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**Last Night at Cream/Twilo, c/o Al,Myrl and Aztec ;)


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Saturday 8:46am, Myrlin writing

Sitting here with Andy, and Al looking back on tonights events in Andys PHAT apt. (three of us writing this post, just to confuse you, haha)

Cream and Twilo

Andy could barely walk straight before we left. I, Myrlin, would like to thank everyone who should up and wished me wishes which was just about everyone lol

Marcella - My God, I cant believe you wore that, I couldnt keep my tongue in my mouth.... smile.gif

Ursula - The cake was fantastic, I was very surprised, and of course, the massage of the year...hehe....I dont hink there is a tense muscle left in my back wink.gif

Mikey - My lord, it was like two days ago we had some drinks at Andy;s lol.

Everyone who showed up, the three of us were thankfull your all so cool and basically made the night Fan Fuckin tastic. From Cream, to Twilo to where we are sitting, now, I could not have asked for a better night (any of us

Andy thanks everyone who came out on his list and we will be having larger, better parties soon enough.

Shout out also To TOXIc who hooked me up and to Russ who played some phat music and got us revved up for the night.

Uhm.......We cant think very well but Im doing the typing since, a) i type fast and B) they cant stand......lol.

See you all next time, haha


Myrlin ... ooo look at Andys signature...;P

Looks like Im bad Myrlin today


And Everything Will Flow....Flow....Flow....


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Hey thanks to everybody who represented. You're all really cool peeps... Had a great time spinning for you guys - hope you liked the music, we were getting *REALLY* tribal there for a little while smile.gif

Me and Justin and some friends went to Carl Cox afterwards and what can I say? The man kept me on the dancefloor for two hours completely sober and with no sleep in the past 48 hours...damn...


Upcoming Gigs:

Thurs Nov. 30nd - Plush, LI

Fri Dec. 1st - Cream, NYC

Sat Dec. 2nd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Haha, fun reading the post I made when i was delirious. Woke up at 5pm...hehe...and I STILL have no internet connection, I think Im hosed till at least Wednesday, @home doesnt really seem to care they lied to me 3 times already.

So im at my sis' for a few checking this all out. Last night was alot of fun, Im glad everyone made it out. Kept a smile on my face wink.gif




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Andy.. excellent party last night.. Definetly a different scene at Cream than I remember from the summer.. Good to meet more you the peeps from the board.. Mikey.. good talking to you, and count me in for your birthday bash..


AIM: slimchezdy

I'm outta place

I'm in outer space

I've just vanished without a trace

I'm going to a pretty place now where the flowers grow

I'll be back in an hour or so -- Eminem

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Andy, thanks so much once again for you hospitality. You rock....and NO....it wasnt the alcohol talking when i told you what i told you at cream at the bar. smile.gif

Claudio, I am glad that you had a great birthday, and we all know you did....just by the compleate travesty that you typed earlier this morning in the company of andy and myself. NOT LIKE I WAS TYPING ANY BETTER!

Mikey, WHERE THE HELL ARE YA DOGGER?!?!?!? I been callin ur arse wink.gif

Veronica, i don't have to tell you that i had another great time with you.

Connie, honestly....you rock with those lights...and even on stackers and a few drinks, your massages feel phenomenal.

Ursula, your massages are AMAZING too....im glad that i got one this week. :P

Marcella, you just FUCKING ROCK. thats all i have to say to you.

Nicki, DAMN GIRL! you where having a GREAT time last night!!

Diva, ANOTHER WEEK damn i love it.

Yvette, babe you FUCKIN ROCK too!!!!

Ric, awesome chillin withj you again. We'll talk more about makin an order. Hahahaha

Matty, BRO...we hardly chilled, but we must chill more. Had a good time in the few mins that we did chill tho! smile.gif

Mikey (apotheosis), Also, we hardly chilled..but we had a good couple mis where we talked, which where cool. I am glad you came out again. its been a week or two. Talk to you bout those DVDs later on this week.

EVERYONE ELSE, PLEASE DON'T BE OFFENDED....but its 10:25pm and i am still recovering from dem drinks!! i still love you all!!

