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tunnel will never come back

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The tunnel was definately the hottest shit once I was exposed to the scene, and there is yet to be another club like it. But it has gone down,... hard. JV, Scott Henry, Eddie Baez(who I love) can't lift a sinking ship. It hurts cause I was such a Tunnel rat and sooo want that place to return, but the market has been crowded the fuck out and it is over. But there is no place else that was ever like that place @ 7am, with Eddie playing some of the most evil house that I have ever heard, while the guy next to you is pissing behind the speaker! What y'all think? (this is my intro to the board, so Wussap!) cwm44.gifcwm33.gifcwm10.gifcwm41.gif

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Guest clubkid77

Originally posted by bassboy:


The tunnel was definately the hottest shit once I was exposed to the scene, and there is yet to be another club like it. But it has gone down,... hard. JV, Scott Henry, Eddie Baez(who I love) can't lift a sinking ship. It hurts cause I was such a Tunnel rat and sooo want that place to return, but the market has been crowded the fuck out and it is over. But there is no place else that was ever like that place @ 7am, with Eddie playing some of the most evil house that I have ever heard, while the guy next to you is pissing behind the speaker! What y'all think? (this is my intro to the board, so Wussap!)

OK the fact that you LOVE Baez says it all to me. Yeah you will never like tunnel again, cuz yer one of the exit, SF "straight sceanster people" you probably also like the jersey shore, and hooked up rides, big club anthems and dont realize the true quality DJ's. If all you care about is "how the people look in the club" then stick with exit and SF. Cuz the best parties are mostly dresscode free and all about the music and the dancing. IE Vinyl with Danny, and Twilo Fridays. personaly i still love tunnel sat's.

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I am torn about the Return of the Tunnel...

I appreciate Peter G throwing down some serious money to try to get Tunnel back in the mix once again. I loved that place for three years straight! I was a Tunnel rat as well... I hope that Tunnel does make a return and throws down as hard as before. In my opinion, Tunnel was the scene for awhile... had the best crowd, music, and love... I miss it!

I am going to Tunnel tonight and I hope that I am not disappointed... I am sure that Scott Henry and JV will not let me down.


One Love...


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I am with you clubkid77 , in My opinion tunnel saturdays are the best (except for SF past 6am),and the best parties have no drees codes. Whoever doesn't respect tunnel has no sense for music and should go to Exit(worst club in the world).I am going to tunnel tonight as a matter of fact. PEACE cwm23.gif

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What up and welcome bassboy...I definitly agree with you about that. I used to be a tunnel rat myself and the place just went downhill...but there was too much shadiness and too much of a drug market goin on so everyone bounced...nobody will ever forget how the tunnel made them feel but times have changed and "the nightclub" has evolved to the type of fantasy world that exit, SF , and all the other current hot spots are providing for everyone nowadays...


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You can't be the hottest club around forever--it's a matter of trends. Things change and people move on. So in that sense--nope Tunnel can't never be what it used to be. If you look around you'll notice that parties come on and go--this is specially true in nightlife which is so based on trends and what's hot in the moment. EX---Trance was all the rage last year and now it's more out of style.

Ok,,now having said that--it doesn't mean that Tunnel can't have a decent party in there--which is what they're trying to do. All they have to do is stay consistent, keep JV in there, bring your occassional guest dj,

keep their commitments, etc. And deal with the ups and downs--which apparently is what they've done---they've been around almost 14 years now.

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It's true...you can't be the hottest club forever, but if you know how to throw a party, then your nights will be around for a VERY long time. The fact that Jonathon Peters has been doing Saturdays at SF for about 3 years (I think? let me know if I'm wrong about that cuz im not sure) and the same with Junior Vasquez at Twilo confirms what I just said. If your management is run correctly, and you stay strict to dress code and what crowd you want to come, then your party can be very successful.

The truth of the matter with the Tunnel is this: You are who you party with. When they let the candy raver/drug dealer crowd in, and when management became VERY inconsistant, the legendary Tunnel became a runover. The Tunnel A-list crowd picked this up and moved on. Don't get me wrong, it's great that they are commiting to JV, and granted maybe some people will become tunnel rats again, but it just won't be the same. They peaked, and fell, through their own doings.

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let me respectfully reply to vindiesel and clubkid 77. First of all Clubkid, please do not make an assessment of my preferences based on a single paragraph that I wrote. I love the Tunnel unconditionally, and have been there during the good days and the bad. I have always been Tunnel's biggest defender, but I simply that the VIBE is gone. And the vibe is fucking gone. It is unfortunate as hell, and I hope that it comes back while I am still in my youth. I don't give a shit about the scene you mentioned, or whatever you were referring to with that comment, I love the music first and foremost. But was Tunnel always about the music? I think it was just as much about the drugs and wild crowd. Twilo is about the music. Instead of talking to someone at Tunnel, where their first question is "What did you take?", or "How is your pill?", at Twilo the first Q is "yo, S&D are off the hook tonight right? or PVD, etc. That is the SCENE. Recognize it, and for God sake keep it alive. Please respond if you can...

