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All the reports are the same. So what new info is going to come out? We are going to hear the same story about the kids that get bad pills blahblahblah. Kids taking 5 pills which turn out to be PMA, then end up w/ a 108degree body temp. It's not the drugs that are killing people. It's the stupidity of the people that do them to excess and bring themselves to that point. It's like blaming a car manufacturer or a beer company for causing a drunk driving accident. It's too bad that this drug is scheduled the way it is. A little more research could go a long way. Look at the days when they said that pot caused brain damage. Does anyone say that now? no. I guess we will have to wait 20 years till people to see what this stuff is going to do to us.

Be safe. Use moderation. Use your head.

[This message has been edited by lowmazda (edited 11-28-2000).]

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hate to say it, cause i love my rolls, but they are finding out some pretty ill stuff on e use. not the occassional use, but the hardcore user (we've all been there) dropping multiple pills on multiple nights of the week. they're finding out that irrepairable brain damage occurs to the neurotransmitters controlling serotonin uptake. in other words, tragicilly severe depression!

moderartion in all things.


...i do believe the music saved my life..

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