I hope that next week just tops this one. its gonna be hard, yet it always seems to happen with this group!!

LOVE YOU ALL! enjoy the rest of your weekend!!!!!!!!!

-the AL-Inator


"A man makes his sunshine, and he makes his rain. Look at what you have, and where you are, before you say, "I've had a horrible day" Appreciate what you have, and realize how much others wish they could have that much. Live Life, and LOVE IT!" --Me

"Sometimes there is so much beauty in the world i feel i can't take it. and i feel like my heart is gonna cave in" -American Beauty

K and Erm...there is only one thing to say that will express my feelings about you guys......HAAAAAABUUUURRRBB

No Pleasure, No Rapture, No Exquisite Sin Greater....Than Central Air. - Dogma

"I can walk in straight lines, within my own crooked world" -a drunken Aramis Ponte


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Al, i had an INCREDIBLE time too. so glad i got to party with you and everyone again, and got to meet so many fun, sweet people. it's great having a lot of friends there; makes the club feel like your very own party

omg, the crowd last night was WONDERFUL. and everyone who whipped out strings was hooking up a SHOW! mad props and hugs to everyone i saw and met last night *mwah*

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well guys what can i say... i had a RIDICULOUS time tonight.. thanx soooo much to u guys for making my night awesome.. i just got home actually and cant seem to get myself to go to sleep... aaaahhhh... cant wait till next time

andy~~~ u have a PHAT apartment

claudio~~~ u r sooo not tense lol

al~~~ thanx for the help with the thing... the second time around i think i got it right

roly~~~ u drive pretty well for having been... whats the word... RETARDED

franny~~~ my RU girl... thanx for comin out... u r one cool chick

peace out everybody... till next time


"He who laughs last didnt get it"

"It takes a big man to cry... takes a bigger man to laugh at that man"

"I sound like a chipmunk!!"

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Well well well......another great night for me and apparently everyone else.....once again, it was just a pleasure to see everyone again getting nice and having a fucking blast.....another last happy b-day to Claudio and Mario......I know you guys had a blast......won't get personal here cause I just saw too many peeps last night but big smiles to everyone I saw and all the new people I met......till next time.....


Al - I'm still alive poppy.......talk to you soon.....lol


"If there are two of us, I will gladly bite it in half....."

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dazzler1.gif Hey guys!! It was nice seeing all of you guys there!!

Claudio!! Happy birthday again, babe!! Andy! Thanks for the puff-puff-pass! bongsmi.gif

Marcella, it was soooo good hanging with you again girl!!

And Russ!! Great music!! Absolutely great!! If you're ever looking for anybody to sample your music on . . . THAT WOULD BE ME, RIGHT HERE!! wavey.gif

To all the people that were there that night . . . peace.gif I'll be seeing you guys again . . . hopefully at our next meet-up!



“We come to love not by finding a perfect person, but by learning to see an imperfect person perfectly.” angel.gif

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Nice meeting you too Casey, you can def be the music sampler in the future smile.gif

Originally posted by blueangel:

dazzler1.gif Hey guys!! It was nice seeing all of you guys there!!

Claudio!! Happy birthday again, babe!! Andy! Thanks for the puff-puff-pass! bongsmi.gif

Marcella, it was soooo good hanging with you again girl!!

And Russ!! Great music!! Absolutely great!! If you're ever looking for anybody to sample your music on . . . THAT WOULD BE ME, RIGHT HERE!! wavey.gif

To all the people that were there that night . . . peace.gif I'll be seeing you guys again . . . hopefully at our next meet-up!



Upcoming Gigs:

Thursdays - Plush, LI

Fridays - Cream, NYC


12/16 - Arena, Albany NY

12/23 - Arena, Albany NY

1/13 - Slopes, Hunter Mountain

1/14 - Phillidelphia (Location TBA)

Sat Dec. 23rd - 92.7 & 98.5 FM 3-5am



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Well, I FINALLY GET TO POST! After 2 days of doing basically nothing at all. Yo Andy, thanks for letting us go to your appt, that was maad cool. I had a GREAT time at twilo as usual. I just wanna thank everyone who chilled at Twilo, you people made my night great even tho I wasn't rollin. Hope to see ya's at the next...