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hey bassboy i hear ya, but the tunnel is making a comeback with the dj's they are bringing, imean comeon the tunnl is goping to have chicagp hard house on the main floor on dec 16, thats awesome, it will be nuts, but as far as the vibe goes the tunnel has teh best one, ive knocked over drinks and bumped into people and everyone was mad chill about it, at PVD night at twilo there was not one excuse me or im sorry the whole night, just people banging into you and stuff, so i say LONG LIVE THE TUNNEL


TWILO'S WACK !!!! Sorry guys it is

"TO EACH HIS OWN" not sure by who but i like it

"dont be affraid to walk out on anything in 30 seconds flat if you feel the heat coming from around the corner" Robert Deniro




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i have to agree w/ the tunnel advocates on this thread

i love the tunnel and keep going back b/c they're brinign in some great talent, and vicoius has just been off the meter. now i'm not trying to compare, take it for what its worth. will it be the same as it was, no. could it be better? who knows? i mean i'm sure after vasquez everyone thought it'd be shit but then DT comes in and the party is great again, so...



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Ok...I'm going to reply to the people who've downplayed Exit and advocated Tunnel.

Now, personally, I love Exit. It is absolutly amazing to hear and dance to Boris going insane at 6 in the morning, with snow coming down and the unpredictable lights blazing every color imaginable, with the halucinating video screens. That is what Exit does best, create a fantasy world. It's what nightclubs are all about.

Now, as I said before, I love the Tunnel. It's where I started out. And yes, the Tunnel is a fantasy world in and of itself. The difference is how the venue is designed. It doesn't have the chicness of Exit. It's very simple (a space, some lights, a couple of cages, and a stage...that's it, now go dance), hence the term "underground". Exit is more chic, meaning they want people more well-dressed (or at least an attempt to because sometimes I don't understand some of the kids they let in). That is their identity and it's how they're associated. I go for the music, because Boris is my favorite DJ, and Mundy and Magz can lose it from time to time, and it's fun to dress up and attend a party where a good 85%-90% of the people have a sense of style. The PROBLEM is that you tend to get a few people who don't know what music is and walk around with their noses in the air doing coke. THOSE PEOPLE are straight scenester, but people like that have been around since the 1500's with ballroom dances in Europe, so I guess it comes with the territory at any time period. I don't mind them since I'm there for Boris and the feeling Exit gives me.

What I'm going to leave you with is this: Let's say you throw a party at your house. Do you want people who look like they're shady and up to no good? I assume not, since a party is all about a good vibe, good music, and good people. Now, let's say you throw a party with a theme. Let's say you pay 5 dollars for every person that walks in (to cover alocohol expenses and what not) but you let girls wearing bikinis in for free. It's the same exact deal with Exit. Referring to customers, they don't want a shadiness in their part, hence the dress code, and they throw parties, so they have themes. Every saturday it's a porn theme. I might not agree with it, but if Boris is spinning, I can live through it.

So don't hate on Exit. There are people who go there who do appreciate good music and a great vibe. It's just a difference in taste. Let the Tunnel and Exit live forever. Peace.




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I dont understand.. how people can think DJ boris is any good. He is a horrible dj. He reached his peak two years ago.. and has been goin downhill since. Exit is a awesome club i agree. But I dont like the that pack that place in. Second they dont have any real Nyc Dj's. They have these corney Secondary Dj's to the real Dj's of Nyc. i.e.: Johnny Vicious, Jonathan peters, Russ Reign, Eddie Baez.

Now about Tunnel, I personally started goin there since Johnny Vicious Started on Sat nights. Aug 19, was his First night and he was off the hook. That night tunnel was packed.. A great mixture of different people. Since then it has just been goin downhill. They have to renovate that place.. get rid of Kurfew, to get rid of the weirdos that go to that place. Personally I love Tunnel.. thats why i go ever sat night, but i hope they make it even better. They need to keep Johnny Vicious,, and make him come on earlier. If they do that..the people will come back.. recently he has come on at like 4am or even not all (like last night).

PEACE!!! LONG LIVE TUNNEL and JOHNNY VICIOUS cwm13.gifcwm13.gifcwm13.gifcwm12.gif

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Guest clubkid77

First off i dont like any DJ's in NYC other than DT, Junior, Johny and Victor. Other than that its rave DJ's and international Talent at twilo. All the second rate anthem DJ's I wont name em but you can figure them out. (prety much anyone at exit and half te other clubs) drive me nuts (not good) cuz they over use buildups and mix for about 8 beats. As for Kurfew and the "freaks" that party kept tunnel alive and tunnel has always been for freaks. If you dont like it dont go.

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EXIT is wack

and Tunnel will never die

same reply, as always wink.gif

actually - i agree 100% with our dj clubkid77 biggrin.gif





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