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Health food grocery list

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I'm starting a crash diet and I want to start eating a lot healthier...I live in an apartment with roommates and I don't really know how to cook. What kind of food should I start buying? Everyone says tuna, but I really hate the taste of it...any other suggestions? Thanks!

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chicken breast, lean beef, tuna, whole wheat bread (i love whole wheat pitas, things are delicious). the foreman grill is the shit when it comes to making this stuff, you don't have to use any fat, just throw it on and it's done in like ten mins. i've basically been eating that and having my protein shakes. my abs already put jesus' to shame, two more weeks and they'll be out of control.

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fish, youghurt, kashi golean cereal... I love it

nonfat milk

whole grain bread is great too.. lots of fiber.

the george forman grill is good but it can leave the meat very dry some times

chicken breast, lean beef, tuna, whole wheat bread (i love whole wheat pitas, things are delicious). the foreman grill is the shit when it comes to making this stuff, you don't have to use any fat, just throw it on and it's done in like ten mins. i've basically been eating that and having my protein shakes. my abs already put jesus' to shame, two more weeks and they'll be out of control.
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yea you gotta time it right, esp with beef, that can get dry really quick. just make sure you cook your chicken enough. i actually got sick one time cause i think i undercooked some of it. i also toss some mushrooms, eggplant, squash on there, comes out really good. some olive oil and you're good to go.

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I'm starting a crash diet and I want to start eating a lot healthier...I live in an apartment with roommates and I don't really know how to cook. What kind of food should I start buying? Everyone says tuna, but I really hate the taste of it...any other suggestions? Thanks!

i hate tuna as well, HATE. i pour a tremendous amount of lemon juice on it... kills the taste and smell. your list should look like this or something similar: tuna, chicken breast (lean, skinned etc.), 2% cheese, almonds, lettuce, veggies, and protein shakes. fuck atkins, fuck sobe diet, fuck all that crap, weight watchers i hear good things about though if you want to go that route... very hard to diet when roommates and company are not...

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dont forget your fresh fruits and veggies, they can be a quick meal as well. Or make a quick salad with some canned chicken breast meat~~the tyson pouch ones are actually really good. You can use fat free milk on cereal, too....it really tastes the same. Im trying to eat healthier as well....good luck!

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yeah but cereal itself isnt that great regardless which milk you use. oatmeal isnt either but its a better choice imo and will last longer. be careful of too much fruit, and cheating. (and dont dont dont fast all day then binge at night, youll make it worse for yourself.) but the main ingredient after all this, is cardio. cardio is king if youre looking to lose weight, crunches sit ups etc. dont mean shit unless you do your cardio.

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