that it was out of order. Therefore, getting stamped to allow reentry, I exited the club in search of an ATM. The closest one without having to pay an entrance fee to another club was at the Hard Rock Casino Café. So bring cash!

As I made my way back, I had to stand in line once again as though my first time entering- Poorly done. There should be a second entrance with adequate security to allow patrons with stamps to enter. Hey, if you are going to allow reentry, do it right.

Once I entered, I headed back to the lounge and ordered my drink. With so many in attendance, there should have been more than just two bartenders behind the bar. The drinks were made well but at high price. I purchased a vodka sprite in a plastic cup for $8.00 and a bottle of water for $5.00. The money is not the issue, but it’s the principle of having a new club opening up in such a relaxed yet competitive atmosphere with many bars, restaurants and casino nearby. At least drink tickets could have accompanied the $20 cover charge.

By now, the other dj was on spinning a little harder and more commercial. It went from that sleazy electro trash to some decent uplifting house. I’m not going to track id because the early part was not worth it. The crowd seemed to socialize with there friends and enjoy good times. Not too much of heavy dancing but the space was available considering it had a crowded yet spacious feel to it.

Then, Johnny turned it up with 4 sexy tribal, guitar lick tracks back to back to back to back. Tracks as follows were: Isa(track that he stole from me)-la noche-that feeling-and feel the vibe.

After working up a storm and allowing the dust to settle, I embraced my people and made my exit passing by the main room to have a little taste. The overall sound quality was poor and the crowd although good looking was struck with sadness and without life. The tunes were none other than the commercial radio play hits. But what really made me feel as though that this club has superb potential is by the courteous and kind staff members. A staff member stood beyond the step aiding those that entered and exited the main floor. I suppose it’s due to the dark and blind spotted step that one may so often trip on.

Overall, great party but with time, I can assure that this will be a real hot spot after all the wrinkles have been ironed. It took me literally 12 minutes from Aventura in comparison to 25 heading to south beach or Delray.

Til next time, it’s the kid colione signing off.

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nice review colione!

After checking out Pangea/Gryphon a few weeks back, I'm also sure the "Paradise" outside the Seminole Hard Rock will become a great option for the broward and even the palm beach ppl...

The crowds are definitely mixed, but like u said, once the details are ironed out, inside and outside the clubs, it will be one big strip with many decent options...

Now, i just hope at least one of them does it right, and has the courage to keep it up with at least one good music-oriented party...

Most of this ppl will be walk-ins, so keep the hip hop room up front, and funnel them into the Housey lounge where the REAL party's at! :D

I look fwd to parties that bring some decent talent to go and check out the venues as they open.



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I've been hitting up Gryphon/Panjia every weekend since DHM (even spent NYE there) and Passion last Friday night. If you all remember Frenchy from NERVE, you'll find him at Gryphon, he runs the show there. I must say its definitly a great new place to go to without your typical SOBE attitude. Every employee at everyone of the spots there are definitly down to earth. I live in San Sousi near you in Avetura and I must say I do get there quicker then driving to South Beach. Only messed up thing is that drive on 595 or 441 after having a few drinks. Cops everywhere! Another dangerous thing is walking into the casino after youve been drinking and parting all night thinking your the man, only to spend a $hit load of money thinking perhaps you may double what you have left in your pocket! LOL NOT !

OH ....One thing you forgot to mention about Passion, they need a friggin air conditioner. The main room was hot and the vip room on the side was a damn sauna!!!

I recommend this place to all myself! Sort of has that Pleasuse Island feel up at Disney.

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