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Memorial Day Weekend (profitable yet surreal shit!)


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what do you want the police to do? arrest everyone who looks like a thug without doing anything wrong?

and hello police?!?!?! can u see the difference between wmc and mdw? how many arrests were made during wmc and how many during mdw?


Sorry Funk, but I'm gonna have to go with mister ben on this one. Like I said, it is a free country, people can come and go as they please. It is not like this is one big event, like the Food & Wine fest for example, that the Commission can just deny a permit to.

It is just that all the hip hoppers show up on the same weekend and all the clubs play hip hop for that weekend. Thank god the Commission still cannot dictate what kind of music the clubs play (more or less).

Sure, there is the Umoja festival, but that is only a miniscule part of the total event. Even if they pulled the permit for that, it would not make one whit of difference.

The real way to get rid of it would be for the government to go fascist, like Bush is trying to do, and just start arresting anyone who they don't like the look of. Which, as you well know, would almost certainly include you and me, Funk.

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SOBE is such the model of proper behavior, every other weekend but MDW. LOL

it's not the job of the politicians or police on SOBE, to stop an event because the participants make people uncomfortable. there is NO difference between WMC and MDW.. it's rather unfortunate participants in MDW, tend to make a majority of locals feel uncomfortable, and help to foster stereotypes. MDW makes the city money, thus it will be continuing like it or not... if it makes one feel comfortable saying MB politicians are fearful of being called racist, if they raise objections of any sort concerning MDW. then the only one you are fooling is yourself... just ask the city how many parties they shut down during WMC, and how many arrests they and the feds made during WMC..

most arrests during MDW where for disorderly conduct, drug possession, and public intoxication. sounds like the typical type of arrests, which are made EVERY weekend on SOBE… don't believe me try attending a few MB city council meetings... in fact if you’re a MB resident, and so concerned about YOUR community... then try attending city council meetings and talk to your elected leaders ,and actually do something other then whining. :)

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Somehow Atlanta politicians got rid of it.........sent it to you guyz down there in South Beach. It was a nightmare. 24-hour traffic jams ON THE INTERSTATE! On Peachtree Road, traffic was so jammed that some people living on dead-end side streets couldn't leave their homes because they were blocked in. Atlanta citizens cried fowl and somehow it was shut down.

They did the same crap in Atlanta - trash everywhere, lewd behavior, car stereos thumping all day and night, vandalism. You guys should be able to petition your government to do something about it like Atlanta.

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Atlanta is progressive city that had the foresight, to develop a hip- hop film festival. a festival which in its inaugural year was so successful, that it will become a larger event... while people may find wit in mixing hip- hop and film. the point is it worked... :)

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in the end, who cares

I'm happy I've been on south beach for so many good years and it has provided the best parties I've been to in my life

the year after next it'll be kiddie punk rock or who knows what that decides to make south beach their home for a weekend

I stayed inside the whole weekend and didn't hear peep (by lincoln rd).

sooner than you know it none of this will matter as you'll be living in suburbia anyway

so choose what you enjoy and filter out the rest!

(now where is that yin yang smiley!)

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I passed by South Beach Tuesday Morning.. WHAT DA FRECK happened man!??!.. that place was utter garbage everywhere!! never seen SoBe like that.. Not even WMC!! .. I mean, this type of people took over all the beaches.. even Holouver Beach was swarmed by this ppl.. that park was a peace of sh*t afterwards.. besides f*cking the English language how others have said, they give such a reputation to memorial day weekend in Miami .. I feel sooo bad for all the tourists that came or were staying a bit close to the beach during that weekend.. Had a couple of friends that rented a place for a party in Fountainblue Hotel .. and not even that escaped the chaos.. I heard that you could see naked fat hip hoppers walking all over.. thats scary stuff.. I think that if the rich people in South Point complain about this behaviour taking over during that weekend, making it a utter chaos and trashing south beach like that.. I will support them for the first time :-)

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