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what was your worst job ever?


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mine was my two o-so-unfabulous weeks at wet seal :rolleyes: . they had the gall to ask me to give 2 weeks notice; my feeling was that i shouldn't have to give them 2 weeks notice if i had hardly been there for that long :funny: ! wet seal blows!

what was the worst job you ever had?

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well i'd have to say being a boxboy at a small grocery store when i was in highschool. one day this other kid i was working with decided to steal some beer (kids that worked at this place had been stealing beer for years, they always got caught eventually). so this kid gets caught and because i happend to be in the same area at the time he was caught the owner thought i was stealing the beer too (which i wasn't). the owner calls the cops and has us both arrested. they take us down and book us. while we're in the holding cell waiting for our parents to come pick us up i ask the kid what he was going to tell the cops, he totally fessed up and said he was the only one stealing beer. the jerk owner asked me back to work, i told him to fuck off and wound up getting a better job.

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well i'd have to say being a boxboy at a small grocery store when i was in highschool. one day this other kid i was working with decided to steal some beer (kids that worked at this place had been stealing beer for years, they always got caught eventually). so this kid gets caught and because i happend to be in the same area at the time he was caught the owner thought i was stealing the beer too (which i wasn't). the owner calls the cops and has us both arrested. they take us down and book us. while we're in the holding cell waiting for our parents to come pick us up i ask the kid what he was going to tell the cops, he totally fessed up and said he was the only one stealing beer. the jerk owner asked me back to work, i told him to fuck off and wound up getting a better job.
it sucks ass that the owner didn't believe you at first, but at least he had the character to admit he was wrong, for what that's worth. i'm with you, though; i wouldn't've gone back :aright: .
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