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back from europe

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hey everybody! I'm back from a week in europe. I went to vienna, paris, and amsterdam. woo hoo!!! the cannabis cup is off the freakin' hook!!! this was my first trip to europe ever, and hmmmm....i have to say that as great a city as NYC is, i think we have a far far way to go to be as cool as amsterdam. Parisien house music is unbelievable, and the techno in vienna is amazing!

i just think that the quality of life, and resepct for music in europe is just a little bit better than here in the US. I think it might have something to do with the sense of time. you know? like....the US is still a relativly new country, where as the european society has been there for centuries, and the presense of time is everywhere. You can see it in the life, the culture, the buildings, the people. Maybe this is just my opinion, but i think that in the US things are just so disposable. Music can just be a hit today and then gone the next, whereas the europeans can influence the music with a sense of permanance. ok, I'll get off my soapbox here, and just give everyone a big shout out and tell you all I missed the Board.





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u r absolutely right-------im from croatia man isnt that euro house a million times better then the stuff we listen to here for 30$------awesome music and if i played some of the stuff they play in euro clubs here id be on cloud nine-----time passes by too fast in america

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Where you from in Croatia? I went to some sick parties there. One was a whole weekend party on a very small island just off of Hvar with nothing but 50 people, speakers, turntables, and lots of E. It was the most unbelievable party I ever went to. Next summer I went back and they had a 4 day festival in Split, where I saw Jeff Mills and Mr. C among others. It was all amazing. Ah, I miss the lovely beaches...


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hehe and i bet the people/vibe was nicer too~~~ just my personal experience from visiting relatives over seas. as culturally diverse as we are, i think sometimes we don't accept new/different people here as easily, however overseas , even though for the most part the societies are homoegeneous culture wise, they seem to accept people easier, dunno just my dolla's worth. ciao. cwm27.gif


"Well you think i'd leave ya lonely... you know me better than that... if you'd think i'd leave you down when your down on your knees... well i wouldnt do that.. you're so much better than you know..."

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def agree with you all. i lived in europe (greece) for a year and had the time of my life. the music is def awesome and the clubs there def blow away the stuff we have here in the states. its just a totally different vibe there that the states will never have.

im not dissing the states for sure cause i love nyc and would never live anywhere else, but i think everyone should really experience europe at least once in their lifetime.

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That's true, I agree with you, but COME to TECHNO-town Frankfurt, you have to experience a night in Vath's homebase, the U60311, everytime you can't believe it! cwm32.gif but cheesy trance you can forget there, so it's really underground, an ex-tube station, and the club breaks out of all w/ this bouncing, pushing, smashing and BURNIN' athmosphere!!! cwm1.gif but Berlin is also worth a "club night", so is the TRESOR!!! oouuh too good!


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I've been to europe 5 times this yr and have been going my whole life. no question off the hook. to bad i didnt know you where there(Paris) i just got back from there last night. everywere you go its great, the whole history thing is the key. everywere you go, party, or chill you are looking at, or in a place that has been around longer than our whole counrty. no question a great experience. but i still love NYC and i think the key is always to travel. NYC is great because we may have the most access to flights everywere(and the dollar is so f-ing strong i have never, ever seen europe so cheap)trust me when i tell you that's not going to be the case much longer. now that you have the travel bug keep it going. I've traveled the world for the most part and work hard to travel. def. go back soon and often, the way the stock market is going things may change.



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yup u are rite, Europeans work to live as Americans live to work, musicwise US is 3-6 years behind, the best shit we got going here is johnny vicious and jonathan peters, i mean cmon, you cant compare them to likes of Oakenfold, Sasha , Digweed, Cox, Nick Warren, Seaman, i mean life is so much more fun on the continent! dont get me wrong, i love USA , its the greatest country in the world, but partywise, we kinda suck! SO heres my message: ENJOY LIFE, stay + , and remeber as Danny Tenaglia said, MUSIC IS THE ANSWER! - mike cska22@hotmail.com

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