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Big Luv review...

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Well...I'm never going to a party thrown by Caffeine again.

It was a night of total cheese classic hits on the main dance floor...First they make us wait in the freezing weather until a little after 10pm, but they were supposed to be open at 9pm...

When we walk in, the search was a joke...then we hit the main dance floor and hits us total cheese blasting...The first dj that spun was playing the fluffy trance from like two years ago, nothing new...then I think it was Dave Trance... not sure because when I asked people who worked with Caffeine who was spinning, they either wouldn't tell me or didn't know who was...He spun the classic cheese anthems such as Fench Kiss from the VengaBoys and that awful Cocaine song...then it got worse...

DJ Irene got on and we thought great...we're gonna get some great bangin' hard house...WRONG...we get to hear her spin disco shit...songs over 2 years old and Alice Deejay and Zombie fuckin' Nation back to back...from her. WTF?! We hope she got paid alot of money to play that crap.

Then Armand Van Helden got on...and I only stayed for 15 minutes of his set 'cause it didn't start to sound like his style...afraid he was about to bust out the cheese again.

So we decided to go down stairs and listen to the other DJs...Reid Speed was awesome. Everytime I caught her, she was always great. She played some nice breaks. DJ Venom was also great. Even though he played some stuff that was old...but it was the good stuff...

I didn't bother to stay for Dave Ralph...if the other DJs were dishing out the cheese...we felt he was going to do the same. We left around 4am...we never expected that good line up of DJs to sound like that...and people were going ape shit for it?! Only reason I can think of is probably Caffeine paid them really good to play that crap.

The vibe was weird...it was all over the place...people were dropping like flies real early in the night...E puddles were everywhere including on the dancefloor. Alot of thug wannabes too. It was an 18+ event, but there was sure alot of youngins bouncing around. One girl came up to us and told us we smelled like Angeldust...WTF?!

Only thing that made night fun was being with my friends, Stephan (Artful) and Angela...its true what they say, you can go to a crappy place but have great time with the peeps you're with...plus it was my first time going to a rave sober in a very long time. It was an eye opening experience.

Its gonna be a long time I go to a party held in NYC...may need to go out of town.

That's my opinion..I can be wrong.


get bizzy with the fizzy baby...


[This message has been edited by shadowchaser (edited 11-26-2000).]

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Hey i feel the same way here....

I came up from atlanta for thanksgiving break...home to New york, and went to the Butter Ball...a party thrown by the Mass Hysteria Movement with X dream, Bam Bam, Venom, Skylab2k Live PA, ak1200, and atray-u....

The venue, club octagon was super shitty...narrow stairs and a lot of crowds hanging out everywhere...

security is usually a bitch at parties these days..there was none here...the searches were jokes and the only security was the nazis in the bathroom stopping us from refilling water bottle so we have to buy them at $4 FUCKIN bucks each...

the sound sucked..it kept skipping, and the volume was lowered and raised until skylab came on..when they raised it too high..so high that in the cab on the way home, my ears HURT.

The E puddles formed quickly and lasted until I left at 4:30...they were every where you looked...open drug dealing on the main dance floor and the ring type balcony above....all the thugs dressed in new york yankees jackets or leather coats in side the hot club had nothing to say but.."pills, pills...geltabs.." it got annoying...along with the Nazi water policy. Parties in NYC have become shit I think...ill stick to my Vinyl..and an occasional night at twilo...and go to raves in Atlanta only...



AIM:Turbo SC300



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I went to Octagon last year for Feast on Thanksgiving eve...I know that narrows halls too...plus the place was steaming hot too.

Forgot to mention that the sound system and light show blew chunks. You know its a shitty system when they turn the volume all the way up.

Water was $5?! That's insane... cwm13.gif


get bizzy with the fizzy baby...


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Jesus christ..water was 4 bucks and they wouldnt let all us kids fill up the 12 oz bottles in the bathroom...i paid for 3 bottles and left early..the lights were pretty good if you were on some ecstacy otherwise they were plain annoying..the sound sucked ass...x dream played a nice set and skylab was good but a shitty night..plus if you didnt have a ticket you had to wait for 90 min in a separate line..anyone remember how cold it was wed night??



