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Anybody see DAVID BLAINE Frozen in Time?

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Did anybody head down to times square to check out David Blaine in that block of ice? I think the worst part is that he was on his feet for three days straight with no sleep. He looked fucked up when he got out, but he's the man so I hope he's OK.

BTW, he wants to jump of the Brooklyn Bridge for his next stunt. Doesn't sound hard, but that's close to a 200 foot drop and the water would be like pavement. This guy makes David Copperfield look like a pansy ass. Wait a minute, David Copperfield is a pansy ass!



"Everything is sweetened by Risk."


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The fact that Blaine was in the block of ice wasn't that impressive. He had protective jelly on his body to help retain his natural body heat and was insulated by the air in the ice cavity. Because air is a good insulator, the the block of ice created an igloo effect. This wasn't exactly like being immersed in ice water, which would have killed him.

What was impressive is him standing for so long without REM sleep. Had he fallen asleep and touched the inner wall, he would have frozen to it and drastically lowered his body temp. I went three days without sleep when I was in the army. Let me tell you, it wasn't fun. Not only does one find it hard to concentrate on any one thought, but by the third day, some delirium and halucinations usually set in.



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Originally posted by divalicious:

So let me get this straight... The guy was in a block of ice for 3 days??!!! That's nuts!!


Yeah and he also buried himself alive for a week !!! He's kind of cute too.. He dates that model Josie Maran ( I think that's her last name?) The guy has balls of steel !!


AIM vampie

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I walk thru times square every morning and i checked him out yesterday. Huge crowd, Howard Stern's cronies were there, bunch of cameras and police. Funny thing is there was just this huge block of ice with Blaine in it; he was just standing looking at everyone, like a mannequin or something. Nothing spectacular. I think he's pretty good, like a more hip, modern David Copperfield.

I saw his girlfriend on the news. Dumb as a rock, but she is absolutely slammin.


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I think he's more of a clown than a Magician... He is nothing but a product of ABC's rating hungry producers... He will do whatever the show managers tell him to do... I saw a big part of the show on TV, and it was really lame... Footage of the guy entertaining new yorkers, doing card tricks and low budget magic tricks... And what was the people cheering for when the guy came out?! That he wasn't dead!?!? cwm13.gif I would cheer if he spent 3 days in an icecube and then comes out and sprints a 1/4 mile... Now THAT would be impressive... Leaving the scene in an ambulance all bugged out was not my idea of accomplishment... I really hated this guy, or not the guy.. maybe I just really hate ABC... cwm10.gif TV sucks!!!


Peace, Love & Twilo for Everyone!!!


"That's the last time I ever do crystal meth, speed, heroin, pot, 12 cookies' worth of acid, ether, ecstacy, and cocaine in a four- hour period.

Or was that just Tranceport?"

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