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Junior Vasquez Quits WKTU

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well lets seee if the rumour was true and junior was paying for commercial free sets and still getting commercials.like who needs to be in the middle of a awesome set than cut to some guido club in jersey with vic or goomba kills the whole vibe.and as bernie says it costs alot for commercial free...yeah id be a bitch too.

the club cut-ins were always part of the deal... he didnt have a problem with it for the last two years and now all of a sudden he does...

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His show sucked we need somebody who is gonna play energetic dance music to bring some new people into the scene. Straight people have a hard time listening to music geared toward a gay crowd (not that being gay is bad) but it is hurting the scene and making dance music become more extinct.. I think if they put someone on there to play some high energy tribal not fluffy club tribal adn play some stuff that is gonna make someone feel good ...like high energy trance not deep trance (unless your bent on drugs deep trance sux) ....that doesn't like dance music we will be able to eliminate hip hop totally and then all we have to worry about is reggaeton which really sounds like funky house music with a fast lastin reapper so its good that the beat is picking up iit makes it easier to change the people to from reggaeton to dance then it is from hip hop to dance

see ya later junior it looks like juniors world is falling apart.

Last time i went to go see junior was at earth when he first went there and I felt like i was mistreated because I was a straight guy with a girl even though I was with gay people it seemed like the door guys and juniors people didn't even want me to come in the club.. so he lost me as a person who would ever go to see him spin

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does that mean you use to wear Cavaricci's???

I havent worn cavariccis in 13 years.

does it mean i still wear KEDS?


does it mean I still wear DRAKKAR?


does it mean I still blowdry my hair and put hairspray in it?


does it mean I still go to clubs all the time?

doesnt everybody in here?

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His show sucked we need somebody who is gonna play energetic dance music to bring some new people into the scene. Straight people have a hard time listening to music geared toward a gay crowd (not that being gay is bad) but it is hurting the scene and making dance music become more extinct..

hurting the scene? gays built the scene. gabe where ya at. educate.

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if it wasnt for gays homie....there wouldnt be much of a scene....most of the huge parties back in the day were gay parties....thing is, some straight people discovered how great the music was at the parties and started to spread the word...

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my first REAL club experience was JV @ Twilo in '98...yes it was a gay party and probably still the best in my book.

I'm not dissin JV or gays but hey, its a RADIO show. Tsettos is on at 3am Sat mornings and I usually dont get to hear in caus I'm either in da club or my ass is sleeping. KTU is gonna give the spot to whoever makes them $$$ and whoever GIVES them $$$ to air their commercials END of STORY...sucks for Junior fans

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But it is hard to make a 25 year old straight guy or girl listen to some of the fluff he was playing and bump it on there car system and think they are the shit.. Hot dance music is all about being different.. his sets are basically the same fluffy vocal tracks for hours.. there is only so much maddonna sound I can deal with i know alot of other people feel the same way.. why you ask ?? becasue I am a dj who plays to over 1,000 people every week who are sick of the same cheezy radio lasgo dance and are sick of the same cheezy radio hip hop..

get a real dj who is not 60 years old who can relate to the crowds of the future not of the past.. It doesn't matter how the scene was created or if the same people are still in the scene, the scene needs repair and its time to bring in the people who are gonna educate the people who are 18-25 because there is no rave scene anymore for these kids to learn to respect the scene from..


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oh god, here we go again...

i know i dont want to start this whole gay debate thing cuz thats not what im about at all. i mostly go to straight parties. i just feel some people make ridiculous comments like there is gay house music and striaght house music and i just dont see it that way. in fact, the group of guys i chill with at juniors parties are all straight, it just depends on your musical preference not your sexual preference.

and i just think people should know where the music came from so things like what happened to me @ crobar for danny t sont happen again (someone called me a faggot for no reason.. like really, didn't you just pay 60 fucking dollars to hear a faggot spin records?)

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But it is hard to make a 25 year old straight guy or girl listen to some of the fluff he was playing and bump it on there car system and think they are the shit.. Hot dance music is all about being different.. his sets are basically the same fluffy vocal tracks for hours.. there is only so much maddonna sound I can deal with i know alot of other people feel the same way.. why you ask ?? becasue I am a dj who plays to over 1,000 people every week who are sick of the same cheezy radio lasgo dance and are sick of the same cheezy radio hip hop..

get a real dj who is not 60 years old who can relate to the crowds of the future not of the past.. It doesn't matter how the scene was created or if the same people are still in the scene, the scene needs repair and its time to bring in the people who are gonna educate the people who are 18-25 because there is no rave scene anymore for these kids to learn to respect the scene from..


