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Like to say THX to the fellow from Napster last night (He **might** be reading)


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Was looking around for a few things on Napster, **Found it Spoony...hehe** and came across a fellow with some good musical taste.

After downloading a Hybrid song at 100k/sec I decided to look through his drive. Soon enough I was donwlaoding Hybrid/BT/Mixes/PVD/Timo Mass and a whole bunch of shit, lol.

He noticed my taste and had me try something he had, ill see what you guys think of it later. So I spoke to him for a bit and even got about 48MB of the 70 MB Paul Oak live at Gatecrasher.

Nice guy, good musical taste and hes from CT.

Just giving up props.




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hey myrlin - could you let me know how that gatecrasher set is?

i wanted to d/l, but i'm running low on space - if it's worth it, i'll dump some other stuff i got.


you can judge the quality and content of one's character by the way they treat someone that can do nothing for them...

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oakie at GC...

its ok

i think i actually got rid of it to clear more space on my dwindling hard drive



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