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Friday night was awesome, Ok...let's see how many names I forget this time!!!

Marcella - Thanks for waiting for me so patiently while I got ready! wink.gif And thanks for the ride and your lovely company!

Yvette - You too! LOL I guess I also kept you waiting with Marcella!

Ursula - Thanks for the cake and ride down to Twilo. You're too kind!

Andy - For the comp list and putting things together at Cream.

And everyone else who was at Cream and Twilo...Claudio, Mike (Tyco), Mike (Apotheosis), Al, Casey, Steve, Stephan, Jilly, Chrissy and last but not least KATHY (Misskittie) FOR NOT SHOWING!!!!!!!!!





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Vampienyc10 wrote:

THE CONNECTION SUCKS....I've been trying to post a reply forever....so I will post my own....

All I can say is WOW !!!!!!

I had a wonderful time last night!!

Thank you soooo much guys....I failed to realize that all the times we've hung out in the past had been after work or lunch and what not.. and in fact no one had seen the true me out before...I had a such a great...

Ursula, we were pretty much up each other's ass ths whole week trying to coordinate everything..but what matters is that it paid off.. Thanks for everything..i'm sorry you went through soo much chaos to get here and have everything done...Thank Michele for coming out..")

Yvette, always a pleasure hanging with you and thank you for accompanying me to Andy's place....and keeping me sane while we waited 10 years for Mario to get downstairs..... smile.gif

Mario, again, awesome shirt..you are the shit my buddy !!! I hope you didn't have too rough of a weekend and we will be doing this again soon... sorry I made you come down nearly half naked because you decided to take your sweet ass time..LOL!!! eek.gif

Steph, babe it was soooo good to see you...

Andy, your apt. is phat as hell thank you for the table which was awesome and the drinks ...!!! and I want to see the pics !!!! we had a great time ....oh and for bringing out Sam, he was a fuckin riot !!! he kept asking me if I was a celebrity..... biggrin.gif





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Vampienyc10 Wrote: (Part II)

Casey, like always girl .....You seemed to be quite as loud as I..(I think it was those Blackhaus shots, LOL!)!!! It was a pleasure meeting your sister and cousin.....You guys are fuckin gorgeous ! eek.gif

Claudio, well what can I say...I loved the shirt you get brownie points for great taste.. thanks for calling evry 2 secnds wondering where I was...but when I got there where were you ?? LOL! you were gone (not literally of course) smile.gif You still owe me a dance frown.gif

Mikey M.. you are just toooo cute !!!and the fact that you remembered to bring my tape was even better....I loved it by the way but I will be more specific in a PM I will be sending later today wink.gif

My Mikey......babe it's always a pleasure....I'm glad you made it and hope you didn't have too much fun at Cox !!! j/k We will talk later....

Russ, well, well, well....aren't we talented.. You were FANTASTIC !!!!!I enjoyed every second of your set !!!!! Thanks for the drink tickets and it was great to finally meet you...

(not done yet)

Rick...it was great to see you (although you had your hands full hehe) and make sure that you are still alive..I was getting worried..

Al, my sweetheart !!!! Thanks for the chat and laughs..you are the best... and I loved the threads !!!

Dave H... nice to finally meet you....since we both have similar hang outs..

Steve....I'm glad you made it..it was alot of fun......and thanks for the dance..

King Pharaoh (did I spell that right?) David, it was really nice meet you even though you pictured me totally different than what I do in fact look like but I think that was a good thing LOL!!!

Nicki, Monique, you girls are a fuckin pisser !!!! You guys had me laughing!!!

Gofastman, Petro, and all others you know who you are sorry I can't think clearly this morning.....I hate when this happens... (shit phone's ringing) it was nice meeting you..

Thank you guys !!! I love you all !!!





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Originally posted by trippintrance64:



-the AL-Inator

Albie? Is that as in "The butcher, the baker, the Al-inator"??? lol

Hope you and Veronica enjoyed the concert -- and hoefully I'll be seeing you all really soon!

