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Night Terrors


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Has anyone ever heard of or experienced these?

Back in 2001-02 when I used to do E a LOT, I'd fall asleep after being awake for 2 days and wake up like an hour afterward feeling like I was about to die. Not ill, but an impending doom feeling. Like the sun was about to crash into the earth.

This feeling would last for about 3-5 minutes and then I'd be normal. It was almost like an extreme, delusional panic attack. One time I ran out of our apartment and walked a lap around the building before I realized I was fucked in the head and it wore off.

I experienced that two or three times back then, and narrowed it down to being interrupted in sleep after being as sleep deprived as I was.

One night a week or so ago, I'd just gone to sleep at about midnight, and I've been missing a lot of sleep lately due to hellish hours at work. No all nighters, but I definitely had a sleep deficit.

My girlfriend called me from work at about 1am to pick her up, and she said hurry because she was already outside. I threw my pants and shirt on and felt an eerie, preyed upon feeling, like someone was in my apartment and was going to kill me. It was really creepy and it had me walking really cautiously around corners inside my place and all the way to the car.

After getting on the road (about 3-5 minutes from waking up), it subsided, and on the way home I realized it was very similar to my old night terrors.

The only difference was how I explained the feeling to myself, which I suppose is circumstantial. I was a tripped-out druggy then, and now I'm a 22 year old on my own trying to make it. It was the end of the world then, and someone stalking me now.

Sorry for the novel... anyone had this happen to them?

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i agree with crowina, if your the kind of person prone to depression/anxiety attacks drugs doesn't help.

a very long time ago,

when i was very young,

i had axienty attacks and depression,

it got to a point where it was very bad and interfering with my life, i got medication and counsleing wich "fixed" all my problems

but later in life when i started using certain drugs these things would come out

when i first started using e it was fun

but i abused e and before i knew it i would get anxiety attacks like ive never known before

now i can't even look at a pill... even if its weak, my friends know they have to take care of me or ill freak out

iv had weird dreams after rolling, but not like you have

my thing is when i peak i FREAK out, i don't feel safe unless im 3 FEET from my house or my boyfriends...

e is a stimulate , and all stimulants are not kosher with anyone who has an anxiety problem...

i like to drink, it doesn't affect me in any negative way, but iv know ppl to freak after they get drink..

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i get them all the time too.. i have them less now than i used to since i don't do as many drugs.. but since i researched them i'm glad that's it a physical consequnece of drug abuse than an actual succubi sitting on my fucking chest..

i seriously thought someone was closing my mouth shut and prohibitng me from waking up out of these terrifying dreams..

i'm also able to tell when i'll get them which is great because i can train myself not to panic when it happens.. and it always happens after i do e.

my boyfriend gets them as well and we just take care of each other and shake ourselves out of it when it happens. if i didnt have him next to me i don't know what i would do.

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