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the REGRET thread :(


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while i acknowledge that regret is a destructive feeling for the most part, one can learn lessons from the things one didn't and did do. it all starts from letting it out, though, and that's what this thread is for! from the heavy regrets to the lighter ones, let's hear 'em :) !

#1 that i broke up with my best bf to date 'cause he was a terrible kisser; i should've been more brave and talked about it :( .

#2 that i missed seeing siegfried and roy onstage!

#3 that there is so much in my life that i thought i would have accomplished by now.

#4 that i never really learned how to cook without very detailed instructions from a cookbook.

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my regrets.. #1.... well i can't mention it.. but really now that I think about it.. some 6 years later... totally not a regret...

I do regret though staying at the larchmont for afterhours on saturday mornings... did not have to see that type of crowd... i learned.. go to a friend's house or go home... sooo........... will never do again... but i doesn't take too much convincing..

regrets are destructive.. but if you know how to learn from them you can say... yes that was a bad Idea or move on your part but yet you have learned from each action... we live we learn..

that's why i hated going to confession in catholic school.. i never understood it... i always made shit up because i knew that the priest would eventually say something to someone else and they would tell that one person .. and that one person ends up being your mother's co'worker or something.. weird...

but anywho..regrets are just accidents or mistakes... that you learn from... peace out.. and word to your mother and father lol :pint:

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I do regret though staying at the larchmont for afterhours on saturday mornings... did not have to see that type of crowd... i learned.. go to a friend's house or go home...

yeah it gets pretty scary there afterhours saturday/sunday morning

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My biggest regret would have to be not willing to stay on in Europe with my last company. I had an immediate supervisor that was a royal pain in the ass. Instead of just putting up with it, I threw in the towel and moved back to the US, just to finally realize, no matter where you go, your always going to run into new assholes. Lesson learned, enjoy where your at, no matter what the circumstances.

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My biggest regret would have to be not willing to stay on in Europe with my last company. I had an immediate supervisor that was a royal pain in the ass. Instead of just putting up with it, I threw in the towel and moved back to the US, just to finally realize, no matter where you go, your always going to run into new assholes. Lesson learned, enjoy where your at, no matter what the circumstances.
while that is often true, one should remember that things don't seem the same, in retrospect. for instance, i miss my college days SO much now, but i do remember that during my senior year i wanted nothing more than to be out of school.
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