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Attn Drama Board:


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"rep points" are the most gayest thing ever invented, and i refuse to participate in it, everytime i get a neg rep point i laugh my ass off,

the ppl giving these points are usually the biggest losers ever?? THINK ABOUT IT LOOK WHO GIVES EM OUT!! its not the ppl who look on here to see what dj is playing where or what cool spot is going on a monday..

its fuckin losers whose spend thier whole work day /evenings/ weekend nights ( logged out :lol3: ) on here to post in meanigless forums and have internet friends,

seriously sometimes i try explainging this shit to real ppl,

i tried to explain some drama thats invovled on here to my boyfreind, he was looking at me like i had 3 heads...

even ppl that go on mesage boards, i refrain from telling them im on cp...

just because this shit is so wacked,

but the punch line

these are ppls whole LIVES!!! :rofl:

i go on here when im home cause im bored

but ppl live for thier internet friends and thier replys

ok im done with bashing the bump forum

(i got my laugh in :)

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I giff reputation points cause there fun. But I don't go any lower than I go in public. Some terds bust out some negativity that shouldn't be said in either circumstance. And I am not talking only about this spragga freak just in general. That's probably why italianp don't post no mo. At least I neffer see her post. I am not on here to simply make friends though it happened. I am on here to have fun especially on the drama boards. But some people think that luz is not a character and take seriousness into this. But anyway let's continue the drama. And sotuchick us drama soldiers wouldn't giff you negative points. It's probably fruitloops like nmn and freakadon cause they ain't got nuthin to say other than that crap they always be droppin. They are just a bunch of imitation drama people. When it comes down to it they are just carbon copies of the oh so cool bump boards.


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shut the fuck up you whinny little douche...

waaaa waaaa

oh and diabolique, someone is signing your name to neg rep points..

Thank You Ibell- but this is not new, which is why *yawn*

mmm gee I wonder who that could be? :lame:

FYI to my STALKER: I give out only positive ones, negative feedback is not my cup of tea...


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shut the fuck up you whinny little douche...

waaaa waaaa

oh and diabolique, someone is signing your name to neg rep points..

the psycho is probably doing it herself....:laugh: .....she probably can't stand the fact that you have more than her.......what else is new :rolleyes:

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