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Clubplanet Nightlife Community

JUST WOKE UP FROM TWILO AND.....(correction)

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I am reflecting on the great times that i had. SO! here we go. in the order which i saw you guys (I think)...

Satanus- Always a pleasure sir....didnt get to chil a hole lotta....but had a good time....keep drinkin that water....dont matter if ur sober...gotta stay nice and refreshed!

Miss Incognito- Always a pleasure sweetie....we hung out for a good while....hope to do it again very very soon (Carl Cox 12/1 eh?)

Jdogg- so glad ya came out....must chill very soon...

Ricfutures- Bro, is it me, or am i a god damn toystore on legs?

Myrlin- Yo....we def have to do lunch sometime....how's next Mon?.....I'll IM you soon.


Sinem- our first time hittin a club together! it was a great time! hope to do it again soon.

Jammy- you are the sweetest...i was SOOOOOOOOOO not expecting that.

Diva- what can i say...yet another Friday in the record books.

Nicki- Great clubbing with you...YET AGAIN! smile.gif hope to see you next friday (prolly will)

Mikey- BRo..a late appearance on your behalf...but...ANOTHER FRIDAY! GOD DAMN....i had a great night, and i am sure you did too. Use that number!!

Andy- What's the haps dogger? Hope you had a great night, and i hope you enjoyed my gift from me to you smile.gif....also a late appearance on your behalf....and an early exit....but no matter what....had a great time. See you later this week.

Funkysoulbro- we didnt chill very much, but it was good to know that you where there having a blast smile.gif

Sharron- We need to stop losing eachother, seriously...LOL...hope to see you soon, gimmie a call tomorrow.

Crackhorn- Check ur PMs.....i'll help you out with what i spoke to you about. Great times bro. See you at CC.


And to those i came with..

Aramis (flippin_e)....Bro...I loved having you there with me, and even tho ur knocked out upstairs, i wanna shout you out, cause you are a great best friend.....please dont go back home! too far away!!

Melissa (Melichacha)...Hun, you and aramis are 2 of the 4 people in my life that i live for. Even tho you are not too far, schedules get in the way. It was great seeing you again, and i hope that we will chill more. Gotta find some loopholes in the scheduling...cant give up the times that we had similar to last night. i love you.

Veronica- (Majesticmelodi)....i think i have created a monster. dont worry...another month of clubbin....you'll be able to dance till the stop the music.

Angie- Can NOT believe that you made it out...so glad that you did...you also have to come out with us more...

Roly- bro....just another friday 4 our crew. smile.gif

Franny- i knew you'd go lol...

To all those that i MAY have missed (think i got everyone) im sorry.....but im short a few brain cells......HOPE TO SEE YOU GUYS ALL OVER AGAIN AT CC......have a great day!

Love you ALL,



"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Day is gone I'm on my back Staring up at the ceiling I take a drink sit back relax Smoke my kind makes me feel Better for a short time

What I want is what I've not got What I need is all around me"

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB


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Hey ! I know im all about being on the DL but u still forgot meee smile.gif

lol i bugged, sorry about that!

a cute night, for being Sober!




..."We come to love not by finding a perfect person...but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly"...


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Al, you're the best...

Definitly do it again soon- you guys are addicting!

I'll call you tomorrow- thank you again.... I had a friggin blast.

Can't wait to do it again!! cwm4.gifcwm4.gifcwm4.gif



*~**~*~**~~ No man/woman is worth your tears... and the only one who would be- would never make you cry ~~**~*~**~*

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aaaggghh,, Al, whaz up??? It was great hanging with you too, as usual!! I love that sign!! I want to play with it next time! Hey to all the new faces I met, I'm not even going to attempt to name everyone!! This was one of my best times a Twilo, they just keep getting better and better.

OH, and Pooh, I promise I will rub your neck with my cruddy fingers next time!


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Hey everyone!!

I had an excellent time meeting the bunch of you the other night! I can't come back this Friday, but hopefully I will be able to the following --we'll see what it looks like for finals week (ugh)... Anyway, a few quick notes...

Veronica -- you must give me a call here at school! 3-5116 is the #... I'm in Hegeman 131.

Aramis -- it was excellent seeing you... so, whan are ya coming up again? hehe


Sinem -- You are awesome, and made the bathroom trip a little less terrifying!


