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ok here it is ..........

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This thread is pure entertainment. I have to give koky props for always being real and to the point. I respect people like that.

Jesus Christ....each of your post you just suck more and more dick....grow some balls already and stop kissing everyone's ass you fag


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Jesus Christ....each of your post you just suck more and more dick....grow some balls already and stop kissing everyone's ass you fag


ok headpusher had the balls 2 post his pic .. now hater #2 has to post his :laugh: c'mon man .. i doubt its worse than headpushers !! :rofl:

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Jesus Christ....each of your post you just suck more and more dick....grow some balls already and stop kissing everyone's ass you fag


Yo, aren't you the guy I saw the other day at crobar getting sandwiched by two fags with the hairy chests? BTW tell your mom I want the condom I left up her ass yesterday. Don't get me started boy. You're fuckin with the wrong cat. Don't get into a dissing contest with me I will make you cry

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ok headpusher had the balls 2 post his pic .. now hater #2 has to post his :laugh: c'mon man .. i doubt its worse than headpushers !! :rofl:

The problem is man, hater #2 doesn't have any balls. He's just a computer geek who hides behind a fake screenname that gets no pussy and hates the world because of that.

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Jesus Christ....each of your post you just suck more and more dick....grow some balls already and stop kissing everyone's ass you fag


Damn dude your mom got some juicy pussy. Tight and deep. And she swallows too. What else could a son ask for? You should be proud....

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Yo, aren't you the guy I saw the other day at crobar getting sandwiched by two fags with the hairy chests? BTW tell your mom I want the condom I left up her ass yesterday. Don't get me started boy. You're fuckin with the wrong cat. Don't get into a dissing contest with me I will make you cry

those are the corniest disses ive heard in a long time... lmao, cry from laughing too hard...

The problem is man, hater #2 doesn't have any balls. He's just a computer geek who hides behind a fake screenname that gets no pussy and hates the world because of that.

lmao. wrong again. man youre the worst... (but i know now youre going retaliate, and start your "diss war" with me. so lets have it, lets start with the high post count, then go with the gay shit, then follow up with computer nerd and lack of pussy. thats usually how it goes.)

Damn dude your mom got some juicy pussy. Tight and deep. And she swallows too. What else could a son ask for? You should be proud....

just wack. if youre so high and mighty and better than this guy, why bother even responding? usually the ppl who get into these lil scuffles are the most insecure, and feel the need to defend themselves or respond in the same manner back. i never understood this, maybe you could explain?

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they dont even make sense... why would you want a used condom back? cant afford new ones or maybe just defeat the purpose of a condom and spread disease and etc. either way its stupid and illogical. fags typically dont have hairy chests and neither do metrosexuals, chelsea boys and guidos which what the club is mostly made up of, and youre bound to run into a gay or two when you go out clubbing shit they run the fuckin shit. "dissing contest" lol wow just no comment. then of course the ace up the sleeve with the mother jokes... priceless. buddy, please go that way. anywhere but here. just go.

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dgmodel and deep are you done licking each other's nuts? You're too dumb to understand. Trying to break down the whole "condom back" thing. I can't believe you even went there. That alone tells me how much of a tool you and your knob polishing buddy are. Dummy, it's called snapping. You're slow. You probably don't understand that either. Not meant to be taken literally. Light, snappy humor you jackass. But since I have to explain that to you, I understand now. I'm done. I refuse to go back and forth with these cockslobbers. No more responses from me.

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Coño mujer now you got me Drooling and shit, una de esas would be very nice right about now..........................oh who am I kidding una de esas would be nice 24/7!!!!!!

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Coño mujer now you got me Drooling and shit, una de esas would be very nice right about now..........................oh who am I kidding una de esas would be nice 24/7!!!!!!

get over here my red headed puta....:makeout::devil:

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