AIM:Turbo SC300



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I had fun at Big Luv. My first Rave. I actually bumped into one of my best friends there.....who had also never been to a rave before LOL.

It's cool to be able to go to something like that and be with people who know their shit. Angela and Frank were my tour guides for the evening.... showing/telling me what's what.

Reid Speed is the shiznit and a bag a chips.

I don't know shit about DJs...... but I know good shit when I hear it and if I'm walking around asking who this DJ is and to remember his/her name, you can be sure he/she is on point.


Anyone know what the temperature was last night on Saturday? I loved standing out in that shit with no buildings around for an hour as a little bonus for being on time. I loved the fact that it was too much trouble to clearly mark which line was ticket-buyer and ticket-holder.


On a positive note I really appreciated the bouncers at the Luv event.... they were all chill and mellow. It was nice to see for a change.

Mad young kids....... I'd bet there were some peeps who just underwent puberty last week walkin' around... bugged me the fuck out.... but hey, I'm too tired to worry about that shit....

I haven't been to Junior high and highschool in a bit..... was nice too see the little ones having a good time.



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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whaddup everyone, i didn't know clubnyc people were going to be at Big Luv! i was there too, i was the asian chick with the red glowstix.. cwm11.gif

this was my first time going to a party sober, so i began the night with a bit of apprehension. i got there at around 12, and the line was maybe 5 min for me. i also agree that security was a joke; the kids in front of me were probably 16 at most, and got in.

i don't know who the dj was in the downstairs room at around 12-1, but it was on point! hard house w/a similar sound to fergie/lisa lashes.

the venue, vanderbilt, i thought was nice, and the raves held there are usually shitty (i am told), so i give props to caffeine for attempting to throw a decent party.

but anyway, DJ irene is known to start off her sets with hard chicago house, and then end with disco house (like she does for all her CDs). so i wasn't disappointed, that woman is full of energy. i enjoyed the beginning of her set (i agree, shadowchaser, she needs to cut the crap at the end).

i was even surprised armand van helden showed up. i was worried he would bust out some old deep house, but i also think he was on point. the crowd wasn't into it, so it dampened his set.

i was a bit disappointed with dave ralph, his set was not very inspiring or crowd motivating as i thought he would be, seeing that his predecessors are highly capable of moving a crowd (oakie, PvD, etc). but nonetheless, i love that cheezy trance!

i think b/c i didn't drop, i didn't take much notice to the E-puddles. if you chill on the walls or the outskirts of the dancefloor, that's definitely where the crackheads chill (as i know too well).

i personally had a great time; i noticed that the place cleared out early, but that's what you get when you got a crowd that's mostly 16. cwm36.gif



*turn it around baby*

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hey..it was expected he wouldnt make it...i dont know if he did or not..with that crap sound system who could tell? I left early anyways....

and kitty..im sure it cleared out early cuz the kiddies mustve had a curfew...as i know too well from past experience...


AIM:Turbo SC300



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I'm fucking sick of these cheesy-ass little NY promoters who bill big names knowing they'll never fucking be there.

If people ask what's wrong with Raves in NY - there's the source of the problem. If respectable people were involved in the production of the events, the overall quality of the scene might stand a chance of improving.

I'm sick of this shit.

To think I almost skipped Jeff Mills to see Jon the Dentist.


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shadow...dave trance was spinning when you first walked in...then Mixin' Marc from Chicago (he spun the fuck on cocaine track), then DJ Irene.

the cat downstairs between 12-1 was Knowledge.

tell me reid speed does not look absolutely adorable behind the decks...she mixed some two step tracks with the dark/tech step stuff which was interesting

vanderbilt = hunka bunka L.I.? (maybe) loved the burning fireplace there!