Roly -- Aah, just like old times, eh? I love your face at the end of the night... lol

Franny -- I knew you'd go too... hehe

Mikey -- Needless to say, great meeting you... hope to talk to you soon!


AND FINALLY... I'd like to welcome Dalfinus (aka my buddy Angie) to the board! Friday night she lost her Twilo virginity... hehe.. pop pop pop!

Love ya all!!

- Meli -



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It is I, the Twilo virgin, but that I am no more (pop pop). It was great meeting everyone that I did, especially a young man by the name of Mike. He's probably not on the board, but I'd like to take this moment to thank God and his momma for bringing his fine a** into this world. Al, what can I say I love ya buddy. Thanx for the introduction to the board. Meli, can't think of anything else to say but thank you and I love you. (I now understand.)Till the next time. I will now end this post with two quotes from my buddies, "Do you now understand why my icon is Love Peace and Twilo?!!!" <<hell yeah I do>> "Drugs are bad, mmmmkay. NO THEY'RE NOT" lol

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Alright, alright.....I'm back...had to take a few days off the board........this weekend was just killer.....best I've had in a very long time.......quick shot to those at the Oakie concert.....short but oh so sweet it was.......and to those I saw at Twilo, once again, another crazy night/morning.......I don't have the energy to call everyone out but gotta give a special what's up to a few......

- Al - what the hell else can I say to you......this was our best yet.....chalk off another one......thanks for everything you hooked me up with that night......which was a lot......lol

- Aramis - don't sit down sucka.....S&D are still going!!!.....ha ha.....much love for making the trip....I know it was well worth it......once again, thanks for lighting me up when I needed it.....hope to see you up in NYC again soon.....

- Melissa - I'm glad you had a great time......hey, what can I say....you knocked me right off my feet.......all that I expected and more......you'll hear from me soon....lol

- Andy - do you think it's possible for us to NOT have fun....doubt it......thanks for the VIP treatment at Cream and the little toy you gave me......too bad you left early but I know you had to do it......till next one.....

- yuhwoo - thanks for that massage hon.......brought me right up.....I owe you one.....lol

- sgbrooklyn - what's up Sinem......even though it was short, it was a such a treat to see you at Twilo.....I didn't think that day would ever come......lol

- roby, artful, roly - special shot to you fellas for lasting the morning out with the rest of us.......always good to see other crazy ass phanatics who won't leave till they make us......

- j303, funckysoulbro, hooj - always great to meet new peeps......I may have met more but I especially remember you fellas.....hope to see you guys again.....

All in all, to everyone else I saw, great to see you all again....hope you all had as good a time as I did......till next time....



Room to dance?....Oh..I will take that..thank you...


[This message has been edited by mikey_m (edited 11-26-2000).]

[This message has been edited by mikey_m (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Originally posted by Dalfinus:

I will now end this post with two quotes from my buddies, "Do you now understand why my icon is Love Peace and Twilo?!!!" <<hell yeah I do>> "Drugs are bad, mmmmkay. NO THEY'RE NOT" lol




"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Day is gone I'm on my back, Staring up at the ceiling I take a drink sit back- relax, Smoke my mind! makes me feel better for a short time. What I want is what I've not got, What I need is all around me"

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

No Pleasure, No Rapture, No Exquisite Sin Greater....Than Centeral Air. - Dogma

"I can walk in straight lines, within my crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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Yo, what up peeps...

Twilo was insane but i'm not surprised...

You guys are great...i have to try and meet you guys when i'm not so fucked up. However, i like being fucked up and i'm sure you do to so i don't know if that is going to happen anytime soon. Can't wait until next time, i am still recovering from Friday night, see you soon...Funk


Fatboy Slim is Fucking in Heaven!

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Originally posted by Dalfinus:

Meli, can't think of anything else to say but thank you and I love you. (I now understand.)... "Drugs are bad, mmmmkay. NO THEY'RE NOT" lol

I've taught you well, Angie-san... you are growing to be a fine warrior indeed...

Love ya, sis!




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Originally posted by trippintrance64:


al!! happy to oblige. just call me HUG-MASTER. hahaha. biggrin.gif

Originally posted by mikey_m:

- yuhwoo - thanks for that massage hon.......brought me right up.....I owe you one.....lol

mikey - i'm gonna cash in on that next time! wink.gif

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