U ARE A TOTAL MORON!!!!!id really like to know what your dj name is and where u spin for 1,000 people each week? and Junior isnt a techno Dj he is a house music dj thats like apples and oranges...and sense when do clubbers learn respect from a ravescene?Talking about respect i think thats pretty shitty and downrite tacky for another dj to come on a message board and Say down with Junior when they should have some respect for a man that was one of the first pioneers of house music and its production.alot of the loops and shit u hear today in a club youd never even have without Junya.....just walk away.
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He plays very boring music it may be great music and he may have created alot of tracks that keep getting remixed ,, but its time for some of the old dj's to hang it up and let younger dj's like anthony rossi denny tsettos angelo fecci to take over the NYC nightlife... its a good thing that all the big clubs have basically abandoned weekly residents for international talent and monthly residencies.. it may breath some life into a boring scene..

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...two things that need to be removed from this scene...ktu AND junior vasquez...both have only gone down hill over the past few years....not that ktu was ever "great" but it had promise when it first came on the airwaves....junior has become more about drama than music and it's a shame considering what he "used to be"....

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when were u born?its always been about the Drama with Junior and it always will be.thats what happenes when you become a world famous dj/producer u get more drama just like u make more money u get more problems.whens the last time u been to a Junior party? all of u making these accusations of how bad Junior has gotten hahahaha.it really is pretty funny.but go on have your way because like it says the Drama will come and Go but thankfully Junior Vasquez will not!!!See you all @ THe THunDER this Sat with dj exacta 11-3 and Junya doing what he does best afterhours 3-10 am.... :clap2:

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Last time i went to go see junior was at earth when he first went there and I felt like i was mistreated because I was a straight guy with a girl even though I was with gay people it seemed like the door guys and juniors people didn't even want me to come in the club.. so he lost me as a person who would ever go to see him spin

Sorry but I do have to rebutt this statement. Anyone who went to Junior regularly at Earth can attest to the fact that the Darryl and Fernando have always been very particular at the door regardless of the venue Junior has played at and there has always been ample hetero's let in. Tunnel, Arena at Palladium, Twilo and Earth always had an abundant diversity within it. I think that it was more like the whole security/management situation that was the root of all the evil at Earth, and they did not discriminate between straight or gay when the decided to flex their muscles.

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But it is hard to make a 25 year old straight guy or girl listen to some of the fluff he was playing and bump it on there car system and think they are the shit.. Hot dance music is all about being different.. his sets are basically the same fluffy vocal tracks for hours.. there is only so much maddonna sound I can deal with i know alot of other people feel the same way..

LOL, that is hilarious. Junior's sound has hardly been Madonnaesque since back in the Factory. Me thinks that you need to reevaluate.

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He plays very boring music it may be great music and he may have created alot of tracks that keep getting remixed ,, but its time for some of the old dj's to hang it up and let younger dj's like anthony rossi denny tsettos angelo fecci to take over the NYC nightlife... its a good thing that all the big clubs have basically abandoned weekly residents for international talent and monthly residencies.. it may breath some life into a boring scene..

i actually like tsettos.. but if ur complaining about KTU fluff.. he plays a lot of reina, veronica, aubrey, etc.

and fecci? i hear him on my sirius. he's a joke. he drops tina ann like it shot shit. (i love tina ann tho lol). i think he went to the Vic Latino School of Mixing

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I am a big Junior fan, but to be honest I was not much of a fan of Junior's World at all. Mainly because Jr's vocals aren't what do it for me, I love the hard tribal that Junior plays and that was definitly NOT showcased on JW.....so I can understand what people are saying about str8 people not being able to get into the fluffy music. I am gay, but to me a lot of it is fluff and the same fluff week in and week out, if they had played some of the hard tribal Jr we get out at the club I think the radio show would of appealed to a much larger audience. To be fair, sometimes they would play some tribal but it definitly was not the usual thing. Just my $0.02 :)

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I am a big Junior fan, but to be honest I was not much of a fan of Junior's World at all. Mainly because Jr's vocals aren't what do it for me, I love the hard tribal that Junior plays and that was definitly NOT showcased on JW.....so I can understand what people are saying about str8 people not being able to get into the fluffy music. I am gay, but to me a lot of it is fluff and the same fluff week in and week out, if they had played some of the hard tribal Jr we get out at the club I think the radio show would of appealed to a much larger audience. To be fair, sometimes they would play some tribal but it definitly was not the usual thing. Just my $0.02 :)


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