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i wish i had known all you guys were going!!! (Young esp. - i have to meet you girlie!!)

maybe some of you saw me . . . i had red ufos and a bright blue tank top on, i've got loooooonghair that's striped brown and blond - i had blue photons and a Caffeine shirt around my waist . . . i was with a kid wearing blue ufos (that had some orange in them) and a white tank top on - he had red and white photons, and is an amazing dancer . . .

oh well, next time DEF. gotta meet up!!

Young - are you going to Exhale on the 8th??




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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bRanDie! you were there? were you also there with rob? doh! this happened at the tunnel this past summer (openin night for JV)..

i don't know what i am doing on the 8th yet -- it's my 21st birthday! i feel like there are alot of parties goin on that night.. i'll email you when i know girl!


we need to round up more clubnycers out to parties.. i feel like most of the people that go to raves on ClubNyC are, or have been, Bluelighters... agree? wink.gif



*turn it around baby*

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*i agree* smile.gif

no i wasn't there with rob, i was there with my friend brian . . .



and happy 21st birthday if i don't see you, girlie!!!!! cwm12.gif


"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by kitty19:

bRanDie! you were there? were you also there with rob? doh! this happened at the tunnel this past summer (openin night for JV)..

i don't know what i am doing on the 8th yet -- it's my 21st birthday! i feel like there are alot of parties goin on that night.. i'll email you when i know girl!


we need to round up more clubnycers out to parties.. i feel like most of the people that go to raves on ClubNyC are, or have been, Bluelighters... agree? wink.gif



TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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Originally posted by freddie:

shadow...dave trance was spinning when you first walked in...then Mixin' Marc from Chicago (he spun the fuck on cocaine track), then DJ Irene.

the cat downstairs between 12-1 was Knowledge.

tell me reid speed does not look absolutely adorable behind the decks...she mixed some two step tracks with the dark/tech step stuff which was interesting

vanderbilt = hunka bunka L.I.? (maybe) loved the burning fireplace there!

Thanks Freddie for the clear up smile.gif...I asked everyone i can find that was from Caffeine and people behind the gate...they either didn't tell me, didn't know who it was...or gave me a rude look.

Reid Speed was the shit saturday night... I can say she was fav of the night. She is a cutie behind the decks too. Was it her who dropped "I'll Hide U" for her last song of her set or was the DJ after her?

I'm taking a break from the NYC raves...I'm going to hit Exhale in Mass...in a couple of weeks...


rain falls on everyone...the same old rain...


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im still not sure what it is..maybe we just dont have enough partykids in nyc to have real promoters throw real events? Parties on the west coast, here in atlanta and up in CT and MA dont even compare to nyc raves...the scene in ny is really shot to shit...


AIM:Turbo SC300



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Originally posted by shadowchaser:

I'm taking a break from the NYC raves...I'm going to hit Exhale in Mass...in a couple of weeks...

i'm goin to Exhale too!!!! def. have to meet up!! smile.gif




"And those who were seen dancing

were thought to be insane by those

who could not hear the music."

"To love someone is something..to be loved by someone is something else..

but to be loved by the one you love is everything.." Rob&Brandie AAF


AIM: loves2cox

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Originally posted by brandie:

i'm goin to Exhale too!!!! def. have to meet up!! smile.gif



Definitely...i had no idea you were at Big Luv...would be cool to see ya again. We haven't seen each other since the first GateCrasher.


rain falls on everyone...the same old rain...


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i seriously doubt caffiene paid them to play crappy tunes ... a lot of time DJs come to a party lie that and think they have to play a certain way to please teh crowd .. at teh party there were prob a lot of people that didnt know shit about good music and were prob amped to hear zombie nation and alice dj ... sucks for you tho .. sorry ... i woulda stuck in for dave raph and armand.. i'm pretty positive they are solid enuff to not follow the cheesey band wagon that seemed to be going on ... even if they wanted to , do u think they travel with crappy records .. doubt it .... i have ot agree about reid speed , she alwasy rinses it out whether the party is big or small ... shes the shit ... and verrrry veryyy cute and a sweety too ... anyways that my $0.02 .,.. but i wasnt even there soo owhatevre ..=)





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