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Requesting Board Account Help...Again

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My photo uploading privileges have been turned off for some reason, either by mistake or by some error with my account. All of a sudden last week I could not long upload pics from my computer, and the message said that I had gone over my attachment limit. I was over 3MB, but I hadn't known what the limit was or if there is one. So I began deleting attachments but it still said I was over the limit each time I retried to upload an image. I deleted until my attachment size was down from half over 3MB to 2.45MB and it still says that I had exceded the limit by 1.56MB, which is unbelievable because I couldn't have exceded anything when I posted pics one at a time and it hadn't stopped me before.

So now it is still telling me that I've exceded my limit by 1.56MB. 2.45MB minus 1.56 = .89, not even one MB. Something has to be wrong with the site or server that is preventing me from being able to add any attachments, when I can see that many other people have many more pics posted on the message board than I do so it's not as if I had uploaded so many by technical pure chance.

So since I've not been able to upload any pics as Slick Slider, I created a second name, "just_slide", in order to be able to post the pics that I've wanted to post, but I did not get any login email with an authorization to post messages, and though with that user name I was able to change the profile and change the password, it is not able to make any posts at all.

Can you please help me fix this problem so I can post pics again? Thanks.


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all my files are jpg, I don't save them any other way. I thought about filesize already too, but like I wrote, it indicates that I am only allowed to use .89 of a MB, not even one megabyte. So I can't figure out how I was able to post more than 3 megabytes and is suddenly tells me I can't have more than 1 megabyte stored. That doesn't seem logical.

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Guest onisakura

I've been having problems with cp lately too with logging in and whatnot. For some reason it makes me log in each time like as if its not saving the cookie even though i have it checked off to remember me. I dont have this problem with any other sites.

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add it to your secure sites area in IE or lower the security settings... try also clearing out the cookies that are currently on your comp.. oh man this is too much nerd shit im going to bed...

Ah, wake back up, nerd, I sent them in an email. Thanks for helping an old boy out. I'll look for them in the morn, assuming you can do it in the day, or else I catch up with them tomorow evening.

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Ah, wake back up, nerd, I sent them in an email. Thanks for helping an old boy out. I'll look for them in the morn, assuming you can do it in the day, or else I catch up with them tomorow evening.


they were all in .bmp form... thats why they were exceeding your amount... here you go:


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what do you think i get kicks out of lying about bitmaps... im serious you sent me three files all in bitmap format. whatever here are your photos...

Whoa, I am not calling you a liar, I'm saying that I have them as jpg so it doesn't make sense to me.

I just rechecked the pics I mailed you, and the one of the pugs in hot dog buns that I had to email you to post a few days ago, and they're all saved in my computer as jpg. I wonder if your photo program transferred them to bitmap.

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