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On a lighter note...

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I've been a moonshiner for many a year.

I spent all my money on whiskey and beer.

I'll go to some hollow and set up my stil,

And I'll make you a gallon for a two-dollar bill!

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home

And if you don't like me, then leave me alone.

I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm dry....

And if the moonshine don't kill me

I'll live 'til I die!

Oh moonshine, oh moonshine, oh how I love thee.

You killed me ole father, but ahh you try me!

Godbless all moonshiners and bless all moonshine....

It's breath smells as sweet as the dew on the vine.

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home

And if you don't like me, then leave me alone.

I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm dry....

And if the moonshine don't kill me

I'll live 'til I die!

I'll go to some hollow in this counterie

Ten gallons of wash I can go on a spree

No women to follow, the world is all mine

I love none so well as I love the moonshine

I'm a rambler, I'm a gambler, I'm a long way from home

And if you don't like me, then leave me alone.

I eat when I'm hungry and I drink when I'm dry....

And if the moonshine don't kill me

I'll live 'til I die!


One pleasant evening in the month of June

As I was sitting with my glass and spoon

A small bird sat on an ivy bunch

And the song he sang was "The Jug Of Punch"

Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay, too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay

A small bird sat on an ivy bunch

And the song he sang was "The Jug Of Punch"

What more diversion can a man desire?

Than to sit him down by an alehouse fire

Upon his knee a pretty wench

And on the table a jug of punch

Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay, too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay

Upon his knee a pretty wench

And on the table a jug of punch

Let the doctors come with all their art

They'll make no impression upon my heart

Even a cripple forgets his hunch

When he's snug outside of a jug of punch

Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay, too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay

Even a cripple forgets his hunch

When he's snug outside of a jug of punch

And if I get drunk, well, the money's me own

And if them don't like me they can leave me alone

I'll chung me fiddle and I'll rosin me bow

And I'll be welcome wherever I go

Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay, too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay

I'll chung me fiddle and I'll rosin me bow

And I'll be welcome wherever I go

And when I'm dead and in my grave

No costly tombstone will I have

Just lay me down in my native peat

With a jug of punch at my head and feet

Too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay, too ra loo ra loo, too ra loo ra lay

Just lay me down in my native peat

With a jug of punch at my head and feet


Oh Danny Boy the pipes, the pipes are calling

from glen to glen and down the mountain side

The summer's gone and all the roses dying

'tis you 'tis you must go and I must bide

But come ye back when summer's in the meadow

or when the valley's hushed and white whith snow

'Tis I'll be there in sunshine or in shadow

Oh Danny Boy, Oh Danny Boy I love you so

And when ye come and all the flowers are dying

If I am dead, as dead I well may be

You'll come and find the place where I am lying

And kneel and say an Ave there for me

And I shall hear tho' soft you tread above me

And all my grave will warmer sweeter be

If you will bend and tell me that you love me

Then I shall sleep in peace until you come to me


Oh, he sits at the corner of Beggar's Bush

Astride of an old packing case

And the dolls at the end of the plank were dancing

As he crooned with a smile on his face


Come day, go day

Wish in me heart it was Sunday


Drinkin' buttermilk all the week

And it's whiskey on a Sunday

His tired old hands from a wooden beam

And the puppets they danced up and down

A far better show than you ever will see

In the fanciest theatre in town


Come day, go day

Wish in me heart it was Sunday


Drinkin' buttermilk all the week

And it's whiskey on a Sunday

In nineteen-o-two old Seth Davy died

His song it was heard no more

The three dancing dolls in the dustbin were thrown

And the plank went to mend the backdoor


Come day, go day

Wish in me heart it was Sunday


Drinkin' buttermilk all the week

And it's whiskey on a Sunday

On some stormy night if you're passing that way

When the wind's blowing up from the sea

You may still hear the song of old Seth Davy

As he croons to his dancing dolls three


Come day, go day

Wish in me heart it was Sunday


Drinkin' buttermilk all the week

And it's whiskey on a Sunday


Drinkin' buttermilk all the week

And it's whiskey on a Sunday


On the Fourth of July 1806 we set sail from the sweet cove of Cork

We were sailing away with a cargo of bricks for the grand City Hall in New York

'twas a wonderful craft, she was rigged for and aft and oh, how the wild wind drove her

She stood several blasts, she had twenty-seven masts and they called her the Irish Rover

We had one million bags of the best Sligo rags, we had two million barrels of stone

We had three million sides of old blind horses hides, we had four million barrels of bones

We had five million hogs, and six million dogs, seven million barrels of porter

We had eight million bails of old nanny-goats' tails in the hold of the Irish Rover

There was awl Mickey Coote who played hard on his flute when the ladies lined up for a set

He was tootlin' with skill for each sparkling quadrille, though the dancers were fluther'd and bet

With his smart witty talk, he was cock of the walk and he rolled the dames under and over

They all knew at a glance when he took up his stance that he sailed in the Irish Rover

There was Barney McGee from the banks of the Lee, there was Hogan from County Tyrone

There was Johnny McGurk who was scared stiff of work and a man from Westmeath called Malone

There was Slugger O'Toole who was drunk as a rule and Fighting Bill Treacy from Dover

And your man, Mike McCann from the banks of the Bann was the skipper on the Irish Rover

We had sailed seven years when the measles broke out and the ship lost it's way in the fog

And that whale of a crew was reduced down to two, just meself and the Captain's old dog

Then the ship struck a rock, Oh Lord! what a shock, the bulkhead was turned right over

Turned nine times around and the poor old dog was drowned and the last of the Irish Rover


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