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JP @ Roxy Review

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I hope right in one of the filthy bathroom stalls...what did you feed her a hit or two earlier in the night...maybe a couple bumps here and there?

gave her some e-bombs that i bought off podes :)

she was duped bout half hour after that

and we did it on the dancefloor rite when jp dropped GTI 05 :)

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def a good time lastnite, or should i say this morning.. havent been out till last nite to celebrate my singlehood lol.. roxy is still a shithole but the music was good...

hey you... this is dan.. (ted's cousin) nice runnign in to you for a litlte bit...


i thought the night was kinda beat... the music was off the whole night... i was really tryign to get into it but i couldnt... the night was doomed form the start, we waited on line for a good hour and ahalf... mean while people before that got there ten minutes before us were waiting inside for us for an hour... the bouncers outside were scamming people left and right... but they're pretty trashy so that kinda shit is expected... ontop of that gayness my fucking belt broke off while i was pissing so i had to either fish my belt loop out fo the urinal or walk around holding my pants the whole night.... so i obviously went with the latter.. people didnt come at the last minute, pregaming plans fell through... the night was just a mess...

the t&a was definitely lacking i was expecting to see half-naked titties all over the place but they were kept to a minimum...

the night coulda went a lot better if we got there 20 minutes earlier and didnt sober up while on line... but now i know for jp one-offs to get there extremely early...

nice seeing a bunch of different people though so i cant complain, still had a godo time on top of all the BS....

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hey you... this is dan.. (ted's cousin) nice runnign in to you for a litlte bit...


i thought the night was kinda beat... the music was off the whole night... i was really tryign to get into it but i couldnt... the night was doomed form the start, we waited on line for a good hour and ahalf... mean while people before that got there ten minutes before us were waiting inside for us for an hour... the bouncers outside were scamming people left and right... but they're pretty trashy so that kinda shit is expected... ontop of that gayness my fucking belt broke off while i was pissing so i had to either fish my belt loop out fo the urinal or walk around holding my pants the whole night.... so i obviously went with the latter.. people didnt come at the last minute, pregaming plans fell through... the night was just a mess...

the t&a was definitely lacking i was expecting to see half-naked titties all over the place but they were kept to a minimum...

the night coulda went a lot better if we got there 20 minutes earlier and didnt sober up while on line... but now i know for jp one-offs to get there extremely early...

nice seeing a bunch of different people though so i cant complain, still had a godo time on top of all the BS....

heyyyyy hunnie!!! it was nice runnin into u guys!! cant wait to party again this summer!!! muahzzz

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when you say "DEEP" what do you mean.

mr bull leave him alone or ima kick ur ass lol. most club heads dont know how to categorize genres or their meaning. (not saying u guys are dumb lol) But at the same time when u listen to so much music it all sounds the same , so i categorize my music how i feel i may say a song is deep (when technically its not deep at all) but i consider that my style of deep if u know what im saying.

:bounce::bounce: but review wise, god dam jonathan peters, as usually worked his tracks like no other dj i have ever heard. and he played techno harder than mauro picotto. i was so impressed. i was not impressed by song selection though but every one has different taste.

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good evening kiddies...nice 4 pages of nonsense....j/k

Oldtimer - I am so sorry you had a bad time bro, sucks cause I had alot of fun

Ovrdose - Happy Bday...dude, I saw like 30 guys with orange shirts on and I felt stupid asking them, "hey is it your bday today?" esp. with the outift I was wearing. hehehe

Originally, I didnt have any plans to go cause S&M isnt my thing and JP usually plays hard ass techno at these gigs...BUT since my original plans fell thru and my boy John Paul called me sayin that he got on extra ticket; I was psyched as all hell...took a power nap, got there at 3:30 as the amateur drinkin crowd was leaving - hence plenty of parking...I must say there were a ton of fine lookin 18 year olds leavin and I had to wipe the drool off my friend's face.

We walked right in at 4am, no line, the place was hot as an inferno, bathroom line took forever, 3 outta 6 stalls were outta commission...simply put, ROXY should be shut done for health code violations.

JP however was playin some DARK Tribal and throwin in some cheesey vocal tracks like "I Believe in Love" (wtf?) some people arent really into that but I love it and thought the music was great, best thing about the night.

I know I already asked this but what is the song he looped for 45 mins at 6am??? ...shit had me goin nuts, still hummin the damn track and I dont know the lyrics or the damn title. anyone? anyone?

of course, around 8, he played GTI, AGAIN, and after that it was hard tech from 8-11...my head was poundin, couldnt take it anymore and just left - the place was still buzzin.

it was refreshin to meet a whole bunch of new peeps, esp. ones who are into the music and dacin, unlike some cheesey NJ meat market. Wanna thank Taryn & Audrey, Mike with all the tattooes, Justin, & some huge guy Steve. Fabio C was all over the place lookin whacked as usual, and there were some peeps who I wont mention just cause if werd got out that they were at a JP party, it would destroy their reputaion as serious house afficionados.

Although I was decked out in leather, not too many people were, I didnt see any crazy gross freak shows, just some whacked out trannies runnin around. I thought HOME shows were really cute. The crowd was ehh, only a handful of Jersey peeps - Lots of underage Britney wannabes in runnin around in their panties....THIS INST THE UNDERWEAR PARTY GIRLIES. For an S&M party, it was pretty lame, but overall, once the crowd cleared it was a great night out.

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