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IBHUGH no more

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Originally posted by rachel1997:

Hmmm interesting new name! Eyecrazy.gif

What does it mean?


Rachel clown.gif

It means absolutely nothing! Although if my Latin were better, I could fake some definition.... It actually came from my Internet gaming days. I had to pick a screen name and that just popped into my head... heh heh

Cool smilicon BTW: Eyecrazy.gif


a.k.a. ibhugh, Brian Adams

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Originally posted by uknjx2:

you have to go and confuse me don't you??? don't you know my memory is non-existent at this point??? just ask monique how i remember NOTHING!! that's ok, though, i forgive you but at least andy kept his colors the same when he changed his name, didn't he???

Nicki, sorry I had to do that, but the name really needed to be changed...

Like I said I'll just keep puttin' my name, my "formerly known as..." and such. So hopefully in time everyone will get it biggrin.gif

Thank you for your forgiveness wink.gif

I don't remember what Andy's colors were before the change.... And besides, my colors were pretty boring too....


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I remember you telling me that u were gonna change your screen name when we met at PVD....wow....didn't know u had such a cool name in mind....reminds me of the days when I was still collecting the "Infinity Gauntlet" series....anyway....stay warm and look forward to meeting u sometime again!!!! cwm35.gif



"There is no way to happiness. Happiness is the way."

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Originally posted by hooj:


I remember you telling me that u were gonna change your screen name when we met at PVD....wow....didn't know u had such a cool name in mind....reminds me of the days when I was still collecting the "Infinity Gauntlet" series....anyway....stay warm and look forward to meeting u sometime again!!!! cwm35.gif

thanks for the props on the name...

yeah, I've been doing a lot of traveling (some more trips coming up), but I am going to try to make some of the meetups coming up... WooHoo!!!




a.k.a. ibhugh, Brian Adams

email: ibhugh@yahoo.com

aolim: hugesk8r

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Hey all,

DaVe moved my stats over to the new name I came up with... BTW: Thanks DaVe

I know some peeps were giving me crap about me wanting to change my screen name, but there you go biggrin.gif

Sorry if this confuses some of you, but hopefully you'll get used to it....

It's still the same ol' me, just with a smoother (IMO) sign name


a.k.a. ibhugh, Brian Adams

AOL IM: hugesk8r

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It feels pretty good.... heh heh. I loke the new colors -- ooooo pretty colors!! cwm4.gif

Sorry, I actually tried to get this changed around the same time Jammy and mikey_m got theirs changed, but just missed DaVe going on vaca...

I'll just keep signing my name at the bottom for a while to help get peeps used to the new me!!!


a.k.a. ibhugh, Brian Adams

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you have to go and confuse me don't you??? don't you know my memory is non-existent at this point??? just ask monique how i remember NOTHING!! that's ok, though, i forgive you but at least andy kept his colors the same when he changed his name, didn't he???


jumpdei.gif Boink like a bunny!!!

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Goddamit, Hugh!!

You said Mickey_M changed his name too?



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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