- Meli -




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yo...... this is gonna be brief.

I'm sooooooo sick right now.....

been like 2yrs since the last time... it's just a cold, but ugh..... makes me wanna start taking some vitamins again....

Yo I had a fantastic time chillin with everyone.

My first time at Cream was definitely memorable. Sorry I wasn't in a good mood.... I was kinda bummed out that night.. maybe it was a premonition... cause some fuck stole my fleece at Carl Cox...although I ummm cough cough *re-stole* cough one back.. but that's another story (even though it's half as thick is mine... atleast I got something)

Yo, you should all give yourselves a round of applause... I'm sick as fuck (for me anyway--I don't get sicker than this), and it's a testament to the great time I had that I'm in a great mood despite ummm feeling like shit LOL!!

-----looking around---------throwing tempertantrum-------jumping up and down----

I don't wanna go through the list of everyone's damn name... It's like I know too many a you fuckers... I'll be here all day!!

I would like to point out that I now definitely know who Kingpharoh is... Dave knows how to do that shit... he talked to me for a bit at Cream and Twilo... made sure he stuck into my brain. Cool as fuck too.

Steve---the other Steve LOL---drilled his ass into my mind too...NY420-- I remember you tellin' me how you run up to people like happy 4:20 LOL-- I, of course, met ya before, but now I got a better feel for ya.


I love hanging out with the peoples, but it's just fucking fantastic meeting new people....strengthening bonds/connections and what have you.


I don't think I've ever seen Marcella without some kinda leatherish pants on...haha!! Nice (I'll leave it at that hehe)

Deanna can dance her fucking ass off!! She was wearing out all the peoples dancin' by her.. they'd sit down and take a break and she'd still be at it-----got the lightshow/glowstick skills too----- I'ma have to start taking lessons from her and everyone else, then I can be the glowstick/light master!!

How many a you guys saw that stripper chick at Twilo from last week? Some guy tried to take her top off (Yvette gave me the scoop) and she kneed him in the groin HAHA!! LOSER!!

I wish I coulda seen that... I'd a been pointing and laughing at his ass LOL

Mickey_M & KingPharoh... dancing & dancin' and dancin'-----that's what I'm talking about...


These are just highlights of what I got in the brain right now....(aside from being sick..... ugh)

one big shout out to Steve(Crystalmeth) & Steve(NY420), Al, Veronica, Marcella, Casey, Andy, Mike(Micky_M), Mickey(Apotheosis), Jameson, Dave, Yvette, Niki, Monique, Deanna, Mia, Rick, Depak, Claudio, Mario, and the handful of people I met and obviously forgot what yer names/screen names are, as well as the people that I never got introduced to (I woulda done it myself if I wasn't bummed out---so next time)


---The Artful



<I'm a Fire-starter>

<Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!!> <I got the glow, baby!!

Can ya feel it?!? Now back up and give me some dancin' room!!>

--- When the Artful speaks

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Ok...sorry to post this so late, but I've had mad shit going on since Fri. night, or Sat. morning I guess. It was great seeing all of you and great meeting a whole bunch more of you! I had a great time at Cream and an even better time at Twilo...

Andy - great meeting you kid...I really appreciate you inviting me back for B-Loads after Twilo...and for allowing me to bring that beautiful girl that I met at Twilo too...you're the man and I look forward to chillin with you again...

Mikey - you are also the man for helpin me out with Dyani...she was mad cool and you definently helped me get closer to her...

Rick - Great seeing and smoking with you my friend...we didn't get a chance to really rag on Venture, but there is always time for that...Good luck with your new job...

Mario and Claudio - Happy Birtday boys and nice partying with you two again.

Al, Marcella, Casey, and whoever else I saw that night...great partying with you guys...you know how to have a great time and I'm always in for that...I'll most likely see you guys next weekend to get down again...

Sorry if I missed anyone, but it as a long night and I met a ton of new Clubplanet peeps...Peace cwm30.gif


"Up all night...sleep all day."



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